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Everything posted by sai

  1. If Bertha can get you to Philadelphia Bertha can get you to Virginia.
  2. sai

    Haha XDD Loved this! Klaus is the worst forklift driver ever.
  3. sai

    That one looks great! If you like it you should go for it
  4. So he's not really gone? Who would joke about that :/
  5. Personal opinion: the top one
  6. sai

    I would say ZUCK is worth a try as well. Their first few releases are a bit standard VK, (good nonetheless) but on their newest mini they've been experimenting more than ViViD has since they started in 2009. Their newest mini is called Noise World btw. The style they are going towards is similar to Lolita23q around their Marble Shaking Ward era.
  7. sai

    Have fun and be careful!
  8. sai

    RENA? Not D's ex-bassist, right?
  9. sai

  10. sai

    Depens on what kind of dragon you want. Do you want a "mystic" Celtic dragon or a Chinese dragon?
  11. sai

    I hope it's not a crappy pop song...I mean, it's not that they SHOULDN'T do them once in a while, they just have to do them good.
  12. sai

    THIIIIIIIIS. So hard. Ryuutarou + The Nightmare Before Christmas =
  13. sai

    Well fuck I bought GO (don't know WHY), and I hardly ever listen it (except for the live cd that came with it, I play that one rather often). When I want to hear a Giru CD on my stereo I always choose NOW, because I love that album (even more than their self-titled). It's like NOW was written specially for me. *I'm so hoping for an European release of MERRY's Beautiful Freaks btw * I also send Gan Shin a message with the question if they would release it here. @Tokage, willing to sell the Nightmare ones?
  14. sai

    c9_gHBb3Etg 8h860pQ_si4 Help me find more PV's with this locatiion plz.
  15. sai

    -choral- - Cool intro is cool. Reminds me a lot of some creepy fairytale, perhaps a darker version of Alice in Wonderland. 8/10 -finale- - Love it! Great guitarwork, vocals are weird, but not annoying me. Amazing solo. Build up could've been a little better though. Rapping is often done wrong, but Gara does it very good. Wish it was ended better or was a little longer as well. 8.5/10 Monochrome - I remember slightly liking this on the single, but eventually deleting it from my files anyway. Pre-chorus and build up is pretty nice but I don't really like the chorus. Everything about the song is good except from the chorus. Well, I've heard worse, I suppose. That accoustic solo btw <3 . 7.5/10 Zaa Zaa - I don't know what this is. Honestly. It's such a weird song, but fitting for the album, nonetheless. It doesn't really stand out on its own tbh. Yet I can see myself liking this after a while. I'll go with a 7/10 for now. Fleeting Prayer - Never heard the actual song because when this was released I never listened to MERRY before. I must say it's a pretty awesome song. Great chorus, weird structure, great instruments. 8/10 -sabbat- - I'm not that much into instrumentals, and this is no exception. The drumming is pretty cool though, but that's it. It reminds me of D's drum solo on VAMPIRE SAGA, only with more instruments added. It gets more interesting after a while though. 7.5/10 Fukinkou Kinema - The idea for a fun song is there, but it doesn't get out until the chorus. The vocals in the beginning are not very good, but they get better once the song progresses. Overall it's a pretty fun song, like I said. 8/10 Zetsubou - I'd like to applaud them for making a song that started so awful with the "Zetsubou Zetsubou Zetsubou" thing" into something awesome. 8/10 Skull - Uuuuuuuuurrrrrrr. No. Awful screams, structure is awful, could've been so much better than it is. They should've kept it a slower song. 4/10 Yakou - Luckily Yakou makes up for all the awfulness that was Skull. Digged this on the single, I still love it. 9/10 Crisis Moment - Liked it on the single, still like it. 8/10 Shoudoku - Fukinkou Kinema pt. 2? So-so. I could imagine this being a fun live-song. For a regular listen however it's not my piece of cake. It's too messy. 6/10 The Cry Against ME - Agreed with Des. The single version was much better. I don't know what they were thinking when they made this, but it's definitely a lot worse than the original. 5.5/10 アイデンティティー - Meh. It has its fun parts (BREAK OUT BREAK OUT!), but that's it. 6.5/10 SWAN - This has grown on me after a few listens. It has a charm you need to discover, even though it's rather hard to find. 8/10 -dawn- - Outro, that kind of fits SWAN. There is nothing going on in it, so I won't rate it. Overall: 8/10 I'd love to rate this higher, but I can't. The first part of the album was amazing, but the second part fell short and was saved by the good singles (Yakou, Crisis Moment) and SWAN. As for creating an atmosphere that matches the concept and the title, I'd give MERRY a 9/10. Beautiful Freaks is definitely a great way to describe this album. Compliments.
  16. sai

    Oh God yes <3 I really really like it! That opening and ending riff is amazingly catchy!
  17. sai

    ^trololol! Edit their discography: 2007: Faith (demo) Composition: Jasmine You
  18. I'll listen this when the single is uploaded, that way I'll hear it first in the context of the single. That's a must for D.
  19. sai

    Asagi is my father Awesome
  20. Lol, that PV preview! That's the exact same location where D's Day by Day PV was shot
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