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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. Pretsy

    Posting more: Shinya Yamada (LUNA SEA) The rest is basically tanuki hunting-tier quality really since in the end we need to respect privacy of those who are not willing to reveal their kids in public unlike guys above (just to clarify that I am not a creep lol).
  2. TK would have my respects back if he only bothered to define his own album as something much more consistent and quality-tier in general, instead of sliding in a few cool parts but leaving entireties stale af. Speaking of something merrier, LTS enthusiasts - keep your ears open. (penned by TK btw) The good ol' glory of that familiar TK post-chorus hook you heard in "es or s" (forgot which songs) and "Secret Sensation"!
  3. Pretsy

    ^^I am not trying to insist that you had some political endorsement out there, nor doubting that you share this sentiment regarding unification etc. As I said above, I am just worried about how this hulabaloo or whatever you call it overshadows the dire need for acknowledgement and assessment of current financial, labor and similar issues without resorting to various buzzwords (e.g. addressing outsourcing issues in US in a bit skeptical light triggers blames for "racism" - so what are the exact frames of this concept?). At this point and age people should be striving to find common features between each other (no shit) and promote them in the same light. By doing so, peeps themselves might surely know how to get out of that "quagmire" you are speaking of (I would love to hear details/elaboration since I don't really sympathize to "you don't know our problems"-kind of rejection). Note: I am not asking you to accept or endorse their values (as in those Trump fans with their "nigger-lover" statements) wholeheartedly, nor asking them to accept the ideology of the opposing side wholeheartedly either. However: socially speaking, both sides should be capable to address certain points (that are irrelevant to race/ideology matters) they could understand completely in each other, instead of casting each other aside as "bigots" or "degenerate liberals" (and politically speaking, I don't think a full-on populist businessman who promises farce akin to building walls and banning muslims, or a full-fledged socialist with naïveté in economics and foreseeing effects of "spreading the values" could tackle this issue for once and unite you) - this is how a well-functioning society should work. Whether I am preaching to the choir or not, it's up to your interpretation (I personally don't feel like many folks despite their ideology assess this idea). But I had my say and will let it sink in for those who care (see: my earlier comment and its relevance to this thread). Apologies for derailing v_v
  4. Pardon, didn't notice that YT Red is doing its malevolent tricks lately: http://en.musicplayon.com/play?v=755487 "Cherry Bomb" should be unrestricted there. (even though PV was premiered much earlier, promotion itself was on February-ish (as far as my Recochoku senses realized that)
  5. Pretsy

    As an European (since another european here already cited another point of view regarding being "disgusted" about current events in the US ) I would point out what the United States needs first and foremost: major unification, capability and desires to "gather around the table" in order to discuss those things throughout in a civil, non-offensive way. As much as one would like to frame others for being "bigots" from DP's perspective or "cucks" from GOP's perspective respectively (my apologies, had to recollect some instances as a person with centrist views), flinging those buzzwords, calling names, threatening, rejoicing over one's demise in the name of BOTH major parties and their supporters have been practised to the very worrisome extent. Instead of sticking to such practice and letting the blame game go on and on, it would be lovely to see supporters (no matter which party) - no, people have courage to face these both sides and attempt to patch some things up for the sake of emerging progress, i.e. centrist handling. By calling each other "niggers, cucks, bigots, faggots, bull-preppers, rape apologists, misogynists, degenerates" (my apologies again, notice quotation marks - that's the collection of "buzz insults" I noticed lately there) and advocating fiercer opposition all you'll do (yes, BOTH campaigns) is just making the rift wider and wider until the meaning of "United States" goes down to being fallacious. Considering this altogether, if I WERE an American citizen - I'd be advising the mass to practise extensively and rationally neutral addressing when it comes to facing "the opposing ideology", and finding the common resolve - NOT "protecting us from ourselves". Imposing values instead of discussing rationally on them altogether will merely lead to the worst case scenarios INSIDE of your own country (which is far worse than encountering risks from OUTSIDE). Such warning is applicable to both campaigns, supporters, fans and so on - be it a dem or a GOPper. This is not a "political thoughts thread" ofc but I thought of giving my cents anyway - as a person who has buds and lads from both sides, with extremely varying views, ideologies et cetera. Apologies for a long reply. Have a doggo
  6. Avelcain song sounds a bit like something Eve would pen for his (prospective) vocaloid project (considering that he kinda dabbles between two scenes atm). Other than that, there's a few nice picks here and there which I admire to the certain extent. Good job guys - you seemed to be more positive about February than I was anyway lol Speaking of my picks that are not really catering everyone's tastes: EDIT: isn't Deviloof by any chance another "Was casual but later turned into a vk band"-kind of act? Not that I checked their background, just wondering (they DO take their sound a bit further than most br00tal kei bands do)
  7. Pretsy

