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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    Kaoru is looking like that guy from Bat**r, seems like things have gone full circle huh
  2. saishuu

    I can't really judge anything with such short samples, but PléC and DEG's covers sound interesting. The others, err...
  3. saishuu

    I love you so much for this 02/03 Kagerou was legendary. I discovered them around that time and I remember being completely enthralled by the Yubikiri and Yuugure no Shazai PVs (both downloaded from Kazaa/Soulseek with dial up internet) for ages, especially with Daisuke's vocals and looks. Yubikiri in particular I recall being pretty ''important'' to me as a baby VK fan. Their first album was great (Meisou Honnou goes the fuck offfff), but I'm more of a Rakushu guy probably because it was the first album of theirs I actually sit down to listen in full. Some of my other favorites songs from this year are Soushitsu, Sekkyou 38.5℃, Hieshou no onna, Nekura housoku komoriuta and most importantly, Kakokei Shinjitsu, which is to this day one of their very best and most underrated songs.
  4. saishuu

  5. saishuu

    It's been less than a month since I began my Masters and I already want to die lmao
  6. saishuu

    I cannot believe I'm gonna have to download a KAMIJO single
  7. saishuu

    If only this meant Kamikaze Boyz would reform... Anyway, I haven't listened to them since idk, 2008, but it's unfortunate they had to call it quits. They were a talented bunch.
  8. I'm feeling the hell out of these samples. MASS CONTROL and the new Happy life in particular sound awesome. Perhaps I'm projecting a bit much, but I'm getting some Modern Garde vibes out of this lol
  9. saishuu

    There are schools who actually accept JaME as work experience? brb updating my resume
  10. I'm accepting links for the latest Age Factory EP


    can offer absolutely nothing in return



  11. saishuu

  12. now that's just embarassing
  13. I'd be screaming if he actually got back to music, but this? Meh.
  14. saishuu

    It's easy to assume everyone knows how to do it because it's a pretty obvious process.
  15. saishuu

    You literally just need to put a handful of songs into a .rar file and upload it somewhere.
  16. I'm usually a lot more tolerant of TK's mainstream work, even if most of the time it tends to be unremarkable, but this is so boring.
  17. people need to stop sleeping on these new NoGoD singles, even the b-sides are good (if not better than the actual title tracks). seems like their uninspired period has finally ended starting from their latest album.

    1. Zeus
    2. saishuu


      Missing (the entire single really), 鮮やかな矛盾 (from Arlequin), Emotional Disorder

      from their 2016 album Renovate: 魔法, 方舟, キラー・クラウン, カミサマの言う通り, 光, 桃源郷へようこそ

    3. Komorebi


      I have to agree on the b-sides being better than the title tracks.

  18. At this point, I use it mostly due to habit. I've had my account for over 12 years now and it'd feel weird not using it anymore. Sure the database portion of it is not that appealing to me anymore, but there are still quite a few things I use within the website, namely the "loved tracks" section (helps me remember what I liked/listened to the most throughout the year) and the artists page whenever I'm in the mood to go around discovering new music.
  19. saishuu

    Hmm I think this is representative of my scrobbles since I don't know, 2009? I have my account since 2005, but I erased everything around that time. I'm rast-kun there, by the way!
  20. saishuu

    Their music up until V.I.D (plus Puzzle ring) should be obligatory for every VK fan regardless of the time they get into the scene. They definitely had one of the best indie careers of any band.
  21. saishuu

    Might have to revisit some of the tracks I do not remember, but I am not mad at any of the picks, except maybe for lynch.
  22. saishuu

    Episode 2 was alright, I didn't expect an episode as good as the premiere anyway. All the scenes from the trailer and the new intro look awesome though and I can't wait for Pickle Rick as well lmao
  23. saishuu

    My personal favorite is Darkness Is My Spiral Mind: Here are a few others:
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