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Posts posted by daintypersnicketydingo

  1. Let's see, of the currently airing anime, the ones I'm enjoying the most are Dr. Stone, Vinland Saga, Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo, Fruits Basket, and Kimetsu no Yaiba.

    18 hours ago, Original Saku said:

    Can we all just take a fucking moment and appreciate the most recent episode (#19) of Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer)? I've been enjoying this show quite a bit and yes it's had some minor problems, nothing big. Started off very strong and kinda slowed down for a little while now, but overall it's been way above average and some quality shit.


    Then there's this episode that just cranks every fucking thing up to 11. Holy shit the production value is ridiculous! Animation, soundtrack, voice acting, everything is just oozing top quality "production let's fucking blow there minds value". I know there is a lot of hype around this show right now and rightfully so, but let's be realistic here. Do I think this is the best shounen ever like many people are claiming because of this episode? No not even close, but do I think this might be one of the best directed and produced anime episodes that I've ever seen? Yeah probably.


    I'm always asked what my favorite studio is and I might throw a few out because hey it's hard to just choose one, but I always give UFOTABLE a high spot and people roll there eyes 9/10 times. "I mean yeah their animation is pretty, but those FATE adaptions are rough... and too hard to understand".


    It is ridiculously hard to adapt a work into an animated series especially a video game source and especially a series as bat shit insane and complicated as FATE and I think they do a fairly decent job at it. But give them a smaller project with less convoluted source material and freedom to do what they want ? We get some hella good shit. This manga was just the adaption they needed to flex a little :lol:


    TLDR; Demon Slayer episode 19 is AOTY (so far), it is legit objectively & subjectively good.

    Yesss! What a gorgeous series, it does the manga such justice. I especially appreciate how they animated the attacks with the stylized water and all. And the hilarity of reaction faces, they fill me with such joy. Also, kudos for the 3-gatsu no Lion avatar, one of my favorite anime series as well. :)

  2. Yeah, agreed on the weird voice effects. The Angels Cry PV had a part that really didn't agree with me because of that but just the audio version isn't as bad. World End though could certainly have less of that editing. I'd love to hear more though.

  3. When I was younger I thought having kids would be neat, I don't know when that changed to noooo, I definitely don't want children. The most frustrating thing about this is the rare times when I talk to my mother and she inevitably brings it up. I vaguely wonder if she'll pressure me to adopt instead once I'm past the age for having children of my own. :P

  4. It made me really happy to see the wide range of people who were interested in the concert. :) Oh boy about your line experience. I had it pretty easy compared to you! I just had to listen to someone and her friends talk about her boobs and the way her outfit revealed them for an hour or so before the line thankfully shifted her away, lol.


    So much agreement on the beauty of this show's その声は脆く performance, I was blown away. I am one of those fans who favors the older stuff, mostly for nostalgic reasons, but this concert was absolutely worth it. Could really tell how they were enjoying themselves up there.

    5 hours ago, ricchubunny said:

    Here in Brazil we are camping since Tuesday. The concert is on sunday lol

    Holy smokes!

  5. 6 hours ago, Bangyanico said:

    I didn't get to go but can you give me an idea of what was Hyde's set list and how long his performance was compared to Wagakki band?

    Hmm, I'd say they had comparable performances in terms of length, but I had to leave early so I'm not 100% sure. I do know his entire setlist for the show though: Fake Divine, After Light, Inside of Me, Out, Don't Hold Back, Zipang, Who's Gonna Save Us, Underworld, Another Moment, Sick, Mad Qualia, and Ordinary World.

  6. Saw Hyde and Wagakki Band at the Playstation Theater yesterday. I'm so very pleased! Both Hyde and Suzuhana had even stronger voices in person, gosh I could listen to them into forever. Had to leave early to catch the bus home sadly but I'm still so happy to have heard Hyde in person. I missed L'arc~en~Ciel when they came to Otakon over a decade ago so it is wonderful to see Hyde perform finally. :) And really loved how Wagakki Band had such a range to them, not easy to somehow show off the amazing talent for each of their eight members but they did so beautifully.

