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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. from being associated with ex-soroban members in zoro to joining yumehito's former band, this guy is one step away from replacing him in ayabie lmao also anonymous is going nowhere, huh
  2. saishuu

  3. saishuu

    I liked their last 2 mini-albums, but bye!!
  4. saishuu

    the natalie.mu news piece about the album lists the composers for the songs and all of them have lyrics, so unless some interlude has some minor singing, i'd assume there are no SE or mid-album filler instrumental tracks. https://natalie.mu/music/news/372545
  5. saishuu

    pretty safe. I still have a ton of burned CDs with things I downloaded off slsk and kazaa ages ago and they're all good. I still use slsk regularly, but this time only for western stuff as I can find vk/japanese music elsewhere easier. never had problems with torrents either, but I get why you avoid them!
  6. saishuu

    oh boy, here we go last.fm was never the website to go for these things. I believe most people just used it to scrobble their music and discover new things. back then I used to search for mp3 and videos using p2p programs like kazaa, and later on soulseek and occasionally winmx. that was what, between 2003-2006? there were a few websites with info, scans and downloads too, but the p2p scene was where it was at. that was before livejournal communities became popular and everyone moved on to those. there were plenty of communities for magazine scans, downloads and specific ones for every band imaginable. at the same time, a little tracker called tonberry torrents also gained traction until it ended in 2007? 2008? and became a forum called tainted world, which is where we are now
  7. saishuu

    second best-of in 4 years? lmao yikes
  8. saishuu

    oh, i've missed those "we've lost a member and don't want to spend a lot of money in new clothes and photoshoots until we find some new members" looks. absolute icons
  9. saishuu

    why go on an one-man tour during these times then?
  10. saishuu

    love that they're optimistic that they're gonna be around until september
  11. i love how we get to watch your stroke happen in real time
  12. saishuu

    when are they supposed to be playing here in brazil again? because everything is starting to get canceled for the time being. the backstreet boys just had their concert canceled last minute (it was supposed to take place tomorrow) and I can't see why dimlim's wouldn't be as well
  13. hmm I'm not really feeling this one, unfortunately. the title of the song had me interested, but the song is meh.
  14. saishuu

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAH imagina se isso for a última esperança da carreira do DIMLIM e acabar sendo tudo cancelado
  15. saishuu

    a semi-Schwardix Marvally revival would be everything
  16. pour one out for 06/07 heidi. and this song in particular



    1. saishuu


      yikes. both of those were one-mans? I thought they could at least fill up LIQUIDROOM


      in my case, they just got too repetitive and boring. their music was good for one album, two at best, but then I didn't feel like listening to them anymore. sad to see how far down they went :(

    2. zombieparadise


      Well, they were outside Tokyo (Okayama and Maebashi), so that could be a part of it but...

      They're still my favorite and I appreciate their consistency, but I definitely get how they could get repetitive! Though in recent albums, they've begun to experiment some more, so you should totally try em' out again : )

    3. saishuu


      oh, makes more sense. still unfortunate regardless.


      I've actually been trying to give their newest album a chance! it sounds relatively from what I remember. gonna give it a few more spins eventually :)

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  17. saishuu

    the Q&A makes sense with regards that they can't afford and/or are probably stubborn enough to get a proper marketing team
  18. saishuu

    lord, this is their 15th album?!
  19. saishuu

  20. saishuu

    MY FAVESSSSSSS ;_; I wonder if Dye is gonna be there or if they're coming back with their later line-up. but oh boy I wish I could see them while we're at it, y'all can download their disco here:
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