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Posts posted by Tokage

  1. The obvious ones to go to are WAGDUG and AA= since they're both basically what came after TMCM 'split'

    other than that, jap nu-metal/nu-metal influenced bands that I know of ( not alot, sorry :U ) are Gun dog, Rize, Uzumaki, Bull Zeichen 88, Maximum the Hormone ( but you already know them :B ) and ROTTENGRAFFTY ( at times )

    For more punk-type bands try kamomekamome, eastern youth, BRAHMAN and GING-NANG BOYZ. Perhaps the entire BURST CITY movie's soundtrack too

  2. The whole jap music > western music is something I tend to have problems with. I find it rather ridiculous...

    theres only a rather small amount of japanese bands that actually sound ~unique~ IMO, and those are the bands that actually use 'traditional' elements in their music ( and no, wearing a kimono once doesn't count ). Those are rather far and inbetween. Other than that, most of the western and japanese bands are interchangeable in terms of sound, disregarding language here, of course.

  3. I'd say 4 plugs is probably more nu-metal than punk, but... If it's japanese hardcore you're looking for, here's a list of (potentially) cool stuff to check out:









  4. Zoroaster sound pretty sweet.

    Mastodon, I tried Blood Mountain but upon 1st listen it didn't do too much for me yet. Should I start with one of their other releases?

    Holy shit that Dark Castle sounds sweet too, exactly that semi-oppressive style of music that I was looking for. On a related note, the band Pulling Teeth is pretty sweet too when they go sludgey on their more recent tracks ( though their non-sludgey tracks are cool too )

  5. I gues that's true, but when you compare the amount of bands going overseas to that of a few years ago, you can probably see a large drop in the amount and type of bands that make the journey overseas. Nowadays it is mostly these weird unexpected bands that have like 10 fans overseas that come over to Europe, usually from Kiwamu's label, with maybe one semi-'big' band ( big being UNDERCODE-level ) a year.. The popularity and demand for bands seems to have gone down again.

  6. There are almost no bands in this world who can make great music for your own ears for lot of years or even more then 10 years or more then 30 years.

    disagree, Buck-Tick has literally not made an album I dislike yet in their entire lifespan

  7. The fuck is the current VK scene even

    I don't even know anymore man, like nearly everything in it makes me feel like Stan in those Tweenwave south park episodes, even cocklobin doesn't do anything for me :\

    Only remotely new things I've enjoyed lately are XA-VAT, GalapagosS, amber gris and Chemical pictures. Feels kind of like the scene is dying overseas too.

  8. and no, being a tryhard trendwhore doesn't equal being experimental/broading horizons/any other silly excuse

    God, this is starting to apply to MUCC so hard it isn't even funny

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