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    Nyasagi reacted to Takadanobabaalien in Sadie new album "GANGSTA" release   
    Shoot the targets in your mind ft. Snoop dogg & Ice cube
  2. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from Number Girl in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    Exactly, that's what I mean. It's the band who's saying that, not me. I understand it well that someone may not be able to buy music (for various reasons) and it's not a reason to treat them like that, but the band thinks different. They could say it in a different way, without offending fans. I like their music and looks, but at this point I just refuse to be their fan anymore. Music is about entertainment. If it makes me upset, it's not what it's supposed to be. If I have money again one day, I will support a band that keeps entertaining me, not the one that makes me upset with their attitude.
    iTunes prices are shit, really. They just convert the euro price to pln here (in the Polish iTunes) and it costs the same for us, even if we have much less money than people in other countries. The prices should be lower too. 1 euro for a song in mp3 is way too overpriced. It would be cheap for me if it was 1pln (~0,25eur). But still, with no cash, spending any money on music is a bad idea. I can't imagine why would someone pick music, instead of food. I'm sure these musicians wouldn't support another band if they were hungry. No, they would also try to get food, first. iTunes is an option only for a person who has some income, but not enough to buy tons of CDs each month. Suggesting people to use it instead, is a sign of insensitivity. I understand the attitude towards people who say "why buy, when I can download?", who have money, but not all fans are in this position.
  3. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from doombox in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    Many of them have jobs, you don't even know the reality, yet you assume you're entitled to call them music prostitutes. I agree with what Tetora said. Everything costs a lot of money, there are many people working for these bands. Get a band and try to record you all playing on a cell phone or even a computer. It would sound like shit. You just can't record music in good quality for free.
    I don't know any VK bands selling stuff for one dollar on a website like that? But there are different labels, different situations, maybe some bands just have a better financial situation for some reason? I don't know... maybe they don't mind losing some money first, to promote themselves in a cheap way? In the end, most musicians would like to make enough money on their band, to live just off it.
    We don't live in different worlds, you're just being close-minded, like most people in this country, lol. You can't imagine someone may have a different opinion about this (and I can't afford buying CDs either... but if I could, I would buy from the bands I like, because I know why do they need money. VK ISN'T A MAINSTREAM MUSIC INDUSTRY FULL OF MONEY.)
  4. Like
    Nyasagi reacted to Tetora in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    Although we have kind of covered some 0f these topics, they seem to persist, and I will post my feelings towards Kurenai`s statements.
    How will them having a second job enable them to be supported by a record label, move units, warrant a budget provided by the label, production costs, equipment costs, etc?
    And do you want them to continously pay from their own alternate revenue, to pay for equipment, production, distribution, etc... To provide a product that will either be bootlegged by fans who wanta free product on someone else`s dime, or distributed to fans who supposedly deserve it for free?
    And those people have a limited range of customers, limited production capabilities, presentation capabilites, limited effect on the music business, etc...
    And how does charging for a product make you a prostitute? First of all, prostitutes have a valued commodity that they assign a monetary value and charge for use... That is business.
    Second of all, music is a form of entertainment, and it is always a product. There is no reason to expect it to be free.
    Yes, it is a beautiful thing that many people assign a great value to... So if people work their @sses off to provide an experience that can move you, and even change your life, that provides you with hours and hours of entertainment and pleasure... You think you deserve it for free? There`s no value to it besides you getting the product with no work on your part?
    And yeah, I see people talking trash about Nocturnal Bloodlust in particular, as a member`s statement started this thread. I am not the hugest fan, but obviously the band is talented, and they put out a product people see value in. If anyone wants to provide a recording of their own vocals or guitar playing etc... That can be a suitable substitute for that presented in Nocturnal Bloodlust`s recordings, I would love to hear it.
    And yes, a lot of people do it for fun, and they don`t have the reach or impact of those in the studio system that everyone seems to despise. Money is just a side-effect mostly for people that don`t want to grow something.
    I would like to see VK and music I think has value in general grow. And that doesn`t happen without some monetary input.
    Take a look at the booklet for any average VK band and look at all the staff involved in a release, then factor in the band, then think of the profit they need to move forward and invest in new releases and ventures...
    This isn`t sustainable by one dollar donations. If bands can sustain a career with a decent profile through means like these, then we can talk about this, but as of now, the studio system still reigns because it is the best system that peopel have found to work with.
    And again... People say that only a small percentage of money goes to the band when you buy a cd... As I stated, what about all the people involved in the release besides the band?They don`t deserve money either but everyone deserves a free entertainment product? What about cost of printing CD`s, distribution, etc? And if you say, oh, go digital... The country these bands are from don`t really want digital products, so let`s not suggest changing their very healthy music market so we can maybe buy another album if we feel like in degraded quality over the web.
