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Posts posted by Tokage

  1. Full is -finally- releasing a new mini-album under his Shilfee & Tulipcorobockles nickname again. It's set to come out in September.

    TITLE: Hermit Paean

    price: 2500 yen


    i hope it'll be good. I like OCQ as much as the next guy, but Shilfee needed some more activity :U

  2. They sound kinda like lynch., right? They at least vaguely remind me of 'em looks-wise... I'll give THE MASS a listen to see if I'll like 'em.

  3. Yeah... Hanamuke. Anyone else know 'em?

    I quite like some of their songs, I've only heard their album though.

    From JaMe;

    Hanamuke (farewell gift) was an indies visual kei band that disbanded before they had the chance to get really popular. They had a lot of ambition and talent, but didn't last longer than only three years.

    Their music was classified as visual kei and even though Hanamuke's music had no special characteristics and made no attempts to start a new type of music, it was very good and their upbeat, catchy rock songs were very enjoyable to listen to.

    The band members wore visual kei costumes and the design of their CD covers, promotion material and merchandise were very colorful and playful.

    Vocal : Tenten ( Started the band Kurt later )

    Guitar : Tsubaki

    Guitar : Yuma

    Bass : Makoto

    Drums : Rei

    So... Yeah. I can't really find any pics of 'em.. :\


    Here's some samples, though;

    Ura Toy Story


    Start Line







  4. Daaaamn...

    Translations for these guys are REALLY rare, I mean, the only songs that I can find translations of are the death note songs.. And the one for that Mahjong anime.


    I want more lyrics~

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