  7. Finally finished the first season of Ash vs Evil Dead, I do so love comedy horror type series. Besides, long standing adoration of Bruce Campbell certainly helps. I mostly like the series when it is being ridiculous so when it started getting more serious my attention waived but I'm still interested in more. Aside from that, also watched a couple episodes of Lost in Space, which I have to admit I mostly had an interest in because the internet told me about a hot robot. :P But I do enjoy that and stories about characters trying to survive in strange new places.

  8. On 4/16/2019 at 11:07 PM, moniker said:

    Fairy Gone isn't really an anime i'm into but i gave it a shot since i like the character design (same as JJBA)

    That's one of the series I really wanted to like. But I just watched episode five and can't find myself caring about the characters or what's happening. To me it mostly feels like it exists to showcase neat fights.

    On 4/17/2019 at 8:33 PM, Flame-X said:

    So I've watched the first 2 eps of One Punch Man Season 2. I don't know about everyone else but this adaptation has been so flat. This is not just the visuals though, it's also the voice acting. Is it strange that I find the manga pops out a lot more in the humor and the action scenes? I know JC Staff is a bit more competent based on some of their previous works but alas. The good thing I can say so far is the pacing. The plot has been progressing pretty fast as if they crammed multiple manga chapters in a single ep.

    Oh, I haven't felt that way about it at all. I'll have to pay more attention to the voice acting. I thought there was good depth of feeling for moments like King's reveal or Fubuki's realizations.

    On 5/3/2019 at 5:23 AM, K-x-H said:

    Summer Anime Chart 2019 is now available from here:


    Very happy to continue with Kimetsu no Yaiba and Fruits Basket for the upcoming season. Both have been great adaptions this season. :D As for other series I've already read, I'm keen on seeing Dr. Stone and Vinland Saga. Vinland Saga is one of my favorite series of the past couple years. But I feel like it might not appeal to a lot of people because it is like Golden Kamuy in some ways. Combat but every once in awhile, every day stuff like farming. BEM is something I know nothing about but I like the description and character designs.

  9. Looking at the setlist and not terribly exciting but I'm happy to see Filth in the Beauty, The Mortal, and Unfinished. I'll be going to tomorrow's concert in NYC, never seem them live before so I'm still jazzed about that.

    On 5/1/2019 at 3:20 AM, yomii said:

    their merch is SO cool but i wish they chose another song title to write on the t-shirts lol

    Had a good laugh when I saw that shirt.

  10. Yeah, I do very rarely listen to the same album more than a few times now. And I pretty much never buy blind. Before when I use to buy music without hearing it online first I'd pretty much get whatever had interesting covers or stuff I've heard about from a friend. And loved getting CD collections with multiple artists I've never heard of before. Now most of my CDs are not in use and I haven't even watched some of my favorite band DVDs in years. On the flip side, whoo those high quality streaming PVs. And there are still songs I listen to intensely for a couple weeks. Thank goodness for massive playlists and automatic artist recommendations, too. First heard of some extraordinary ones though stuff like internet radio.

  11. Hello thread from a million years ago. Went in search of a conventions thread since it is something I'm really getting back into. I went to a bunch during high school then stopped for awhile. Lately I've been coming back to them for guests and seeing people I know plus the nifty cosplay. Next up for me, Bookcon (which has a strong focus on YA books and sci-fi/fantasy novels) and then Wizard World Philly. Both ones I haven't been to so largely going as a matter of curiosity. Probably also going to Otakon which is one of the regular ones I go to throughout the years. Usually I just dip by for a day since I get tired of not being home.

  12. That exciting time with the new season of anime just starting out. My first watch was the first episode of Kimetsu no Yaiba. I'm Extremely happy with it. I already love the manga and the anime does it such justice. Beautifully done. Next up, probably the nostalgia of the new Fruits Basket. :P

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