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Posts posted by Tokage

  1. Definitely digging this so far, only up to track 10, but it's definitely good.

    It leaves a better 1st impression on me than under-world, at least, which took me like 3 full listens to get into ( and I still skip that christmas song, fuck that thing ) and it's much better than M.E.R.R.Y. as well. I like how there are songs on here that pretty much represent all the various points in their career.

    Only thing that could've been left off IMO is Identity, that song has always felt as an under-world b-side to me.

  2. LOTUS became better upon re-recording

    Hageshisa definitely became worse, it just sounds like nearly all of the power got sucked out of it

    BEELZEBUB surprised me in a good way, I hated the sample but I appriciate the full version

  3. I hope the whole album wont be like almon... is there even a chorus in the song? Not impressed...

    IIRC, several places have already reported that most of the album won't be easy listening or catchy, and the single songs were the most sing-along type songs on the entire album.

    So yeah expect more songs that don't REALLY have a chorus part i guess

  4. Awww yeah, finally. Lotsa new COTD stuff this year, apparently.

    First off, the previously announced upcoming e.p. titled RABBIT EP will be coming out in october

    They will release a new single august 31st, it's called DEAR FUTURE. It's the ending song to some anime.

    Also, at a recent live they announced they will release a new full-length album this year.

    They will also be participating in the v.a. charity shoegaze album "the light shines into your dream" with a brand new song called HALLUCINATION, which is said to have a '80s new-wave type of feeling.

    this is good news :)

  5. The lack of reading comprehension astonishes and disappoints me :(

    I said there'd be 10 bonus tracks and among those bonus tracks would be demo versions of songs, the re-recorded Rasetsukoku probably, unplugged versions of songs and remixes by the bandmembers... I said nothing about the amount of each type or anything :\

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