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Posts posted by Tokage

  1. The cry against's fake chorus was cool, other than that all the engrish kinda made me go ";u"

    monochrome is... mweh. Alright, sounds like it could be any band though.

    Remix sucked balls

    At least they haven't entirely forgotten about their 'roots', seeing as they've actually played Skull, a new version of Shambara and that Unbalance Kinema thing live recently

  2. strawberry song orchestra - for being one of the most 'original' bands I know of, their combination of traditional stuff ( both western and japanese ), harder rock and theatre is amazing and i love 'em for it

    Full - He's amazing in everything he does

  3. bad music

    but srsly there IS a point where grieving for someone you don't know personally goes too far. Tributes are a-ok, but holding 45405045045 memorials is a bit much

    Just like that Hide memorial wankery thing we had a year or two years ago, that just screamed FOR THE MONEYS all over :(

  4. Can't get tired of Dir en grey's R to the Core, it's just the perfect length to not overstay it's welcome and stay catchy all the way through

    Uchoten's GAN is another song that I probably will never get tired of, it's just that good. Doesn't even matter that it came out in the '80s ;u

    cali gari's Tou is a classic as well IMO, as is like half of their discog :U

    BUCK-TICK's Sid Vicious On The Beach is also a song I never get bored of. Muma -the nightmare- too.

  5. the re-recs on the collection albums are pretty damn neato

    i hope they'll return soon but on the other hand i hope [ ] will stay around for a while too

    and yeah they're def. angura

  6. Deftones are like the only "nu-metal" band that are still relevant nowadays, seeing as they keep introducing cool new shit into their music and don't stick to that HERP DERP formula that bands like Korn, Slipknot and Linkin Park are stuck in.

    I dig these guys quite alot, I'd have wanted to see both them and Dir en grey back when they were on tour but sadly I wasn't in america :U

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