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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    :llama: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL I nearly died laughing reading that. Anyway, I feel really sorry for the whale
  2. sai

    Yeah, I thought it was weird as well. 2,5 weeks before release I would've at least expected a track list of sorts
  3. sai

    Wasn't Kibum Kim Hyuung Joon's brother (SS501) ? Also, what releases are recommended ?
  4. sai

    I love how he ends every tweet with: MARIA KIEEEEEEEE even when there's a huge earthquake in his country
  5. sai

    I effing love these guys now
  6. sai

    I heard it as well :/
  7. sai

    How could this thread pretty much die D: Anyway,any fun on his facebook/twitter lately?
  8. sai

    Don't have time for the whole album, but here are the first two tracks. 01. Birthday English: Thank you for the... 02. Rotate (this one is completely in English lol) English: If you stop all thinking, does the world stop moving? Maybe, the world is to dance without changing. If you die, does the world get wet in the rain? Maybe, it will clear up, unrelated... If I get depressed, does the world stop moving? Maybe, the world is to dance entertainingly. If I die, does the world become a night at once? Maybe, it might be quite the same always... The world is indifferent in us The earth rotates usually Let's dance until falling with me It's good also in an unskilled steps Let's dance until falling no more with me Until you do not need you The world is indifferent in us The earth rotates usually We are articles of consumptions that can be substituted after all We are very tiny...very weak persons... Let's dance until falling with me It's good also in an unskilled steps Let's dance until falling no more with me Until you do not need you Until I do not need you Let's dance more with me Let's dance more with me Beat our steps Lol @ all the failing Engrish
  9. sai

    Looks like it.
  10. Avex the money whores! Hooray! Seriously, if you see how they keep pushing D and Megamasso to keep releasing stuff like every 4/5 months we're going to see A LOT of new Nightmare stuff this year. I mean, both D and Megamasso released 2 albums + 2/3 singles in 1 year. But since both signed to Gan Shin that COULD mean they will re-new their contract with Gan Shin. Anyway, excited for the single!
  11. sai

    Apparently nobody noticed the shirt Who is the fairest of them all? I don't mind some anime, but fanclubs is where I draw the line. Personally I really enjoy Kuroshitsuji, Bleach and Death Note.
  12. I see. Understandable. It was the worst in 140 years
  13. sai

    Not picked on. I mean you shouldn't take so serious what everybody here is saying. They just like to continue when they know you take it seriously.
  14. sai

    If you tried re-installing it and it still doesn't work it's definitely not a software problem. Does it still play videos and such? If not, you could have a problem with either QuickTime or your flashplayer. I advise you to download the most recent version of QuickTime player and scan your flashplayer on any faults. If that still doesn't solve the problem, you should visit an Apple store near you to ask what the problem is :/
  15. sai

    I'd go with 7.75/10. I don't think it's bad enough for 7.5 but not good enough for 8, so in between. The singles and the title track were my favourites though :/
  16. sai

    Lol @ that quote. Hit it boys! I have little hope for Jui's solo work, even though my favourite Vidoll song was strangely composed by him :/
  17. Lol ^ Best part is if everyone would give up either a fake funny name or an incredibly long name: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso Yes, that's Picasso's full name.
  18. sai

    Chianti is right. That's the board for ya. I had that too at first (not as bad as you though ) but I grew out of it. This is getting so immature btw
  19. sai

    Kaya - Madame Rosa
  20. sai

    LOOOOOOOL. That's a first timer. Maybe he'll inspire Hizaki in doing this as well?
  21. sai

    I'm sure it'll stop when you're out of high school. It's just like Pokemon. Grade school: ZOMG EVERYBODY PLAYS POKEMON High school: Dude, you play Pokemon? That's SO lame." College: ZOMG POKEMON!
  22. sai

    9/10 because he kinda reminds me of Asagi when his hair was still red/pinkish XD
  23. sai

    lol xD Btw was it Rame that composed this song? If so, I don't think he'll completely butcher it, since he was the one who made it.
  24. Never been in a relationship, but I don't think I will. I'm very faithful.
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