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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. Pretsy

    Sebbi, First, with 12012 s/t claim and now THIS?? I really hope you'd give your comments some thought next time.
  2. Pretsy

    'XIII stairs' sounds alot like 'XII Dizzy' reference The hell, vox looks a lot like Daisuke off that PV
  3. Pretsy

    A few thoughts after listening to this album: Unlike in earlier albums, intro and outro seem to flow very well to their neighboring tracks (just as it was said before). But I felt in certain moments that they were just trying to improve DIVISION's weak spots (consider INSIDE BEAST to be their revision on DUHDUHDUHRANGEMENT) - and ending up as something forgettable. After the first listen, I felt like I'd go with the second round - why? My view on that matter: As sai said; there are many, many good ideas happening in most songs, but that's where stumbling block comes: choruses are boring, BORING, BORING!!! Uruha deserves big props for at least trying to do something "outstanding" instrumentally (I remember LAST HEAVEN having some bluesy solos, kinda neat), Reita should've had a consistent role instead of FADELESS-like "hey, don't forget me!"-parts, Aoi still has a lot to improve (just because you are a "rhythm guitarist", it doesn't mean you just have to chug along) and Kai did much better work here than in Division (being consistent, why not). What about Ruki? His range, sense of melody and hook ideas in general are pretty much the current, weakest link of Gazette. Get him a professional ghost writer to write melodies that won't make you zone out, Sony pls. In other words, there is no chemistry in between Ruki's throwaway choruses and members' "decent" ideas. Also: by "Back to early years"-vibe I don't necessarily mean "you have to rehash riffage/melodies", Gazette (Kuroku, Loss, THE STUPID TINY SONG) Listing the only decent songs in my book, by numerical order: 1. INSIDE BEAST 2. DEVOURING ONE ANOTHER 3. FADELESS 4. MALFORMED BOX and CODA 5. IN BLOSSOM (has its moments) Call it 6/10 and a protip for Gazette: 1) Hiatus 2) Let Ruki do some co-op work with professionals 3) Comeback 4) Hopefully Ruki will know how to "convince" that way. PS. guys, just ditch TDD - CODA is a perfect outro for 13STAIRS[-]1, trust me!
  4. Pretsy

    adding: Or at least some sort of "13kai wa Gekkou"-type of experimentation would go well (and they were already at "had their moment"-phase back then (as in 2005) , if that really fits as a "counter-comment" xD)
  5. Pretsy

    Love Parade sounds like "Adult Children" demo to me, or at least a prototype version of it. I really hope BT delves into something more, say, "extreme" experimentation (would've been nice if they did something in DTD-like way)
  6. Pretsy

    About MM tho: Does "DEVOURING ONE ANOTHER" remind anyone of Manson's "This is the New Shit"? Seriously tho
  7. Pretsy

    So about PV (I am as much confused about song's message as Peace Heavy is atm): 1. Ruki's "inner beast" is a pedophile (notice: the kids, his bed) 2. Uruha's "inner beast" is a masochist (no comment here) 3. Aoi's "inner beast" is a playboy (no comment here, you notice it as well) 4. Reita's "inner beast" is a pyromaniac (ummm okay) 5. Kai's "inner beast" is a sadist (whipping the gimp, k) So I think it's about "secret fetishes", I guess...? ( I am not the one to talk about PVs like that)
  8. Pretsy

    https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151955995248728&set=vb.119558368214561&type=2&theater INSIDE BEAST full pv Umm...yeah lol. That's all I can say.
  9. The BG place reminds me of setting used in Dir's "JESSICA" (that weird glass dome thing they played in) and "Taiyou no Ao" (read the former) PVs, except that it's all in black, gritty-like texture. Kinda neat.
  10. Pretsy

    ^You don't need the vid to tell whether RTU is drop A# or not - you cannot mishear low A# chugging during verses and in climax. (once again, as I said, this song is a pure exception - not sure whether they will come back to this or not)
  11. Pretsy

    The last song which was done in standard tuning was Worthless War I think. Still thinking that it's due to Ruki's current range (which is not really that great, as we know)
  12. Pretsy

    There's also REMEMBER THE URGE which was done in drop A# + Drop C was utilized at certain points even before Toxic/DIVISION. Say, did everyone forget Nakigahara or Shadow VII II I? Anyways, they should go with standard tuning sometimes (unless it would cause Ruki to strain his vocals) I think Uruha used drop C in "Voiceless Fear" and "RED (live)" too
  13. Pretsy

