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Posts posted by Jenova

  1. I think they aren't bad after finding PVs on YouTube, but Mio's inability to wear glasses like a human person is extremely distracting :(

    Their latest single slaps though

  2. I'm excited for new Pokémon even though the community's about to erupt into civil war about how there's only 400 Pokémon in the dex and the rest weren't programmed in.  It's like look I'll miss Misdreavus and Suicune but I'm ready for that mermaid witch one and Galerian Rapidash.  There's so many nice designs this time so I'm ready to have new favorites.

  3. I'm cautiously interested only bc they were my big fave in high school just about until Xanadu came out lmao.


     Also, is Mana speaking now or is he still doing the same talk through other people nonsense?

  4. Okay so, the way I ended up here is a pretty good story so strap in y'all.  I saw that Pinokiwo had tweeted thanks to a random twitter notification and when I saw that he was finally!! on a label!!  I naturally needed to see what he had released/try to get it bc my fave in high school was finally on a label!  As I was looking for more info and getting deeper into the pages, a topic here was linked and I recognized it because I had been here back when it was Tainted World and left not long after the name change due to irl circumstances. I ended up leaving the vk community as a whole, but I'm curious to see what's changed lol.


    I can't remember anything about my account other than I was a major annoyance, so I'm starting fresh.  My favorite bands that I still listen to quite often are SEIKIMA-II, THE ALFEE, Dir en grey, metronome, Malice Mizer, and many others.  I'm looking forward to figuring out what's happened while I was inactive lmao


    Some general info about me:

    I'm 29, love writing and video games, and have a mixed dachshund that looks like Scrappy Doo.

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