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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Maybe Shinya finally learned how to actually play it live : ^ )
  2. Tokage

    So I watched The Sacrament, and to be honest it's probably my favorite out of all of Ti West's works I've seen so far. I do have to admit i've only watched The Roost and his segment in V/H/S before, but still..The film has a pretty creepy atmosphere, especially considering the story is apparently heavily based on real-life events. Actually didn't know that it was based on the Jonestown massacre while watching it, believe it or not. I sort of half-expected some sort of paranormal twist to pop up near the end, something like that cult segment from V/H/S 2, but that didn't happen... Despite that, I enjoyed it. One of my main gripes though..
  3. That new look is stylin'. Plus a new single and tours revisiting Vulgar and Kisou? Nice.... (correct me if i'm wrong, but did they just plain skip Macabre? I remember they did that Gauze tour, but i can't remember anything like that for Macabre...)
  4. Tokage

    Honorable mention also goes to Dokusatsu Terrorist for their delivery of maximum laughs:
  5. Now they can finally go back to being the farmers they always wanted to be... I actually really liked that particular track, but yeah, as several people have already expressed here, they were sort of all over the place, and they REALLY should have released that full-length album earlier, instead of releasing a gazillion singles..
  6. Tokage

    I saw both Lake Mungo and Behind The Mask already, enjoyed both, although I liked Behind The Mask more than Lake Mungo. Lake Mungo had a pretty good atmosphere, though.. I've got The Sacramant sitting around on my HD as well, probably gonna watch it tonight. Yesterday I watched The Lost Boys... Goddamn, this movie just goes into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE with the '80s atmosphere. The soundtrack, fashion style, everything. To be completely honest, it didn't really feel much like a horror movie to me at all, despite the whole ''oh no, vampires'' thing. It just felt so.. silly at times. Especially that worms/spaghetti scene which was referenced in What We Do In The Shadows as well. Still, I did have fun watching it. Also, that The Doors cover by Echo & The Bunnymen is pretty badass.
  7. Tokage

    Gara from Merry used to do the whole barefoot goofy eroguro thing too, back in the old days, since these guys are all playin' around with that early 2000's VK style, maybe they got some inspiration from them as well Anyway, i'm not complaining, I'm totally here for this particular sound, as long as the bands actually like... stick around long enough to release more than two 1-track live dist. singles or whatever
  8. Tokage

    EVERY year is copycat year in VK........ also inb4 they deleted the vid because they disbanded already also part 2: how are DEZERT and KTK big enough already to inspire so many ripoff bands?
  9. Tokage

    【KR】Cube is a pretty unexpected surprise though... inb4 they play Taiyo no Ao tomorrow : ^ )
  10. Tokage

    IIRC Leo Imai's like.. half-swedish, half-japanese or something? He's at least half-something. His english is pretty much fluent. I think the vocalist from MONORAL is also basically fluent in english, he's also half-japanese, half-something else if I'm not mistaken.
  11. Tokage

    Add this to the list of ''shit we really, REALLY didn't need''...
  12. Tokage

  13. Tokage

    Honorable mention also to Shuuji Ishii's LEGENDARY broken english
  14. Tokage

    Bonus additions I forgot the first time around: Kenji Ohtsuki and andymori. Oh, and TK from Rin Toshite Shigure's interesting if only for the amount of times he can cram the words ''plastic'' or ''tornado'' into a song
  15. Tokage

    That would be awesome, but as Jig already said, I feel like that's more in sukekiyo's ballpark than Dir's. Some weird jazz metal would be interesting regardless, though.
  16. Tokage

    Agreeing with Ryo, Temari, Hitomi, Mako, the Plastic Tree gang and old MUCC. Based only on the translations i've read, i also thought Liphlich, Guruguru Eigakan, Jun Togawa, Inugami Circus Dan, Strawberry Song Orchestra, The Gallo, Merry and cali≠gari have interesting lyrics.
  17. Tokage

    When will Dir en grey finally step it up and add more traditional folk instruments / horns / saxophones or whatever to their sound.... that would be tight.....
  18. Tokage

    Yeah, seriously, it felt like some sort of goofy Marvel superhero movie-type one liner or something.. It's a shame, really. Oh, and that final jumpscare at the end was also sort of.... lame. I just can't take Chinese Bootleg Darth Maul seriously... The Taking of Deborah Logan: Now that's more like it! I don't know why, but I have a weakness for that ''faux documentary'' feel. Noroi, Grave Encounters, The Conspiracy, Man Bites Dog... Okay, that last one isn't really a horror movie, but still. Heck yeah. This one was good too. Solid acting, sympathetic characters, pretty nice build-up to the finale.. And the alzheimer angle was interesting.
  19. Tokage

    This is why you never get the full version of Winrar
  20. Tokage

    Insidious 3: Weakest chapter out of the 3, for sure. Still entertaining to watch, but.. why so many jumpscares, bro? I mean, the previous parts had them too, but this one felt like it was just ALL jumpscares. Oh, and that old lady vs old lady/man ghost fight near the end was just ridiculously cheesy, I actually cringed a little... That scene with the lung cancer ghost moving through the girl's room while she's lying helpless on the floor was damn good though.
  21. Tokage

    ''my dog like totally ate the master tapes you guys, we swear'' - yoshiki
  22. Tokage

    Well, damn, I hope the guy gets well and all, but... goddamn, postponing that album AGAIN? At this point they could just as well fucking use session musicians or something..
  23. Tokage

    Yeah, if this was a competition of ''who's committed the most blatant acts of plagiarism?'' PT would DEFINITELY win...
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