    Kaisan pls welcome back tho, honestly
  8. Pretsy

    They did and are still doing that for a while - unfortunately.
  9. Pretsy

    For instance, most Warner/SMEJ videos are blocked. Not saying all peeps do it, just that quite many J-artists (read: J-pop ones, idk whether major VK bands bother to block their PVs here) had this total lockdown in terms of worldwide PV access ever since the advent of Youtube Red. Not that this is the first time someone complains about this issue, really. I just feel saddened that this contributes its own share to wreckage of Japanese pop culture internationally (where that J-music boom at? We have only Koreaboos going wild atm...minus Babymetal stans)
  10. Pretsy

    Exactly why out of many countries Japan has to go totes strict with their country restrictions on YT? No wonder that even Cool Japan (which flopped hard, unsurprisingly) couldn't save Japan from suicidal direction in their worldwide trend popularity etc. (to compare: S. Korean acts use YT actively for promo means and look - they actually do better) Saying this while wondering when Polysics will finally open their current PVs to non-Japanese folks Also: Rutracker got blocked completely (not just locally) - lol @ Roskomnadzor
  11. Timeless Love: L'Arc's Dune/True/Heart/Ark, Midori, experimental-era Boredoms (e.g. VCN, Super Ae), Merveilles and Voyage-era MM, pre-I'mperfect Ling Tosite Sigure, Shiina Ringo + Tokyo Jihen minus a few songs on SUNNY and her latest singles, Geinoh Yamashirogumi, Luna Sea minus a handful of songs and before SHINE, Kuroyume's first two full-lengths, Melt-Banana, jangly NOVEMBERS, YMO + Hosono projects, La'cryma Christi when they were proggy/artsy Used to love but meh ewww lol: the rest of Kuroyume's repertoire (except maybe for Feminism, talk about ambivalence), DEG, anything Gazette, MM's Tetsu era, anything La'cryma did after Lhasa, L'Arc's Heavenly and Smile/Awake, a great handful of old school vk acts, the handful of songs and SHINE by LS (e.g. "IN MIND" and "STEAL" are blatantly silly/stupid) I became a choosy chap, lol. edit: I could care less for anything Kiyoharu these days. Not enjoying songcrafters with Yoshiki syndrome tbqh.
  12. m-flo loves Emyli & YOSHIKA - Loop in My Heart Making this very short since I am very familiar with m-flo's "loves"-era (which is frankly enough their best, hip hop-era comes very close though). Beats are dope, that funk hook is lovely, female vox give their own charm but regarding VERBAL...as much as I dig his "sidekick" shticks with normal vocalists, his later EDM-tier lack of rhymecraft is kind of showing here. Other than that, fond '05 nostalgia and definitely one of the most memorable releases a la J-pop off that year in general (since mid-00s pastiches a la Hana Kimi-soundtrack youngins are something I semi-abhor). Next song:
  13. Pretsy

    "Hate" is a very strong word (blaming myself for joining the bandwagon muuuch earlier back in the day). Nonetheless, what I learned to dislike lately is how a huge mouthful of bands (visual-based, actually) tend to mix synth/programming, drumming and riffage together so badly that they end up being offbeat rather than striving to corroborate the "sum" of these instrumental aspects. For the love of god, is it really that hard to apply proper electronics and/or real *THWOMP* (not keystroke-core pls) sounds? Looking at you, cheap Yamaha orchestra clash effects circa '98 on Lycaon's "Psychedelic Jelly" and the infamous keystroking by courtesy of Deathgaze and any band that utilizes trigger warnings in such cheap ways. This post might smell like one of your good ol' rants against VK and how "everything sucks there" (- Gordon, Jrocknyc ®), but here's the thing: it doesn't more than a decade for bands and their staff to master their earsight without spending too much on gadget-n-device-o-fests with protools'ing (which honestly enough sounds worse when applied by trendy kids these days), but at least non-vk acts learn to overcome budget-strict mixes/masters after a few indie records! What's with our VK hosts then? Going backwards, I presume? Any self-respecting collective/act should know how things actually roll in music industries circa 2010s - experiences pass on and next generations gain more advantage in hassling with their mixing tables etc. So did the "good" experience pass on in this case? I am gonna let you guys figure it out and inspect the whole matter in much larger context, e.g. these forever indie vkcore bands. (inb4 "but muh unique vk soundscape") No wonder that despite my sympathies towards everything I did and endorsed as a VK weeaboo, I couldn't find any major aspects I could take seriously anymore. Visual acts of this generation do seem like those who - according to the voices of harsh critique - neglect things what their biases and influences have left them. How many years or decades it will take to fix this "incompetent sponge"-phenomenon (related to ripoffs and inability to emulate influences as their own)? Here's hoping at least those cashing figures of current VK a.k.a ex-Baiser Yukari (now "le Producer") FINALLY realize their plan of eventually Johnny's-ing the specific bunch of VK acts (e.g. Blu-Billion and Kameleo, whoever pushed them) to show others how major-based business won't necessarily kill your "charms" - I know, I know, major label moves have stigmas upon them but let this sink for a moment: do these indie label collectives exhibit "emerging" attributes in their sound? (kudos to those who realize this one huge reference I made in this comment)
  14. Still solid as always (I dug single/PV tracks a lot). Crossing my fingers too!
  15. Pretsy

