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Everything posted by Senedjem

  1. Senedjem

    Posting is great when you're posting a post.
  2. All the ones that aren't regularly talked about on this forum.
  3. Senedjem

    Nothing full does isn't amazing. I am excite.
  4. Senedjem

    TL;DR - Weeaboos making assumptions about the personal lives and relationships of people they've never and likely never will meet, based on stuff they heard on the intarwebz.
  5. Senedjem

  6. Senedjem

    HNNGH, A BAND I ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT Whelp, this sucks.
  7. Senedjem

    Comment about me not caring so people will think I'm cool.
  8. Senedjem

    I hope _____ is involved, he was so good in ______
  9. Senedjem

    This, over and over.
  10. Senedjem

    It's too complicated. Plus yeah, lolita is kind of pretentious.
  11. Senedjem

    Fuck sadie.
  12. Senedjem

    Sugizo is an evil, evil man.
  13. Senedjem

  14. Senedjem

  15. Senedjem

    I always did think that wiki was retarded. But what can you expect? It's probably run by a bunch of 16 year old girls who watch naruto and eat pocky \(o_o)/
  16. Senedjem

    It would probably eat me.
  17. Senedjem

    I knew her before she was cool. AKA- a week ago.
  18. Senedjem

    In your absence, a bunch of goth kids shoot up your school and kill all your friends. I wish I was thinner.
  19. Senedjem

    WOAH, when did this thread stop being stupid?
  20. Senedjem

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