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Everything posted by Seiji

  1. New vocal cover online! D'espairsRay - Falling SmXkMkQkaa4
  2. Seiji

    2nd this if it's for the whole single's songs
  3. previews of the new songs: O4QmUPcUlRo
  4. I've already got it, but I think there are many tutorials on youtube which are even better^^
  5. I'm pretty sure the Untitled Song will be included. Yeah^^ counted it in as one of the 4 new songs
  6. thank you^^ The only problem is that I don't take any singing lessons, because I've got no money for it :\ But I'm trying my best to improve =)
  7. Seiji

    I've got one too, what's the problem?^^
  8. Seiji

    srsly, I didn't like that album... Only songs I like are Torture and Survive ... the rest is just... boring... If he is sooo great on guitar, why doesn't he play something "hard", what actually sounds good too?
  9. Just recorded a new Vocal Cover: IXBLd-WZGjU
  10. thanks for the feedback. First of all: At the moment we have to record our songs via "home studio" and due to the fact, that I'm recording with my shure sm58 everything sounds a bit off. Sorry for that. The growls are actually the thing I don't work on enough. Problems with my neighbors 'n' stuff Sometimes they really sound good...on that day they didn't as you can hear Hope that I can improve them soon. Also tried inhales for the song, but they didn't really match. We have already found a support drummer for recording, but most likely we'll stay on those homemade recordings for a few more months.
  11. Seiji

    will those health problems of japanese musicians ever end?
  12. Seiji

    december will be an expensive month for me...
  13. Seiji

    actually I like Karma a lot. especially those jazzy songs. They're trying out new stuff and imo they don't fail with it!
  14. yeah! Hopefully there are 4 new songs + better version of black bird (don't expect it to include 5 new songs)
  15. Seiji

    wow polaris is great! reminds me a bit on the old ballads of mucc. Hopefully there are more tracks like that and also a few harder ones which sound great!
  16. Seiji

    Wow, great news! I thought they already disbanded
  17. new cover up! Letzte Instanz - Mein Todestag 57pwyq7UWUY
  18. Mostly agree with what you're saying~ Never was really pleased with that song - not even a bit. I think my parts are quite bad, because the song doesn't match me at all. The chorus is a bit too high for me and the falsetto (yeah, I'm also the guy killing the whole thing with the falsetto singing xD) is not even synchronic with the rest of the chorus. But I have to disagree in the points "unnatural, power- and emotionless" (doesn't count for that falsetto stuff) And to that calling stuff I just have to say, that I feel more comfortable with a nickname like that.
  19. yeah, so great! really curious about what kind of music they'll do now Hopefully the same kind as before =) OT: Thank you Trombe for posting all the news <3
  20. Seiji

    oh this sucks >.< just got into them...
  21. this exactly xD But I'm looking forward to this release...kinda xD
  22. woah nice, really like 404notfound! i'm not into meth. that much, but I hope, that akito will do a good job.
  23. great news with guilty garden! have been waiting for its release since seeing them live in germany playing that song! I remember it to be old schoolish and harder than their other stuff, but I'm not sure at all xD (remembering much screaming o.o)
  24. greeeat news! looking forward to this =)
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