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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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secret_no_03 last won the day on October 27 2022

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About secret_no_03

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  • Birthday 02/02/1990

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    Straight edge, Music, minimalism, video games, reading, intellectual discussions, food, books, pets. Happily committed <3

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  1. Tried the latest ARCHEMI, ENVYL and gave キズ and ヴィルシーナ another shot and I'll keep the latter, as well as bringing back MAMIRETA. 

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Archemi is always good, they brought up again the dark vibe that Kiryu used to have in early releases
      Kizu are really phenomenal, one of the best new acts of the scene for sure!

      Verxina seems promising, while Mamireta are not my cup of tea to be honest, maybe for the vocals...

      Didn't sample Envyl yet, I need to catch up soon!

    2. secret_no_03


      I love the Yoshida brothers, but I don't like shamisen in my VK lol

    3. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Question of tastes! :-D I always loved when bands put out their Japanese roots in their music, makes them more unique imo!

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