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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    school food punishment - 駆け抜ける
  2. saishuu

    Study harder and do better in college, get to do a trip to meet some friends and get my social life going after all these years. Losing some weight wouldn't be bad either.
  3. saishuu

    I think it's great too. Although I'm already quite used to the bad production of the album, I've always wanted to hear new version of some of my favorites - probably why I enjoy when I can hear songs like SHADE and BLUE TRANSPARENCY live rather than in studio. Kind of excited for the new TIME IS DEAD, FATE, PRECIOUS... and MOON too.
  4. saishuu

    ^ You and I both share the same fetish then. Though I wouldn't really call it a fetish. lol TK especially has perfect shoulder lenght (it was probably the first thing I noticed about Rin toshite shigure's live performances overall, ngl). and hi there: and lol Bruno Gagliasso:
  5. saishuu

    Movie "Big Eden".
  6. saishuu

    amazarashi - ポルノ映画の看板の下で
  7. saishuu

    ACIDMAN - ノエル this song THIS SONG
  8. saishuu

    Straight, hardcore Christian, leader of Church groups, homophobic and dumb.
  9. saishuu

    Community S02E10
  10. saishuu

    Hmm... my native language is Portuguese, which allows me to understand a lot of Spanish (I can't speak it for the sake of my life, though). I've also self-taught myself English through the last ten years or so, and I can speak it fairly well. I can also read Hiragana, Katakana and a lot of kanjis, but I wouldn't say I know Japanese at all. I'm also about to start studying French on my own due to the fact that I want to take my master's degree (or maybe live too) in Canada in the future.
  11. saishuu

    I haven't heard his collaboration with Larry Carlton yet either, but hell yeah, Tak is awesome. Hope he wins it.
  12. saishuu

    ICONIQ - Change Myself
  13. saishuu

    I always felt kind of bad for them because they lost practically all their popularity after Tara and the other guys left, but at the same time it was really cool how they continued to release quality work most of times. I admit I haven't been up to what they've been doing lately, but it's a pity to see them finally give up and go.
  14. saishuu

    Disturbed and amazed for life. Whoever made this is genius.
  15. saishuu

    Also "MOTHER" is a masterpiece and shouldn't be touched or changed or re-recorded, ever.
  16. saishuu

    I'm intrigued. The recording of the original album is kind of lame, so I guess there should be a few surprises here and there.
  17. saishuu

    Jeff Buckley - Lilac Wine
  18. saishuu

    宇多田ヒカル - Show Me Love (Not A Dream)
  19. Definitely purchasing the DVD next year! Should be awesome. Pretty excited for the single too, of course.
  20. saishuu

    GRAPEVINE just fucking retweeted me AND I'M A HAPPY FAN RIGHT NOW I DON'T EVEN CARE. http://twitter.com/#!/news_grapevine/st ... 1357163521
  21. saishuu

    For the two people here who care, GRAPEVINE is releasing a new album on January 19th called 「真昼のストレンジランド」 ("Mahiru no Strange Land"), their first since "TWANGS", which came back in July 2009 (and, of course, was amazing). Pic above is their newest one, so I'll just take the chance to ask everyone to vote for it over at Last.fm (here). Thanks.
  22. :cough:cough:rentrer en soi :cough: lol. Anyway, I'm pretty excited for this too. It's a bummer that it only has 9 songs (3 of which are singles), but I'm expecting good things from this. Would love a long and epic song too, but since it's ending with Shiki, I don't see how they could have one like that in the middle of the album.
  23. saishuu

    AJISAI - タイムカプセル
  24. saishuu

    鴉 (Karasu)'s upcoming album 未知標 and AJISAI's Love lala Love single (I had a 500yen coupon anyway and had no idea what to pick and the song sounds pretty sweet too)
  25. saishuu

    I think the best songs are the ones that allow the vocalists to not only convey all those feelings/emotions that were already recorded in a studio version, but also allow them to take the emotion to another level in live showcases. The best vocalists for me, obviously, are also the ones who are in fact able to connect with a song this way. The closer someone gets to scream or cry in anger/sadness while singing certain song, the better they are for me. Koshi Inaba from B'z is my favorite example: 8rRhG88rG00 I also tend to agree with doe on most topics, including not finding growling any emotional, having a preference for melancholic songs rather than ballads (even though I like these too most of the time) and disliking vocalists like Ruki who pass absolutely nothing through their voices.
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