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Everything posted by Seiji

  1. I love everything about this <3 EREMIA were great, Rio is and Louie too. Looking forward to how this will sound like
  2. Seiji

    looking forward to it. Hopefully it will be good and not in an all new style
  3. Seiji

    Actually I am german but can't go because munich is waaay to far in the south.... like 500km from here So only germans who live on southern germany are lucky ... and austrian and swiss people
  4. omae ni sasageru minikui koe by girugämesh isn't really hard either
  5. Seiji

    the previews on their myspace sound pretty generic imo :< hopefully there will be better stuff in near future
  6. Seiji

    heidi. - ピンク スパイダー Don't like how they tried to put in some own parts~ Overall it's okay though. 6/10 ドレミ團 - 街 Pretty solid cover. Don't know what to add 7/10 BugLuG - Melty Love Exactly what I expected... The whole atmosphere changed to a NYAPPYYYYY ._. At least they did a version which represents their own style and stuff like that 4.5/10 NoGoD - 1/3??純情??感情 To be honestly I expected a better cover, but still good work. Any yeah, it really sounds like a regular nogod song 8/10 D - 月下??夜想曲 Awesome cover! They really did a good job on converting the synths and whatever to guitar riffs. Also great job on the vocals and drums. 9.5/10 少女-ロリヰタ-23区 - STORM (LUNA SEA) This one bored me a bit. Nice ideas, but something's missing in my opinion 6/10 摩天楼オペラ - 紅 (X Japan) I don't like the idea of using synths for the riffing tbh Not sure about it. The vocals don't match the song so well I think 6.5/10 DaizyStripper -With-you First thought when listening to it: "WTH HIGH PITCHED VOICE" Didn't remember his voice to be that high. Interesting cover, but not a very good one in my opinion. 5.5/10 12012 - Winter, again Really like the original song. The cover fails in many ways though :< 4/10 アンド - ロマンス I like both bands very much, but this cover didn't do it for me. The vocals are not powerful enough I think. And the verses are kinda strange 4.5/10 Mix Speaker’s, Inc. -S.O.Sロマンティック wtf - just wtf ....but not the worst cover I think 4.4/10 LOST ASH -ENDLESS LOVE Sounds much like the original, which I really like 7.5/10 Merry - Schwein??椅?? Another good cover. I was really looking forward to this one and it didn't disappoint me. 8.5/10 Duel Jewel - Jupiter Out of all BUCK-TICK songs, why did they cover this one? Don't think that it's one of their good songs, but the cover is pretty neat. 7.5/10 DOG inTheパラレルワールドオーケストラ - 夢より素敵?? I have to say that I was really afraid of that cover. But it turned out better than I expected - much better. One of the best covers on the whole compilation - it's like a dreamy version of the original song. Great work on the guitars too. 9/10 I won't do an overall rating for this as it feels kinda weird to do that for a compilation.
  7. Seiji

    oh no. how terrible.
  8. Seiji

    finally a release of them! been waiting for this since the reunion
  9. pretty interesting stuff. I'm really interested in what kind of album it will be and how many songs are done and if there are even songs sung by someone else oO Hopefully everything is sung by daisuke
  10. Seiji

    I'd try it too ^^ (vocals) I've got many nearly done songs I don't know what to do with
  11. Seiji

    looking forward to this =)
  12. Seiji

    of course that's possible, but hard work~ without rehearsals and knowing each other so well it's not the best way to form a band though in my opinion. but a bit of collab work isn't the worst thing I think^^
  13. Seiji

    I'm gad to see that the 2nd track is included =) Looking forward to its release
  14. good news =) hope their vocalist is good
  15. Seiji

    wow, gorgeous title! ... ... ...
  16. Seiji

    google: 37.100 (sxpected much more) images: 6.230 didn't expect most of the pictures on the first page to be of me
  17. kagerou ENDLESS König Rin Dir en grey David Bowie NightingeiL The Get Up Kids Pixies DaizyStripper Dredg
  18. woaaah I really envy him or her :\
  19. the lyrics remind me on that one guy of the "songs to cure blabla rarez obsession playlist"
  20. yeah, I know about that, but I thought they only released that preview~
  21. where has revelations been released? live distributed? didn't follow them in the last few weeks
  22. Seiji

    so no kuroi taiyou rererererecord? :
  23. oh my, so William left us? ._. this is so sad :< I already miss him ... in some strange way
  24. Seiji

    hell yeah! new VII-Sense song =)
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