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Mr Bacon

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Posts posted by Mr Bacon

  1. My Tokyo Heroes collection. While nowhere near complete(I don't even have half of their releases), I think it is (one of) the biggest collections outside of Japland.

    ・サブリミナル (Live sold CD)
    ・涙枯レ桜咲ク (Live sold CD)
    ・光差ス希望ノ場所 (Live sold CD)
    ・2007.10.27 無料配布MiniAlbum (Live distributed CD)
    ・漆黒 (Live sold CD)
    ・クロイムレ (Live sold CD)
    ・Twinkle (1st press)
    ・冬唄 (1st press) 
    ・memories (Live sold CD)
    ・人違いでした。 (Live sold CD)
    ・英雄中毒-ライブベストセレクション- (Live sold CD)
    ・大人ごっこ (Live sold CD)


    ・映像ヒーローズ (Live sold DVD)
    ・映像ヒーローズ 2 上 (Live sold DVD)
    ・映像ヒーローズ 3~仕事の流儀~ (Live sold DVD)

  2. You did know that Iwan's now in Sel'm right? He was only briefly in Jinkaku Radio after leaving Tokyo Heroes. He still does his awesome guitar stuff...but I'd rather have him in Tokyo Heroes haha. And yea in Jinkaku Radio he was just a support member so I don't think he had much input on the riffs or anything haha.

    Yea I know what you mean. Though they're still better than most VK bands overall!

  3. Terrible, TERRIBLE song titles.

    They've lost everything that initially set them apart from others in their genre..

    This. I don't think I'll even bother listening to the EP, I haven't liked anything they did after BotS.


    And it's not bad or anything, just another band sounding like all the others. Mind of the Sun actually had a very distinct sound.

  4. Old Tokyo Heroes, with Iwan/John as lead guitarist, had some amazing solos (絶望記念日, 6月の雨 for example). But Rinda did some kickass solos as well (破滅ノ音鳴リ響ク時, Memories).

    And I wholeheartedly agree with what Pho3nyx said about The Gazette. 

  5. As for beer, I love Belgian(-style) beers. My favourites are Tripel Karmeliet, Pauwel Kwak and La Chouffe. My favourite Dutch beer is La Trappe Tripel.
    I'm not much of a pilsner drinker, it just tastes so bland after having tried so many good strong beers.

    Whisky-wise, I usually drink Scottish whisky. I'd like to try a Japanese whisky, as they're rumored to be like Scottish ones but even better haha.

    And yes mead, I agree with mead. Mead. The nectar of the gods, if you get good mead at last.

  6. Yea I know what you mean. Rinda's riffs are pretty cool, and I though his solo in Memories was actually really good. But if you listen to Iwan in Zetsubou Kinenbi or Fuyuuta... that's just unbeatable. 

    But it's also apparent on the re-recordings. I mean, Rinda transforms the solos into something less technical but still cool and fitting, but they're just not on the same levels as the older solos.

    And I get that, it's become a bit stale. I would like them to do some more heavy angura stuff, or more like Humanity. They never did a song like that again but I loved it.

  7. No he's not at all unskilled, his solos have improved so much since he stopped being the vocalist. But Iwan was just in a completely different league, so yea.

    Yea, they have to haha. They're one of the few bands left in the scene. And they've been at it for almost 10 years as well! And well yea but it's Rinda and Masayoshi who write the music, so it's up to them haha! I do think Gokimi is the leader though, so I get where you're coming from.

  8. Yes you do haha!

    I wasn't too impressed with their previous single but I'm confident they'll make quality music again.

    I do think they should get a second (lead) guitarist again. I mean Rinda is a great composer, good (backing) vocalist, but only a decent guitarist. The new songs miss those awesome solos Iwan used to pull.

  9. 12012 - Not Obtain+1 (stupid)

    It's actually a collection of their live-distributed and VA songs, plus one new song... so Engrish, but it makes sense. The hard to obtain songs, plus a new one.

    Band name that comes to mind is WERKMARE though, haha.

    Album name: A counterfeit heart and my true intentions MOSQUITO by MaveRick.

  10. "A band's first album isn't automatically their best, in fact, it probably sucks compared to the rest of their disco."


    Unpopular because about 75% of the time I meet fans of bands I like, they always say their first albums were the best, like it's just an automatic, understood thing.


    Now, this is not exclusive to the J-fandom, I've observed it loads in Western music before I ever got into Japanese stuff.  But I've never gotten it.  Why does everyone parrot that the first album is omg the best ever and then they totally sold out desu desu one one.  I can name so many examples: D'espairsRay, MUCC, 12012, Gazette, Meth (for them it was actually their first single or something really stupid), L'arc (lmao) and on and on.  Me personally, I very rarely find any band's debut to be their best.  In fact, far from it.  Kinda like a writer's first novel is usually shit personified.  I don't mean first published, I mean actual FIRST.  Bands grow, bands get better at what they do and the same generally goes for every art form.  Some of them DO have uncommonly good debuts, but that is the EXCEPTION, not the norm.


    You are not extra edgy or indie for liking their first album THE BEST, thereby providing some kind of unsaid proof that you've liked them since ~forever~

    I actually do like the first release(s) of many bands. Note the -s, its not always the first release, but often the first releases.

    I actually think the reason behind that is that bands have all the time in the world to write/work out their debut- but only 2 months to write the follow-up. Or whatever, their third or fourth, when they get signed.

    Don't get me wrong as this isn't always the case, but there's so many bands of which I prefer the earlier stuff to the later stuff. That's not because I want to be a hipster or vndergrovnd, but because that's the sound I fell in love with, and sometimes bands change their sounds to something I personally don't like at all, sadly(here's to Mucc and all those others).

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