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Posts posted by Seimeisen

  1. I actually really like 群青, but I really don't understand why they chose to end the album with that song. It makes no sense, pun not intended, and it awkwardly makes the album feel unfinished. It's like the band needs to take a class on track list arrangements or something. It would have been better to take out the a cappella chorus from the beginning, maybe place it between Carnival and Station 07, and give us a new song that would be more appropriate to end the album.

  2. YES YES YES @ everyone's love for 闇に散る桜!!

    Also slightly OT, but I'd love to hear them re-record 絶景色 one day. I mean, if that re-recording of jellyfish was fucking amazing! It's not my favourite album ("9" is, if anyone was wondering), but it definitely has its moments.

  3. Are they breaking up or is this translated Japanese VK lingo I haven't pinned down yet?

    TOUR FINAL = last show of the tour. It just means that the tour ends with that show.

    As for "shit noodles" ... it's mistranslated tanuki lingo

    糞麺 - kusomen - Shitty bandmen. Normally, terrible translated to ‘shit noodles’ by Google translate.

    source (view at your own discretion)

    Although, if you put 糞麺 (or anything like it, such as くそめん) into google translate, now you just get "Kusomen," it no longer gives you "shit noodles" ......

    Yeah, sometimes Google doesn't even attempt to translate words anymore, just romanises them lol.

  4. - Aoi & Ryohei's reformation

    Slightly off topic, but THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN!!

    More on topic, I'm just waiting for Camera Obscura, the sukekiyo mini, and whatever music the GazettE plans on releasing this year. Last year was pretty huge in music (though it got off on a very very slow start), so I'm not anticipating too much at the moment.

    EDIT: OMFG how the fuck could I forget about Fatal Error Race?! That shit needs to come out already!!

  5. Welcome to the official tutorial to create a Japanese iTunes account!


    Before you get started, make sure you have all of the following:

    ✅ An E-mail Address That Is Not Registered To An iTunes Account

    Something like Gmail, Yahoo, etc. I would not recommend that you attempt to use your iCloud e-mail address (if you have one).

    ✅ A Valid Japanese Billing Address

    From what I’ve read around, iTunes requires a valid Japanese billing address and they have a system that will check. While it’s probably against Apple’s terms of service, you can use public/business addresses. One user used J-list’s business address, for another account of mine, I used my Tenso mailbox. You could probably even use a Japanese Apple Store location.

    ✅ A Japanese Phone Number

    Requirement is debatable. Some people have claimed that they have used their own (non-Japanese) phone numbers, others have claimed to use a random string of numbers, or a 01 2345 6789 sequence… do whatever works!

    ✅ Japanese iTunes Gift Card

    I highly recommend that you use Japan Codes, because their cards are the cheapest, and they have a wide selection of cards for other stores, such as レコチョク. I also recommend OffGamers.com if you have multiple iTunes store accounts from many different countries. I use OffGamers to get cards for my UK iTunes account.


    One thing to keep in mind about gift code shops:

    Every single one of these shops claim to send out gift codes immediately. Some shops live up to this promise... sometimes. It really depends. Sometimes one shop will send out codes instantly, other times that same shop may make you wait a few days.


    Now that you have everything on that checklist, let’s get started…


    Open up iTunes and go to iTunes Store. If you’re logged into an iTunes account already, then log out.

    Then, scroll all the way down to the store homepage, and click on the flag in the bottom corner. It will take you to the region select page.

    When you're on the region select page, look for the Japanese flag and click it.




    Now you’re in the Japanese iTunes store.


    Some computers may display the store in Japanese.

    If that’s the case, then...

    続ける = continue

    キャンセル = cancel

    戻る = back

    同意する = agree


    Click the Sign In button, then click the Create Apple ID button.



    You’ll get some Welcome to iTunes screen. Click Continue.

    Then there will be a Terms and Conditions page, check the box at the bottom, and click the agree button.


    Now, let’s enter some basic account information:




    Here’s where we begin to have some fun! Many people have trouble with this part.


    Don’t worry, you actually can skip the Payment Type part with all the credit cards, and just enter your gift card code below that.

    Enter the Billing address. I used From Japan’s headquarters in the picture above, and you could probably get away with using it, too.

    Click Create Apple ID and buy some Japanese music!


    Feel free to PM me with any questions or feedback.

  6. I haven't heard the album in full yet, but a few notes:

    - While other people are getting a 鬼葬 vibe, I'm sort of getting a "Withering to death. songwriting meets UROBOROS production."

    - I'm expecting "The inferno" and "Revelation of mankind" to feel like bonus tracks. Again, while I haven't heard all of "空谷の跫音," something tells me that it would have been more of an appropriate ender.

    - I agree that "Sustain the untruth" remaster BLOWS! It doesn't even 'match' the production/mastering of the other songs (if that makes sense, I'm not sure how to describe it)

    - I'm not sure what everyone thinks is sooo much better about the 輪郭 remaster, but I guess I'll know when I hear it...

  7. Does anyone happen to know if this will be available to purchase in American stores like... As a physical copy? I know that Hot Topic and FYE carries their music typically but I didn't hear about this one. Otherwise I will just buy it on iTunes I guess.

    I don't think anyone's "officially" confirmed it, but so far, it looks like it'll only be available in Japan and Europe. I'm guessing it'll be available on US iTunes, though.

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