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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Hope all the songs besides the ones they've been performing live so far somehow turn out to be 10 minutes long
  2. Tokage

    i'm so fucking confused about how this band seemingly just out of the blue became good for this album tho, what happened, where have they been hiding these chops all this time? and how long will it be before they sign a major deal and go full dezert on us
  3. Tokage

    can't wait for them to tour the entirety of Ukraine on their next European tour following the proven successful models of Sana and co
  4. Tokage

    Just release another proper album already boys....
  5. Tokage

    Envy >> MASSIVE POWER GAP >> early D'espairs ray > the Gazette > Awoi > the rest
  6. Tokage

    this thing just gets worse with every new preview
  7. Tokage

    For real though, half of these sound like they snuck into a music studio and jacked some Papa Roach / The Rasmus-tier band's master tapes
  8. Tokage

    Well, rest in peace, that was awful lmao
  9. Tokage

    Been playing the original Professor Layton games together with my gf lately, and been playing Celeste by myself. It's actually a really, really good and challenging platformer, although the way the game tries to push the whole "it's all a metaphor about dealing with depression dude!" aspect of the story into your face is... incredibly unsubtle to say the least lol. Still, REAL good shit, the way the game kinda eases you into the platforming gimmicks unique to each stage feels very organic and well done, and the difficulty in the main game ramps up quite nicely. Anyone into 2D platformers should check it out. Soundtrack's really, really well done too.
  10. in all seriousness, i'm getting a feeling they'll probably end up sounding like Gossip or something like that.. personally still holding out hope we'll get some new band emulating more of a Merry / Kyokutou Girl Friend sound but i guess thats never ever gonna happen
  11. nice to see the doll from Dab found a new band
  12. Kinda funny how at least 5 out of the 9 tracks already have music vids tho
  13. Tokage

    listen to the like... 5 or 6 songs they have where the other male members sing to ease yourself in :^) and if you think Kyoko's voice is annoying already, try out Dagashi Kashi lmao
  14. Tokage

    I've just absolutely been devouring Laird Barron's works over the past month or two, I really, REALLY love his style of horror writing. Anyone who likes weird fiction would do well to check his short story collections and his novel The Croning out. Real good stuff. Simultaneously, I've also been reading Thomas Ligotti's Songs of a Dead Dreamer & Grimscribe, and I'm beginning to feel that, now that I've read quite a few collections of Ligotti's works, and I'm reading both Ligotti and Barron side by side, I'm starting to kind of get tired of Ligotti's general style. He's still very good and very atmospheric, don't get me wrong, but his works often feel just a tad too one-note in the sense that just about every single one of the narrators in his short stories are interchangeable for the most part and they by and large all share the exact same character type... It's completely fine in small doses, but it really starts to show in a bad way in a collection with over 20 stories.
  15. Tokage

    They're really only that sporadically active? I somehow thought they were more productive than that. It's a pity cuz I remember their music being good
  16. Tokage

    these dudes have been grinding away for years already and they only now have their 1st one-man? damn....
  17. Tokage

    something about the studs' music makes it feel 'off' in comparison to deadman, keel, gibiky and tgads, but i can't quite put my head around what it is. the songs themselves are honestly fine, but i feel like somehow the production feels a lot more flat than it does for all those other bands, anyone else know what i mean?
  18. Tokage

    The whole 'band decides not to play their hit songs' thing happens all the time, 'anthems' or not, see also Radiohead's relation with 'Creep' as a Western example. There's really nothing wrong with it at all imo, bands don't owe it to their audience to always play the hits.. As far as Dir en grey goes, they have been pretty consistent with still featuring occasional older tracks in their setlists and mixing it up, apart from a couple songs, they haven't really turned into one of those dinosaur bands that just goes through the motions and plays the same 'greatest hit selection' at every show
  19. Tokage

    that subtitle.... ok for real, like @LIDL said, which of the fucking members lurks here? my bet goes out to közi
  20. G O O D shit right there
  21. Tokage

    @Manji 卍 They've been active for over half a decade already, and they have a bunch of singles and mini-albums under their belt by now.
  22. Tokage

    that 2nd pic is actually a pic of their audience turnout during their coachella gig
  23. Tokage

    I Can't Love Myself sounds like the title for an Adele song or something tbh
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