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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    lolwut This.
  2. sai

    Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso
  3. sai

    Lolita23Q - BOYS&GIRLS
  4. sai

    Alright guys, it's been fun and I'm not trying to be a party pooper, but let's try to stay on topic. Might be getter slightly more red if someone continues.
  5. ^ LOL! I only just noticed! I don't listen to them but it is indeed a bit...annoying
  6. sai

    Keep! (You know one?) V-ROCK DISNEY cover?
  7. Hope he gets well soon! I'm really looking forward to a new album, though I doubt it'll be better than the masterpiece that was Marble Shaking Ward. The singles itself have been pretty weak...
  8. sai

    Short, unprofessional review: Kamikaze - Great, love the longer intro. This really impressed me on the single. Especially the "moto moto moto moto kamikaze" part I adore. 8.5/10 コワレモノ - What ShanethVarosa said. They put this in because it's an enjoyable track, but doesn't stand out on its own AT ALL. It's boring compared to Kamikaze, it feels like an album filler. I mean, it has its moments, but doesn't come to bloom. 6.5/10 Downer's High - Now THIS is what I'm talking about. Love the experimenting, gives me that 90's feeling. Amazing song. 10/10 優しさの意味 - Nice ballad, not the best ballad I've ever heard, but it's decent. 7.5/10 Raise a Flag - Incredibly forgettable. I like it better after a few listens though. 6.5/10 愛してくれ - Pretty cool song. Typical NoGoD. 8/10 天馬、空を行くが如く- Track no. 7, which means instrumental track time! It's a lot better than the one on Kakera, and this is a really fun intstrumental. 8/10 机上の空論 - I believe this is the track that lots of people like, but I don't get what's so special about it. I've heard tracks on this album that are better than this one. It's still a pretty fun track. 7.5/10 III-実存 - Epic. Not too long either. Yet at some part it seems like it's 2 songs put in 1. 9/10 恒星 - It's nice, but a bit disappointing after the previous track. 8/10 none the less. Identity - The hell is this? This is that kind of track of which they said: OK guys, we got 1 track left, let's go crazy and do whatever the fuck we want. And it's pretty funny listening to it. 8/10 just for making this up! Overal: 8.5/10 Seeing as I rated Kakera 8/10, I have to say Kakera should be rated 6/10 compared to this. This is waaaaay better than Kakera, and it's got some amazing tracks.
  9. sai

    We'll see how this turns out
  10. I would be content with the 4 others as well, seeing as Toshiya is my favourite member out of the group. Sucks for the people who wanted to see him though...
  11. sai

    I always send it to people for the lulz.
  12. Did they actually release something?
  13. sai

    Haha , this is the first time I kind of agree with him on several points. Good job Kiwamu!
  14. sai

    ^You sure you haven't watched any T.M. Revolution PV's?
  15. YESSSSS. Great that NO SCARED is one, I love that song @Kaye, is that TAKA on your avatar btw?
  16. sai

    Oh God yes that was awesome.
  17. sai

    True dat ^ xD Saga is my favourite though. I remember Tora once pretending to be Spider Man once
  18. sai

    Especially compared to what he did on Marble Shaking Ward
  19. sai

    A bit boring, but I'll wait for the full version. I could end up liking this none the less.
  20. Apparently I still find this funny after watching it over and over again for the last 2 days. wFj8z51YBaI Dr. Doofenshmirtz ftw.
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