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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    I wonder if it's true. If it is, don't think this will slow the terrorists down. Fuck, I'm going to the USA this summer. I hope they won't bomb my plane. Anyway, I'll believe this when they show his body.
  2. sai

    I hope we'll get a new release soon!
  3. sai

    I want PERESTROIKA back kthnx. Agreed with Zesshoku btw. It's almost as funny as when 4 ayabie members left and started AYABIE (in caps). People kept bitching to people who still listened to the old ayabie to change the name into Japanese because otherwise last.fm would see AYABIE and ayabie as the same thing I never changed my tags for that
  4. sai

    loooooooool, Kiwamu still goes at it. How I missed this thread Anyway, concerning the magazine, they monthly feature some VK news. The only reason I buy that magazine is for the posters. Not that they are good quality but it's better than nothing. I scored a Alice Nine., Luzmelt, D'espairsRay and Girugamesh poster out of it, so you don't hear me complaining that much Concerning the information they write, I agree, it's shit. At a little piece about Zoro they mixed up the members, at D=OUT they wrote they would have a concert in May in Germany while it was the June issue (lol) and they said about Megamasso's Loveless more Loveless and D's VAMPIRE SAGA that they are already released in Europe while they are not. They said at the end of the Megamasso bit (of last month) that end this year Megamasso would do a Europe Tour. Though most of their info is wrong I really hope this is true.
  5. I'm still amazed by people enjoying this D: I mean, even if this was a Kamijo or Shou or Asagi or whatever video I still wouldn't watch it because of named reasons :/
  6. sai

    Classic I haven't been a fan long enough for this kind of stuff but I think the first few months of my fandom I had the exact same thing as Cibicco, especially with 'showing off my style'. Luckily I'm out of that phase
  7. sai

    Super Junior M - Don't Don
  8. sai

    8/10 Who is it ? XD
  9. sai

    qurl if you're gonna use gifs use ones that make sense. Lately she's been using too many gifs in her posts
  10. sai

    Is a Nega fan
  11. lol wtf is this I don't even... Anyway I still use Alice Nine. sigs and avatars and I'm proud of it
  12. sai

    I can't think of one right now but when I remember I'll edit my post Now I remember! It was when I still was an An Cafe fan *they were like the only Japanese band I knew back then* and I loved one of their songs so much I always imitated the dance horribly
  13. sai

    A short review, and I'm too lazy to copy paste the Japanese titles so I'll just talk in numbers The first track could've been so much better. It had potential, then Yuuki totally ruined it and I turned it off again. If I don't mind his vocals or his whining too much it's actually pretty good, so I'll give it 7/10. I already knew Jesus and after 2 or 3 listens it started to bore me. I don't like it on a new listen tbh. 6/10 The third track is like EROS, but a bit less worse. It's completely recycled. Still incredibly bad though. Big lol on 'I LAV SECKS, I LAV DALAGASU, I LAV LOKU ANDO LOLU' 4/10 The actual song with the bad title actually has some very nice ideas. Too bad it doesn't come out that much. 6.5/10 Marigold isn't that bad of a ballad. I really liked the beginning , but when the actual ballad started I felt kind of 'meh' about it. 7/10 Time enough for love was indeed the best track on the mini. I'll give it a 7.5/10 No spectacular mini. Get your shit together guys
  14. sai

    adVV-lgBgIg&feature=relmfu Super Junior M kicks so much ass compared to regular SJ. I think it's due to Henry and Zhoumi penning along with some of the songs
  15. sai

    Heard some of his stuff on some online streaming radio. Really liked it!
  16. sai

    First Japanese single scheduled for June 22nd! No new songs though, only two Japanese remakes of 'Replay' and 'Hello' D:
  17. sai

  18. Seriously, you are one of the most negative people on this forum. The only posts I've read by you contain bitching and moaning about releases, release schedules or this kind of stuff :/ It's like the 2nd version of Mono2.
  19. ^Loooooool I agree with JustIronic. It's not the fact that they are our 'idols' that are having sex, I think most people understand that artists were born with male genitals as well and that they use them when they want too. It's actually the fact that these people FILM it and it ends up on the net. I don't think most people here would consider doing that in the first place.
  20. sai

    Camp sounds so lulzy I usually use it due to my addiction to YGO the Abridged Series
  21. sai

    It's like the Max-dash topic all over again
  22. sai

    Linkin Park - When they come for me
  23. I certainly hope they do NOT remaster Yokan. I have a feeling they would completely butcher the orgininal
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