    Exactly, wtf are they doing...
  14. ^ I am afraid that it's the last effort of his to delve into post-punk/goth rock past. Which reminds me (off-topic), his voice FITTED that song but it deserved more, say, "dedication" (did he forget how he sang vox back in 1994? I suppose his chain-smoking habits wrecked the shit up) //annoyed
  15. Pretsy

    REDO sounds like as if they rehashed 'Sumire' , kinda okay I guess? DEVOURING ONE ANOTHER sounds totally like new Korn - a la 2005 era (you cannot ignore that) LAST HEAVEN is gonna rehash 'Untitled' in the way "DRIPPING INSANITY" did //skeptic speculation MALFORMED BOX sounds very Broken Note-ish - not bad for an intro. LOSS sounds like DEG's "Lotus" at parts, eeeeh... 黒く澄んだ空と残骸と片翅 's beginning sounds like they were taking notes off Girugamesh's 'Volcano' (the main riff, ugh) TO DAZZLING DARKNESS is gonna be fine, digging those gloomy SR vibes CODA is gonna be cool too, it's been awhile since they've done any "convincing" finales a la Chizuru or 'DIM SCENE' Other than that, the rest is easily forgettable. I could only pinpoint like 4 previews I liked OUT OF 14, ffs. It's gonna be better than DIVISION but totally not NIL/SR/DIM-tier, methinks.
  16. ^I know what 'Guernica' is exactly (I asked just to assure whether my romanization was correct), thanks. When it comes to Kiyoharu, you might know just with those titles what you are going to get: 'I HATE YOUR POPSTAR LIFE' would be a full-on punk roller-coaster, while 'Guernica' would be either 1) a sappy ballad or 2) something along the lines of "Mizary" (Naming "new Misery" that way, just to avoid Kiyoharu's fatal title mistake). And I crossed my fingers for possible "Nakigara wo"-influences...but hey, it was clear from Kiyoharu's intentions that he doesn't want to acknowledge "his vk/post-punk self/past" (unlike Shin and Hitoki who are clearly inspired about putting up "an old-school one-night revival" a la Luna Sea-way)
  17. Pretsy

    Tooru used skeleton makeup for a couple of Instinct gigs too + unlike in other gigs, Toshiya and Die had "heavy" makeup too (by Toshiya's case I mean his "Guyliner-kpop look" while in Die's case I meant his "back to 2004" look) Also, Kyo's bald - again...
  18. Pretsy

    [2] I really hope for something more grandiose than Kyokotsu no Nari this time. In terms of Japanese Ghoul tour - there are reports of Kyo wearing different kinds of skull type makeup during performances, especially in -Instinct- gigs. Guess he really has a thing for Rick Genest or he felt like "living up to the theme".
  19. Pretsy

    I can't see ANY reason why would they do a piano version of Ruten no Tou again - okay, UNPLUGGED versions are truly sloppy (except for say, RED SOIL?). but they don't have to "improve" the certain version that way. Unless of course, it's gonna be something along the lines of Rinkaku -unplugged- a la strings version / speculations keep increasing
  20. Kiyoharu, get a grip. Other than that, is that other single title called "Guernica"?
  21. Pretsy

    My big guess would be that they are gonna do it in Undecided -remake-like way (does anyone even remember that remake? Uh, it's like one of their greatest tbqh)
  22. Pretsy

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU0xIuPXu9g I bet it's like this one (considering they have played it alot during AQA too) Also, this guy summed up things about differences in between Mazy and Insticnt gigs: http://decayedkyo.tumblr.com/post/64024354735/fuck-yes-tonight-was-fun-that-concert-kicked Just as most guessed here - Mazy = Theatric stuff / Instict = "raw" performance
  23. Yup, also the other guy is a vk blogger too (and from Finland as well) Should've at least changed their "nicknames" or something (okay, blog nicknames as artist nicknames? C'MON)
  24. Pretsy

    Emiru (ex-Aicle) is such a huge Radwimps fanboy. Why? You might ask me
  25. Isn't this the biggest Mejibray stan in Finland? As far as I can remember... Edit: LOL, vk blogger
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