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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    I agree with kurorockdude. Concerning lives the instrumental is as it should be, Byou just ruins everything
  2. sai

    Secretly I miss the noseband D:
  3. sai

    Does this album have any songs on it that doesn't have screaming through about the whole song? Since that's what I kind of expect
  4. sai

    Nice! I hope they are as good as DEEP SIX
  5. sai

    ^I didn't like Shinkirou at all We'll see how this ends
  6. sai

    Looks good on you Chianti! Though I have to say it's strange, I just have to get used to it I guess
  7. sai

    Keep, though not as old as when it featured PV's in forests in which you could see the highways xD Comedy shows?
  8. sai

    lolwut My point exactly
  9. sai

    Sample is up on YouTube. TRUE sounds amazing <3
  10. sai

    ^*already breaking what I told myself xD* I don't think they will since it's so recent, unfortunately. It was ok, but there were some vocal pieces which really need to be remastered.
  11. sai

    Apparently draws the conclusion that I'm paranoid and schizoprenic out of the blue? Love people who draw conclusions on 1 post Anyway, I'm out of here until some new info is known, that way my post about the similarities will not lead to some stupid arguments between myself who just pointing things out and people who think I'm a retard for saying it (not implying that any of you did btw, I'm a peaceful person)
  12. sai

    ^ It's not bad! It's just another match. I didn't say it was bad. And with weak one I meant it was a rather weak argument I hope my post won't start a shitstorm
  13. sai

    UVERworld announced that they will be releasing their 6th album (title yet unknown) on June 1st. Vocalist TAKUYA∞ said, “We believe that the album is completed without a single fault. I was able to spend more time than usual on the lyrics. I can’t wait to let you guys listen to it.?? He also said that some lyrics were written after the earthquake on March 11th, and the members’ strong hope was infused into the lyrics. The album will be released as two different versions: Limited Edition and Regular Edition. The limited edition will include a DVD (over 80 mins long), which consists of a short version of “core abilities?? (video works from their “LAST Tour?? live concert and documentary) and numerous other video clips. UVERworld will release a new single, “CORE PRIDE“, on May 11th as well. Credits: natalie through tokyohive I want another album like LAST, since it actually had some variety AND good songs.
  14. sai

    kick, i don't like fish? Me? XD
  15. I miss ohaitzwill for the sake of the good ol' drama
  16. sai

    :/ don't really like the preview, but it's just a preview
  17. fix'd. Will be looking forward to this single!
  18. I will be waiting for this
  19. sai

    Keep! T.O.P?
  20. sai

    First of all let me be a total prick: You misspelled Tanatos. It's ancient Greek for 'death'. Great job. Flowery sounds just...no. At 7 my first reading was DRY ICE CREAM And was I the only one imagining Kamijo pretending to ride a horse while Teru follows slamming coconuts together? This sounds like an album full of vampires and knights, in other words what D did this January. I'll see how this ends. Also I'm sorry if this insults anybody but: - 2 singles in one year after the album (weak one, I know) - Album is knight and vampire inspired - Both singles were different from usual stuff - 1 single was weaker, 1 better (just like with Akaki Hitsuji and in the name of justice) Also: Compare to Versailles' new look. I am not implying that they steal from D , they are original enough but this much similarity is just ridiculous. But if this album will be like VAMPIRE SAGA then it will most prob rule anyway
  21. sai

    No J-rock (though I hope K-pop counts) but I couldn't leave this unmade :
  22. sai

    Tried them once but I don't really like them. I prefer 4Minute. But they are still better than Girl's Generation, though I'm unfortunately addicted to Mr. Taxi and Run Devil Run
  23. Hope it has more songs like PAIN.
  24. sai

    It was pretty good on the first listen but after a few listens it started to bore me. 7/10
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