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Everything posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. ShanethVarosa

    Listened to the full album and I actually liked it a lot better than NOW. I thought there wasn't much variety or anything that stood out to me on NOW, but I love GO. Not all the songs were amazing, by far, but I actually really like Destiny and Exit a lot, Never Ending Story is pretty good too, and Mienai Kyori and Saikai were good songs. It's funny, I listened to the album because I liked the singles, but COLOR didn't stand up to EXIT or destiny. I honestly feel that if people hate what Girugamesh has become, then they should stop listening, stop reviewing OR just stop bringing down the morale of every other Giru fan because they don't like the new sound. I like where Girugamesh is going a lot more than where they were.
  2. ShanethVarosa

    What the fuck is it with ayabie and having songs that consist of 0's and 1's? Are they trying to communicate with my operating system?
  3. ShanethVarosa

    This, yet I'm excited nonetheless.
  4. ShanethVarosa

    Just listened to RN live and I actually love it which is unusual for me. but in any case: minre i think deg may not release an album before summer but logically they should be releasing one this year, its been over two years since their last album and they are major right? also, i thought i read that they were in the studio recording new songs?
  5. ShanethVarosa

    I liked Lotus a lot more when I heard it from the single than I did when I listened to it on youtube from the radio, but I'm not totally in love with it (a la Hageshisa to...), it's definitely not awful imho, but it could've been better. It does get me hyped for the possibility of an album this year. (Please?!) New Obscure is fantastic in it's own right, as... let's say... a self cover... but as a re-recording... no... not really... because it will NEVER stand up to the original, but that's to be expected. If any of that makes any sense. I don't listen to live songs ever, so I have no opinion on Reiketsu Nariseba Live. EDIT: I don't have a problem with chugging guitars... I kind of like it... I'm okay with being in the minority lol.
  6. ShanethVarosa

    Yes, but I still chuckled. I find it unusual that they are still holding this live so soon after the death of Taku. It took at least a couple months before Versailles came back to doing lives after the passing of Jasmine.
  7. ShanethVarosa

    Awesome look, like the name "Lost in the Mist of Time" more than "Fall..." anyway, so I'm only more pumped!
  8. ShanethVarosa

    Okay I love full version of Lotus, but haven't heard new Obscure yet, just got home so I just got the single. I hope I love it. Obscure is one of my favorite Deg songs.
  9. ShanethVarosa

    I lawl'd It's only the flu, I've had it every year since I was an infant. Notify me if it becomes worse than the flu.
  10. ShanethVarosa

    Lyrics are all available on the D community... let me get a link..... (loading.... loading.... loading...) community.livejournal.com/blood_relation I added a request post there and it was answered in full. If you cannot access this site due to friendship limitations let me know, I'll get the posters approval and share it here.
  11. ShanethVarosa

    I listened to it and I love it!! I didn't think it was going to be as good as it was. But I'm sure the single version will be much better.
  12. I'm actually stunned right now. He's pretty famous in the scene. He was the vocalist for Schwarz Stein and is now doing a solo project has a bunch of singles and an album out and a mini or two... He's awesome. If you like dance music, you will like Kaya.
  13. You best be trolling.
  14. Thoughts on all of this: Kaya should be working on a new motherfucking album already. I'm glad to see him doing other things also, but he hasn't had an album out since the rerelease of Glitter and I honestly just want to hear a new album of fresh and original material. The members of Deluhi should now regroup and start making (good) music again. It's nice to see Cell and Yuusuke still participating in things. You and Yuki should be working with Matenrou Opera and Versailles respectively with their incredibly active bands right now, considering they're bother major, they're probably really busy with them right now... but that's whatever. My main concern is why Kaya's not giving me a motherfucking album already...
  15. ShanethVarosa

    Sounds pretty good, I don't like it as much as former releases... the chorus is bothering me a lot. It just sounds disjointed... but I love the theme of the video. I'm excited to hear how the whole thing is in relation to the preview.
  16. ShanethVarosa

    That's seriously all the announcement was?
  17. ShanethVarosa

    That youtube video was removed by the user. In any case, I think i'll wait until it's actual release. And I talked to my local hard rock radio station about them playing it and they wouldn't play it because they are Japanese. Think I should sue?
  18. ShanethVarosa

    I agree with Wind. It's not too much longer to wait for a good quality version. I'd rather not have my expectations ruined by a shitty radio rip. However, I do know that certain parts of the US have already started playing it. I'm not sure if it's going to be completely nationwide, though. I know my part of the country is very big into bands like Dir en grey and they would want to have something new to listen to. If I can get in touch with the DJ... I bet I could get him to play it.
  19. ShanethVarosa

    FUCK. YES.
  20. ShanethVarosa

    I'm quite happy with these results I'm glad Nicki got some recognition in the best non-Japanese albums release and I'm glad to see how many times Versailles one.
  21. ShanethVarosa

    It's definitely Kyo singing over himself. In any case I kind of like what I hear. Hageshisa to... was better to me, but that's just me. I like the clip. The floating girl is awesome.
  22. ShanethVarosa

    If I can find one in the coming months I will buy it thanks for the suggestion! I might buy these DVDs just to be able to have them... As long as they will have subs.
  23. ShanethVarosa

  24. ShanethVarosa

    I HAD a jwin that worked for at least... 5 years? PlayEd every DVD ever but one fucking day it just stopped working and I bight a cheap Sony. It works well but makes a buzzing noise and doesn't play my moi Dix mois or Versailles DVDs as I bought those in France and japan respectively..... Any suggestions on a specific brand chianti?
  25. ShanethVarosa

    Keep in mind: Amazon never ever picks the best part of songs as selling points. I got up to Color, a song I liked, and couldn't listen to the previews anymore because they just... Amazon never makes songs sound good... They did it with D'espas album too.
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