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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

    I voted for ass because I don't have nice arms or abs, so it's just wishful thinking for the latter XD
  2. New song sounds pretty promising I hope that the live video shows up eventually as well. If it's the song I'm thinking of, then there's a huge audience participation part of it. One of the members(bassist? it's been a long time) puts on an oni mask and then everyone in the audience throws these balls made of newspaper wrapped in colored tape at him XD
  3. If anyone can help me identify these VK band photos, that would be ballin <3 http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/27740-help-me-identify-these-bandmember-photos/

  4. So I've got tons of random photos lying around that I've gathered over the years, but there are a few who I really don't know who they are XD I like to send little goodies like photos along with orders on RarezHut for the same band, but without knowing who these are it is a bit hard. Anyways, here they are... any help is very appreciated! Photo #1 亟彩フイルム Photo #2 姆 Photo #3 Ove Photo #4 Laissez Faire Photo #5 Missalina Rei - Arisu Photo #6 Vanish Photo #7 シリアル⇔NUMBER Photo #8 ハッチ Photo #9 gossip Photo #10 Photo #11 Photo #12 Ove Photo #13 PAZUE Photo #14 Photo #15 LAYZis
  5. I've been working slowly on adding new things, but life has kept me really busy lately. I've got over 100 items to add in the next update though(including over 90 tapes), though I'm not quite sure yet when that will be ready.
  6. Was just made aware of something on youtube. Persecution complexes much? XD

    1. Biopanda


      Another member of this forum calling out some of my friends and myself for stalking/trolling them. I can't speak for the people who were doing that, but the accusation was way off target XD Still, hurt my fragile li'l self :(

    2. Tetora


      Sounds like a misunderstanding, I would shoot them a PM telling them you think there is some confusion and nobody should be hurt. Hopefully you guys can be friends.

    3. Biopanda


      I don't think the friends thing will ever happen, but that's probably a good idea even if it won't help at this point :x

    4. Show next comments  201 more
  7. And it'll never show up because Fukuoka is totally in the sticks of Japan, so all of 3 people will be at that live XD
  8. Biopanda

    Our love will be forever, cat <3
  9. Biopanda

    My greatest minecraft achievement XD
  10. Biopanda

    "BioPanda is a nice guy" Max-Dash will forever be my waifu :'3
  11. Glad to hear you're satisfied with your order I've got 6 other Penicillin CDs, I believe. If you'd like, I can PM you a list of them ^-^
  12. Biopanda

    I used to play pazudora a ton, but haven't played it in about 6 months or so. Thinking of popping back in now to see what new changes there have been
  13. Biopanda

    The latter one can kind of work, I suppose, but only in a smaller group. As a member of another VK community with ~40 users that puts potential users through an interview/peer-review process that has had over 300 uploads without a single one leaking to blogs, it can certainly work. Though I guess it only takes one person to make the whole thing come tumbling down. As far as here goes though, I'm pretty sure nothing can be done. Maybe public shaming? Find people reposting uploads on blogspots and change their avatar to a big floppy penis and their sig to something like "I love donkey dicks".
  14. I'm not the most mature person in the world, but sometimes I gotta smh at people who make me look like a mature adult in comparison XD

    1. Tetora


      Checking in.

  15. Biopanda

    Plane ticket back to Finland next month \o/
  16. Biopanda

    That lineup <3333
  17. You ordered the PENICILLIN and Sugar CDs, correct? Your package is all ready to be dropped off at the post office today
  18. Biopanda

    ^ You sure do love that corgi plushie, huh? :v
  19. Biopanda

    Lustknottaro will be the best anime ever.
  20. Stage name? As far as I know(and confirmed by vkdb, at least), Taira Kazuhiro is his actual name XD
  21. Awesome <3 So basically they're just reclens lol I don't really know why they took the time to disband reclens and reform under a new name when they look and sound the same XD
  22. Sweet! I was wonder when that weird li'l runt would be coming back
  23. The most beautiful man on youtube

  24. Xerath, actually XD My guess is they'll say they received 1,000,000 letters to have him stay in the band and he levels up!
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