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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    ^ Nope, the newspaper said they're switching it for another dress, but it's still secret what dress it is.
  2. sai

    I think the fast drumming and bass melody make the song, since I think if those were to be toned down it would make the song rather...boring. I understand how the drum melody could get repetitive though. That acoustic part is quite nice. I like this song a lot better than I liked INFERIORITY COMPLEX.
  3. sai

    Posted in Toasted Waffles because in EU music no1curr + it's way too lulzy not to put it in here. I remember last year's topic being full of bashing our own countries I think Russia will win this year.
  4. Last concert was D (which was awesome) but I wasn't allowed to take photos. Not to mention in that small space I probably would've pissed everyone off.
  5. This wouldn't have been so bad if they actually had another vocalist who in this video doesn't sound like a dying cat. The instrumental has some nice parts but the singing is just really really bad.
  6. I was about to say the exact same thing. What the fuck. Well, maybe they can't because Kyo's throat is fucked up. At least they're showing it for free. Stop bitching. And yeah, someone should totally rip & upload it. That has nothing to do with Kyo's throat condition. You clearly misunderstood the fact that both Zesshoku and Number Girl meant that they should stop spamming UROBOROS all over the place and for their next release let it go completely and focus on something new. Also mind your language.
  7. sai

    I got a pretty similar feeling while listening. There were maybe one or two new samples that stood out a bit (one of which was A FLARE and the other was FROZEN), the rest didn't do much for me. However, they're only samples, so let's hope the full tracks are better than the impressions the previews are giving me.
  8. sai

    ^ I wonder if concerning the samples that would be a good or a bad thing, aka so good the internet couldn't handle it or so bad that the internet didn't want to display it. But then again, it can't be worse than the 12012 previews.
  9. sai

    I can't seem to open their website :/
  10. sai

    shitstorm starting in 3... 2... 1...
  11. sai

    Better than everything DEG made in the past two years.
  12. sai

    I never thought they had that many fans, because, well, they're not anything special. Maybe it's also because they are a PSC band? D only sold half of the venue two weeks ago, but they're not that popular in Europe.
  13. sai

    Ah ok. I always thought eReaders were like iPads and shit that hurt your eyes.
  14. sai

    I don't really like eReaders, they give me a headache. I just prefer reading the stuff on actual paper.
  15. sai

    8/10 for epic cat!
  16. sai

    I wonder, since Ruki's performance imo is rather awful nowadays. It's just so flat.
  17. sai

    Welcome to the forum! Do you happen to have a last.fm?
  18. sai

  19. sai

    I already saw you before Kaleidoscope arrived, but I wasn't completely sure if it was you. I was like: is that seiji? But what if it isn't him, I'll look like a complete retard if I ask them.
  20. sai

    D - Dying message
  21. sai

    It's not that bad. The beginning of that PV reminded me a lot of another PV, but I can't put my finger on it.
  22. sai

    Haha, did you like my question? xD And yeah, I thought the girl at the beginning and end were annoying :/ two perfectly good opportunities ruined. Some fangirls were a bit annoying, but overall the audience was really cool.
  23. Good cover and quite daring to do this one Loved how he stretched out the final note Friday.
  24. sai

    Well, I initially wanted to ask them about the story for Dying Message and if it was related to other releases (because they tend to make sequels to certain songs, like Hei Long was to Crimson Fish), but I changed my mind before I got the microphone. I used the -san behind Asagi's name, not because I actually use them all the time but I thought it was just polite to do so. When I used it he gave me a nod and a smile so I think he appreciated it Anyway, I asked: "During your last European Tour, I heard a story about how your suitcase fell into a river in Amsterdam. I was just wondering how that went down and how you got it out of the river?" When I asked the question the venue started laughing, so I think they liked my question He said something in a funny way before answering (the other members were laughing as well) and he pointed at their roadie while explaining. He told the entire story with a smile xD. The roadie himself actually translated that question by saying that when the suitcase fell in, they attached him to one of those small bridges that run over the rivers in Amsterdam with a chain and lowered him so he could grab the suitcase, fling it on the bridge, and then get up on the shore again. He also said that he was soaked up until his waist (when he pointed at his waist the D members started to laugh as well).
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