    To be honest, I am just expressing my views here, and I realize they are just my own views... Other people have their own, and while I believe in mine, I can accept others have views, and they are not neccessarily `wrong`. Hopefully we can discuss this amicably, and not fight each other.
  5. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from keyinjpop in Bad day because...   
    From my own experience, it's better to keep bad feelings for yourself. No one cares. That's the truth. I try to not bother anyone with my shit, unless I really can't control myself... but usually, I just distance myself, until I get better.
    About the suicide thing, I agree with the person above. If she wants to talk, she will. Just show her you're here for her.
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    Nyasagi reacted to Dillinger in new band "WeeD" has formed   
    I have to be high to be able to listen to this...
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    Nyasagi got a reaction from hitsuji-hime in new band "WeeD" has formed   
    It's heavier than I expected (they look like one of these bands that abuse auto tune mixed with crappy pop), but the dude sings a bit out of tune xD
  9. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from clear1985 in Do these kinds of people exist in your country?   
    Tetora, use Chrome, highlight it and use one of the functions to open the link in another tab.
    Like everyone else said, such people exist everywhere. I remember hearing about a man volunteering to be eaten by someone else and they ate the man's penis together, or something like that xD. I think it was in Europe, but I don't remember where XD.
  10. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from clear1985 in Good and Bad things about Japan?   
    I was going to mention exactly the same thing as the person above, because I heard about it as well. It's not good to neglect such people, because they may just take meds and be valuable members of the society. Many of them are just normal people, but with an illness (the ones with depression and personality disorders, some people with schizophrenia).
    Another thing I thought of, is the drinking culture. I heard that it's common to get drunk after work with co-workers. I'm very anti alcohol abuse, so this is something I really dislike. Basically, it's acceptable in my country to get drunk only on the weekends. When someone has a job and drinks too much on the weekdays, it's rather being frowned at. There are people who do this, but it isn't acceptable and they do it for their own responsibility (they may get fired easily for this). When you go to work hungover, it's a bad thing. If you drink anything during weekdays, you're supposed to control yourself and not drink too much. That's why I don't like what I heard about drinking culture in Japan. To the ones interested in the topic, I found something about it: http://thisjapaneselife.org/2012/05/09/on-drinking-too-much-in-japan/
    I also dislike the way the visual kei music market works in Japan. This may not affect people inside of Japan, because they have everything easily available, but rather foreigners. The visual kei music market is very closed, many bands sell their CDs and merchandise exclusively to people who come to their lives, or only in shops that don't ship overseas (which increases the downloads as well). I saw many small bands in Europe/US selling their CDs both in their country and abroad. They welcome fans from all over the world with their arms widely open and don't have a problem with shipping their CDs to another country, but Japanese bands aren't that welcoming. They're focused only on Japanese people (I've never seen the official band's webshop sending their stuff abroad, people have to use shopping service and that costs even more, than buying just the CDs, whose prices are already high for foreign people) and sometimes I feel like I'm the worse kind of a fan. My taste in music and heart tells me to stay, but logic tells me to go away, because I'm not in Japan, so I don't matter. Japan tends to be sheltered, like you already said, clear. It's difficult to understand.
  11. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from togz in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    Hahaha what? Most uploaders are foreigners who buy the CD or mp3s from itunes. I've never seen any Japanese people coming here to post music, they rather don't share anything.
  12. Like
    Nyasagi reacted to Elazmus in THE BLACK SWAN new maxi single "THE HOPELESS" release   
    Hope we get to hear this one!
  13. Like
    Nyasagi reacted to mitsu☆ in Good and Bad things about Japan?   
    Not a fan of Japan's work culture. When you work overtime, it is expected of you and from what I've heard you usually don't get paid for that overtime. No wonder why many Japanese men and women die of being overworked. If you work overtime in my country, by law you have to be paid double for every hour you work over 40 hours or something like that. It's illegal to not be paid overtime. And that should be the same in Japan.
  14. Like
    Nyasagi reacted to Trombe in DELACROIX new album "Re:do" release   
  15. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from Shir0 in X JAPAN important announcement   
    "Hide has never died. He lives!"
  16. Like
    Nyasagi reacted to nekkichi in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    3k downloads ≠ 3k lost obligatory sales
    like, gathering scrobbling data on the popular releases for a few weeks after could give a more or less accurate idea of how much replay time those releases are getting
    chances are a lot of downloaders won't give a lot of that stuff more than one or two spins before deleting it and never bothering w. it again
  17. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from clear1985 in The Decline of Intimacy and Relationships in Japan   
    I don't understand all these childish moans of Asian girls, that's not even attractive to me (I'm not straight) o_O. Asian guys - yes, I like them a lot. Asian girls - no no no. Too childish, too cutesy.
