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Posts posted by minre

  1. album of the year :]. not that there are many that were worthy to begin with... perhaps.
    Ehh, I think -OZ-'s "ROGUE" will rival it for sure, and also "Royal Order" OMG that CD was epic.I never really got the love for lycaon people had, so I'm going to have to disregard that part.

    As for -OZ-, I'm being cautious. I did like VERSUS, but it didn't exactly have that 'ZOMG' factor. Though Rain Delay is a good sign at the very least...but if they were to announce the tracklist and include for instance... White Pallet, then I may be forced to change my mind.

    At the very least, it seems the year will end on a good note.

  2. I honestly am hoping frantic emiry appear sometime in the future, since that was essentially CROSS part two... either way, I found BIRTH to much more endearing that LOVE, then again I've only listened once.

    birth = 7

    love = 4

  3. Ahh, it always depresses me when I read 'kazuki died of an overdose', I can't help but think of all the songs he could have written >_<.

    So pretty the songs.

  4. First thought is magician xD.

    I honestly hate the name DIGRAS. I'd have liked it more if it were disgrace/die grace/dye glass, etc.

    Still, I'm curious about the sound considering the reason erika left in the first place was musical differences...and he left for a soft band...so I kind of hope that we don't get two soft bands out of this...

  5. I'm not in the country, so I didn't go, [and even if I was, I'd only be able to go to the LA show...[when there is one] if I could], and honestly I don't know how I'd feel about potentially making one of those longer dreams come true...

    /rant/ I mean, I watched some of the footage, and have to say I don't like the presence sugizo gives off while on stage ]... then again, I have been complaining about it since I first saw any such video. [and like I've said before, it doesn't matter how great sugizo is, it has nothing to do with that. I just don't feel he fits at all.] /rant/

    ermm, sorry. I tend to get worked up when it comes to sugizo + X.

    at least you enjoyed your time, and it seems that his voice has gotten better, which can ONLY be a good thing---unless your hoping for some actual VANISHING VISION goodness...

  6. augh.

    I found cry against to be mindless [and this is coming from someone that loved gekkisei, hah], but I found the re-mix to be a bit more endearing. I was hoping for much more after liking the sample, then again, my earbuds have started to suck, so that may be a deterrent.

    I seem to like monochrome more than I did, which was quite a bit...


  7. most of the ones I'm thinking about have already been mentioned.

    so for now

    the back horn - ningen program

    x - blue blood *

    [let's be honest, all their albums qualify, but this was THE album. [even though it doesn't feature my favorite songs]]

    and perhaps

    karen [the vk band] - Reset ~a revolving lantern~

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