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Posts posted by minre

  1. they all seem like good ideas, just poorly designed...

    though that could be sad about possibly anything.

    in terms of the whole vampire thing, can't decide if I prefer the crest or the throne image...

    then again, asagi is so full of himself, so I'll choose the questionable third cover.

  2. Yakou felt off, and I was disappointed in new Lost Generation.

    Favorite track was the re-mix, surprisingly.

    In any case, judging from these three singles, the album should prove to be interesting, Hopefully, not too far off.

  3. iridize + god bless are old samples. [sorrow+blood as well]

    anyways, I thought iridize was going to be like forsaken [my favorite song], but it then surprised me.

    I don't know what to say about my doped or crash or undead until I hear the whole thing. I did like grace, though.

    in either case, most people had more interest in the second disc.

  4. ...here's hoping to a mid-tempo song. nothing lame like hage. seriously, that song even felt like a b-side. unfortunately, there's not going to be an actual b-side... that is to say, I have no interest in any live versions and re-recordings [of songs that I have NO interest in]. a re-mix wouldn't be too bad, but still...

    curious, nonetheless. please remedy the existence that is hage.

  5. it may be better than X-Rays, but it was still relatively awful.

    tracks enjoyed were setsuna no kono, false dawn, and rosary.

    ...in other thoughts, the title track... is... well... simply... disjointed. the song felt so unnatural with all those... nonexistent transitions. augh.

    ...I really don't have anything to say besides that.

  6. I was really disappointed as well. It's understandable that it shouldn't be like their first album... and we know it wasn't after their single, but it really was... how to say... disappointing? Especially the piano heavy tracks, they simply bored the heck out of me for some reason.

    Average if anything.

  7. I keep getting the feeling that it isn't as good as VERSUS even though it is.

    I mean, they've progressed, but if only a little, they can do so much more...

    Similarly to VERSUS, the songs tend to blend together for some reason.

    Honestly, the thing that keeps bugging me is how the more interesting things they incorporate just feels off or is very short. For instance, the piano in strings and the verses in Seventh Tier, don't feel all that involved and out of the loop. Then for some reason I don't know why I just can't seem remember the solos... though I think they've gotten better, heh.

    Favorite song for some reason is FLOOD BEAD, then Bitter Sweet, I guess. Thrust is probably one fo their worst songs ever.

    Ah~~ above average, maybe. 6~8/10

    **I also have to agree that BIRTHDAY is probably one of the more epic intros I've heard. And that I'm not sure if these tracks can beat out VERSUS' last shell, migrant, and the likes.

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