  18. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from doombox in Zodiac signs/Astrology (you know what I mean)   
    I never expect every person of the same zodiac sign to be the same. They have some traits in common, that's all... you have to watch the person and get to know them, first. I'm always a bit skeptical about the astrology, but so far, people have been proving to me that the zodiac thing is right... for some reason I can see the treats of their zodiac signs in them (same with mine, some things are just misunderstood about Sagittarians, these descriptions of us are flat and shallow, without any depth, only what people see outside).
  19. Like
    Nyasagi reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in BORN new maxi single "Son Of A Bitch" release   
    That's probably what their manager at PSC said when he or she saw their sales on their last trainwreck.
  20. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from Youko_o in What about mosh pits?   
    I totally hate mosh pits, crowds of people pushing each others around to get to the front row, etc. Crowd surfing is the biggest nightmare for me (but it doesn't happen on vk lives).
    I go to a concert to listen to the music and watch the performance, not to be thrown around like a rag. It scares me and I can't focus on the live at all, because I only think how to survive in that crowd and what hurts me at the moment, or whose elbow is stabbing me. I'm very short, so I can be either in the first row, or completely in the back. It sucks I can't just sit down somewhere in the back and watch everything, though. All venues should have some seats on a higher platform in the back, so people could just watch the live from there without getting interrupted or tired (standing for too long is a painful problem for me, because of the health problems).
  21. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from doombox in Zodiac signs/Astrology (you know what I mean)   
    I could tell her she's wrong, she wouldn't care. I'm old enough to move, but my country's economy and job market doesn't let me to do that. Anyway, that's not the topic about toxic parents, but about astrology xD.
  22. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from clear1985 in I will miss her so much...   
    Really? I wasn't sure about that, but I had some bad experience with people and I had to work on myself. If you have an addictive personality, you should enjoy spending your time alone, do what makes you happy, without other people. Once you stop needing anyone to feel good, it should help. I do get attached myself, so I know that it's good to keep some distance, in case something bad happens.
    You seemed very disappointed she rejected you, and kept asking if the whole nation acts like that. To me, it looked like having expectations, that she should have said yes, then blaming her for being Chinese when she said no. That's why I mentioned the "expectations" part. It's not about asking someone out, but rather about dealing with the rejection. When someone says "no", you may feel bad about it, but it's better to get over these feelings. Like I said before, every person has their own right to decide, so unless they're obviously mistreating you (in general, not in this specific situation, because rejecting a person isn't any kind of abuse), you can't blame them for anything and you have to deal with your feelings alone (so it's better to not be bitter about anything, it doesn't help you to be happy).
    Even if you loved to talk with her, there are many great people around you, for sure. Just enjoy their company . Not dating anyone isn't bad, you have lots of freedom.
  23. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from clear1985 in I will miss her so much...   
    That's because this thread is full of drama .
    I agree with Tetora. Meet some new people and move on. I'll also add: Next time don't get attached too much to anyone, because people will always disappoint you when you do (and hurt your feelings again). Don't have any expectations towards anyone either, it's frustrating to the other person (I know this is difficult, but others have their own will, so you have to set them free to treat them well).
  24. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from Tetora in I will miss her so much...   
    That's because this thread is full of drama .
    I agree with Tetora. Meet some new people and move on. I'll also add: Next time don't get attached too much to anyone, because people will always disappoint you when you do (and hurt your feelings again). Don't have any expectations towards anyone either, it's frustrating to the other person (I know this is difficult, but others have their own will, so you have to set them free to treat them well).
  25. Like
    Nyasagi got a reaction from clear1985 in I will miss her so much...   
    Quoting sucks here, so I'll just number the replies to the paragraphs I quoted.
    1. Maybe she doesn't want to date? Not all people are interested in it (temporarily or permanently).
    2. Lol, when I'm really not interested, I'm really not interested. Don't assume things. In some situations women may change their minds, but it isn't always the case. When someone is totally not my type, I won't change my mind, no matter what. It depends on the person, don't push anyone into anything just because you think they may do what you want, eventually. This is wrong.
    3. If I was your boss and I noticed you manipulate me, I'd calm down, smile, thank for the compliment and give you more work.
    4. That's creepy. Don't talk to girls like that, dude... unless you're dating someone for a long time and you're very close. Marriage and shit? I'd run away if someone did that to me, unless I was really attracted to the guy, but she obviously isn't attracted to you, so you probably scared her away by that.
    No offense, I may be wrong (because it's just the internet), but you sound a bit clingy in your posts and assume you can solve everything by complimenting people. While compliments are nice, they're worth anything only if you're honest, not when you're using these as a method to get what you want. That's not what compliments are for, really. Sometimes you just can't get something. Sad, but true. Everyone has the right to decide for themselves and you shouldn't get bitter about it. That's not about their nationality, but about the right to make their own choices.
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