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Mr Bacon

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Posts posted by Mr Bacon

  1. I'm kind of indifferent about CD or Vinyl, but CDs are easier to rip so yea... I own both tho!


    But as long as I can hold it, smell it, see it, it's good haha! I enjoy looking through booklets and cover art and all that. That is also part of the "album" experience, not just the music, as the artist also put time and effort into stuff like the art and packaging.



    And this, pretty much:


    I will never, ever pay for a digital version if a physical release exists.


  2. 935274_676871555668193_975810449_n.jpg


    Alright, time for an update.

    This is my band, Skinny as a Whale. We're a rock band with grunge, stoner, punk and alternative influences(and a lot more) from The Netherlands. The band originally started as a 3-piece band in 2011, I joined the band in 2012 as vocalist/rhythm guitarist. By now we have a new guitarist and bassist, the drummer is the only original member left.

    Here's a live clip of us:

    Here you can listen to our demo: http://soundcloud.com/skinnyasawhale

    If you like what we do, check us out and like us at http://facebook.com/skinnyasawhale

    I'll post important updates in this topic, thanks for checking out my band!

  3. Fully agree, their decline began after that imo -_- They should go remind their roots instead of probably doing a half-assed major debut..

    Speaking of that era, I found the sample of the original distributed version of "Misty" in their archived early OHP, it's slightly different (same applied to "over again" ) to the version on "Eve's apple". ~For your interest~ I have no hopes that anyone has the full version though lol

    I know this isn't actually the thread for making requests, but does anyone still have the 2005 ver. of "over again" and didn't replace it with Demon-Android-copy-paste-ver.? Before I lost it I remember it was 2000% better than the 2006 ver.

    I should have that version of over again somewhere, if I find it I'll send you a PM!

  4. Yep, I agree that it is definitely their best work.

    Considering all the signs, unless they restart under a new name...

    All hope is probably gone that they'll ever honor those works.

    Thirsty probably still my favorite of the bunch..

    Yea Thirsty is probably my favourite too.

    But Ringing and RAT are great too.

    Such a shame they never did anything with those songs.

  5. any wagers on whether they'll include their first few singles?

    No chance(if you mean Decay, And to the End, Scene in the Misereal).

    Ever since 2007/2008 they've denied the existance of those(even though they're still their best work to this day).

  6. Do you have scans or at least album art of their demos? I've been looking on Yahoo.jp on and off for about a year and a half and haven't been able to find anything aside from their self titled or NeoCrimes.


    The only demo I own by them is 思考回路と遮断神経, and other than that I only have CONP and NeoCrimes.

    I used to have scans on my old laptop but it died some time ago, and now I have no scanner...sorry!

  7. Went on a VK shopping spree for the first time in a year or so.


    TOKYO HEROES - 英雄中毒
    √eight - 宣戦布告 (VHS)
    クロウズ - 2006年12月30日限定無料配布LIVE音源

    クロウズ - サヨナラ行進曲
    國立少年 - ki.se.tu (2nd)
    國立少年 - K.Y.O.T.O
    12012 - Knight mare (first press)
    12012 - ベルサレム (first press)

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