    http://uk.businessinsider.com/50-cent-ordered-back-into-bankruptcy-court-after-flashing-cash-on-instagram-2016-2?r=US&IR=T "TEEEHEEEHEEE."
  16. Pretsy

    Does anyone have specific go-to, minimalist albums you'd listen to whenever you are focusing on something important (e.g. programming stuffs)? I am in a dire need for some *different* "focusing music" this time, since I have been too much into these krautrock-related acts (take say, anything Göttsching-related) and some Eno-produced ones too (Penguin Cafe Orchestra). Anything goes as long as it helps me to keep my concentration stable or idk. Note: I am very familiar with and a fan of WEG/Kashiwa/Ikeda-related works if that matters.
  17. Pretsy

    Not exactly "random questions" but here we go: Anyone having specific recs concerning (comfy) laptops with more than just decent battery life, processors with i4 or even above (preferably i5) and almost flawless Linux + virtual machine compatibility? Let's say prices I'd accept could lie between 500 - 900 $ (not really expecting to see such comps on the other side of this spectrum but color me surprised if you do). Defo not cool with my current laptop's (HP mini 210-2000, hella old!) 2,5 h battery life + jittering by courtesy of Linux' unfortunate battery draining features (@nostalgia, pls?)
  18. TK's hooks have become indistinguishable (and flat) :/ Also, am I the only one who half-expected this to be another "eF" based on that title setting? Lol.
  19. Pretsy

    As a person who used to grow up with older-ish French music (Aznavour, Hardy, Gall, Birkin (she counts), Vartan, Brel, Piaf (obviously), Fontaine etc.) and desires to develop French skills further (J'suis trop timide pour dire ou écrire quoi que ce soit en français...), I wanted to inspect whether you tried out "classic essentials" in French first before moving on to more modern ones? I am not asking you to be stuck in enjoying chansony hey-days though: you'd find more useful art and practice of studying French by assimilating older French romanticism you'd see and hear in those sensual croons and flicks a la '60's/'70s. Believe me, that's how most language courses utilize the "fun" aspect of progressive studies anyway (i.e. practising the "classic" language first). Just me and my thoughts btw.
  20. Pretsy

    So here's the thing (considering that MH can be used as a platform for not-so-music-related things (we have Tanuki threads too, after all): As curious fanatics and so on, we are usually intrigued not only about J-musicians (or basically any other musician), but we are also interested in seeing how their offsprings would showcase themselves in the public (not necessarily appliable to every monochromium here but hey - tanuki-tier stuff shouldn't be boring, right?). Not expecting this thread to progress further, but post any pics you could find about children of those popular J-musicians we might have heard of etc. - vk or non-vk, doesn't matter really! (ps. feel free to move this to the gallery section in case this deserves no place around here, I had no idea where to shoehorn this lol). Kiyoharu: Sugizo CORNELIUS
  21. Pretsy

    To whom ever this may concern (Perfume's nyuu arubumu, doesn't deserve its own thread tbh):
  22. Pretsy

    Practically one of THE best torch songs to me (or that's how I'd interpret it) I don't even need words to describe my feelings but talk about additional bonus though: Other picks:
  23. Pretsy

    Low testosterone males will be much more appreciated/trendy during the next decades though, so barely anyone could get behind your statement on that matter tbh :V
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