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Mr Bacon

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Everything posted by Mr Bacon

  1. Mr Bacon

    Wow this seems pretty serious if they're asking for help. Hope he'll recover. Anyway, in the meantime I want a band with Tsukasa on vocals. Yeaaaa.
  2. Mr Bacon

    Images and Words was a brilliant album. They had a few cool songs later on but nothing will ever match that.
  3. Mr Bacon

    ^well they were never released outside of their lives really, so it makes sense.
  4. Mr Bacon

    only thing that comes to mind really is kamomekamome's Happy rebirthday to you.
  5. Mr Bacon

    The guy from coldrain, but I think he's half American. Also Abstract Mash/Nothing's Carved in Stone's vocalist, his English is pretty damn good.
  6. Mr Bacon

    @Jonjon: This Tenteke is ex-eight, he was a support member back in march/april/may, so he left already. And yesssssss Nachi on vocals, he sounded awesome doing vocals in eight live. And Mitsuru on guitar is wow.
  7. ...That is fucking awesome. Both.
  8. Mr Bacon

    Yea they released a live-only single in the US called "For you, I will" a few months ago. But their last "official" release was Scarlet back in 2007.
  9. Mr Bacon

    In January of 2011, ROACH will release a new mini-album. No further details but I'm guessing the songs from their US-single "For you, I will" will be included. I hope so at least. Source: OHP
  10. Mr Bacon

    Fuck why Kiri, she was awesome :/ Shinichi guy...well he was new to the scene so didn't really know what he contributed. Thank god Nigu and Iori are still there at least(and Hisaki for that).
  11. Mr Bacon

    That would be awesome, since he was in hated with maverick guys and all. I do hope so.
  12. Mr Bacon

    We should sign a petition for them to re-release(or even re-record) all 9 songs from their first 3 singles. By the way, that licensing is bullcrap since they re-recorded Fetters back in 2007 for a VA album, I just remembered. (It was a great re-rec by the way)
  13. Previews sound awesome, definitely checking this out.
  14. Mr Bacon

    Same here. Those three are their best releases still, with ...And to the End topping it all.
  15. Mr Bacon

    FUCK where's Izon. I'm majorly disappointed their best track isn't on this.
  16. Mr Bacon

    Haha xD But wow that was um...enlightening?
  17. Mr Bacon

    Oh fuck. This actually sounds pretty awesome. Better than anything off Shadows.
  18. Mr Bacon

    haha I feel exactly the same(Same songs actually...maybe with Thirsty).
  19. Mr Bacon

    Haha I liked reading this. I lol'd at the D'espairsray part though, since I was the one who made that public ages ago.
  20. Mr Bacon

    I lol'd.
  21. Mr Bacon

    ^ Haha I lol'd. Sneijder/Schneider though
  22. Mr Bacon

    Aoku Hatenai Sekai was great, and their 2 singles after that too. But then...meh they couldn't interest me anymore.
  23. Mr Bacon

    Is their any info on these singles? Like titles etc? Pretty interested in this.
  24. Mr Bacon

    Like bakteeri said, I meant that pretty much every track on Versus uses the same progression and build. Sure the riffs are different, but the verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus gets old after a while, especially when they're all similar vocally and tempo-wise.
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