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Posts posted by minre

  1. I don't know where my comment stands, but...

    I want another raging blood. along with thick-skinned contradiction, they were my favorite two screw songs... haha.

    Saying that, I actually thought this was the first decent release in who knows how long.

    Decent/10. Though the production is still horrible.

  2. = =. I never meant to say that Payment of Vomiter was a title I liked, the song was what I liked.

    And it's quite easy to judge if it adds to the experience. It's all about the aesthetics and the overall experience they bring--and to me, the title is very important in that.

    Seriously. I can't stand throw away titles like *LOOSING MY EAY OF THE PROUD* irregardless of the correct spelling since it's in all caps is screaming disaster.

    Of course explaining it doesn't really help, since it won't make anyone care.

    And since singles are released to represent the overall work, it's already confirmed to be a disappointment.

    This is simply hope for the future.

    Not that it matters..

  3. no way around it.....3 is just wrong.

    anyways, going by the titles, I have hopes for 4 and 8. Otherwise, it's looking to be going even further downhill... somehow. [especially 3, 6, 10... just a feeling, the closing piece might be epic though...swallow rain part 2, please.]

    half the album is already guaranteed to suck, hopefully there's a miracle in that one of the so-called filler tracks brings back something from MASTER OF ROMANCE era.

    Payment of Vomiter, please? Swallow Rain? Nakigahara no Ageha? Please? *spazzes*

  4. Very interested.

    Albeit there clearly was a lack of variety, it was still very good.

    And there's no chance they're disbanding unless Ai's planning to retire. [as if]

    Either way, I never liked Double A-sides, since it means less new songs on the album.

  5. ^probably because people don't want a ruki clone in ANY form. that and he honestly failed. [the vocals always seem to be the weak part in these visual inspired bands :x, then agian... the vocals tend to be the problem in vk as well, heh.]

    in either case. I really hope that seremedy's next song is more like bulletproof and not their early demos :), then I can give myself some hope. that, and I'm really surprised that the lead writer of the band is so young o_o....

  6. wtf wtf wtf wtf. >_> Might as well disband as much as this really sucks. Tora is one of my fav japanese vocalists. Better join a new band soon.

    Honestly, though Tora was the reason for many to even care about Sel'm, it was never actually HIS band. I'm pretty sure that this was always MANJ"'s [drummer] band since he writes most of the songs. And since this his effort like DEATHGAZE was to Ai, there's not really a reason to end it.

    Saying that, I'm really curious who he finds to fill in that role.

    Also, in regards to that OHP message, my friend said that Tora pretty much wants to find back himself as a vocalist, while Nagi's leaving due to musical differences.

  7. new single sounds cool.

    but let's be honest, though TORA is good, I think he was too much of a focus in recordings.

    it has always bothered me how his voice overshadowed everything else.

    in either case, it had gotten rather stale?

    also, from the beginning when Nagi joined, we knew he was going to leave someday.

    though we never really got to hear how different the older songs were when he joined, he never really fit in...

    I hope he regains some interest in his next band.

    and I hope Nagi finds reunites an older band of his or something.

  8. screw daizystripper.

    I'm still waiting on some frantic emiry.

    This. Also, this guys did 2 albums last year. Could they take a rest? They have published so much thngs none of it has propperly grown on me yet.

    Honestly, I find it alright if it's just the matter of replacing 3-5 song releases | consecutive campaigns with an [conceptual] album [9-10 songs typically].

    It's different for everyone of course. And though I can't say I've cared for anything since CROSS... it's a good state of mind, unless they're rushing everything, not that it concerns me as I've said- ... though releasing nearly 20 songs at once tends to be overkill and hard to digest.

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