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Trombe last won the day on August 20 2016

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About Trombe

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    The Departed from Monopoly Haven
  • Birthday September 9

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  1. news keep being ignored...or I should not post so much as nobody cares

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    2. Jun_


      It's kinda like...there's famous bands, where people will comment every single time and there's the bands that just a few people here listen to. Like Jigsaw said, I'm one of those who always check the news thread. Every time I come to MH, I look to it to see if there's something new for the bands I like. Only because people don't comment on the thread, doesn't looks like they didn't looked at it :3 Don't stop to be our news broadcaster, please ;~;

    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      some of band are unkown, that's normal isn't read by lot of people, but if it's reading, it'e because some are interesting of it, so it will bad bad for those poeple to stop ^^ but if you don't have the time, it's understable.

    4. Ito


      Look at views and not replies and you will simply see that is not the case.

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