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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. it actually means "oblation" (in dutch), not oblate But whatsoever, old school is back! \o I am gonna miss my old school fandom tho : |
  2. Pretsy

    Oh wait, Trombe posting news about western bands? COOOOOOOOOOL *sunglasses.gif* I guess I won't need UG news for awhile
  3. It's like the birthchild of gaika and ASOM *insert the joke about gaze-related song recycling here* Quite good but I am not yet amused Waiting for b-side leaks.
  4. "happy metal" Implying that power metal is related to "oshare metal(core)" (a la Decola Hopping)...just no. But anyways, I am ready
  5. Pretsy

    I listen to DEG while my scrobbler is off and yeah, it is really that embarassing in our hoods, since we count DEG as some sort of "deathcore/emocore-band", proggy or not but the fanbase is comparable to BMTH one for eg, or so do my buddies/just homies think
  6. Pretsy

    fix'd And yeah, I don't get this GB hype as well - what's so special in them? If I am permitted to ask that
  7. This topic needs sum power metal, or how do we like to call it in Winland: "dick metal"
  8. Stratovarius (a.k.a. Finnish Galneryus...no wait, Galneryus is Japanese Stratovarius ) wiki: Lineup (current): Timo Kotipelto Vocals Jens Johansson Keyboards, Piano Jörg Michael Drums Lauri Porra Bass guitar Matias Kupiainen Guitar (missing you, Timo Tolkki (guitar, vocals, main composer) ) So yeah, I've listened to them a lil bit during the early 2000s when our *currently dead* youth culture programme played Hunting High and Low like 3 times a day - what a great era for metalheads out there After their *major* suckage in self-titled album I decided to forget them once and for all...and went back to my "stratohabits" through my friend, who's a die-hard stratofan Some favs: LtyI8NN2MkM 0MNrsMAqTdE k2uLSvT0ERM PYLDL3_3LrY cwjqUlR6eGo (personally, i am not a big fan of their post-millenium songs) fans around here?
  9. Pretsy

    MV wasn't that bad + my fav song as well (since this is one of her most retroish songs) Hope she could get her curves back : |
  10. weird and ungoogleable name But at least they are not disbanding
  11. Pretsy

    THIS Their current djentdjentdjentchugchugchugging style sucks
  12. thats what I expected from DS : | but TtK: mosh mosh mosh mosh slooow heaadbaaang (we need a slo-mo headbang smiley here) Neat! I don't get cheesey's comment at all since they've made growls like these for yeears since first uroboros lives hehe (but nowadays his growls are equal to professional ones) Red soil didn't impress me though - engrish is weak.
  13. Pretsy

    PFFFFFFFT they are coming to Finland and ironically, right after deg's performance - no coupling tours or something like that, just a pure coincidence Every post-Around the Fur album rules, and pre-AtF albums are kinda good as well (quoting one good old school song: "suck suck suck suck suck suck suck!") One of the most original acts from US imho
  14. Pretsy

    How come? Were they really better than Despa?
  15. Wish they could rewind back to their debut style but it's kinda impossible without Jimi (for some reason) Hoping for a new, much better musical direction.
  16. Pretsy

    MUCC has hope, while giru doesn't But yeah, RIP Despa, we won't forget you
  17. Source or it didn't happen There are more rumours than facts that concern DEG.
  18. So, your descriptions were rumours then, I presume.
  19. Pretsy

    D: D: D: D: D: D: GET THAT MAN OUT OF YFC GT5, HUSH HUSH HUSH No seriously, someone needs to tie him and tape his mouth for the whole gig.
  20. Pretsy

    Gonna mention some: Placebo - Oh, oh and oh. Brian Molko and co. - basically, the first rock band I've listened to (me, softie guy much? Haha). I've spent my childhood (which is late mid-90s to early millenium) with Placebo + other "softie" artists and their hits (such as and etc.) - what else should I say about this awesome act? Still my fav Brit band, even though, I haven't listened to them that much nowadays (recent album was a little disappointment for me )Deftones - *waiting for disses from metalheads* okay, here it comes - Deftones, first metal/hard rock act i've ever listened to - still remembering those good old mtv times when they showed instead of soapie/teenage pregnancy show crap. Surprisingly, I've got into Korn during my early teenage years thru these guys (also known as: "poor man's Korn") but in my honest opinion, those bands have only a little in common - Deftones' songs are way more atmospheric and experimental. Me likes, even now.Daft Punk - my first *important* non-rock act ever - Catchy tunes, lots of weirdness and some...HOUSE FEVER hehe - Discovery was the first record I bought by them (unfortunately, I lost it as well, along with JESSICA by deg) and here it went, I spinned it through and jizzed - literally. Especially made them kiddio hips shakety-shake for the first time, and without embarassment I didn't listen to them for a long time after going back to vk fandom in late 2005/2006 and yeah, someone should motivate me to try them once more - ONE MORE TIME!Dir en grey - *drum roll* the first japanese rock act I've ever listened to, YAHOOO!!! As I mentioned earlier, I've got into Jessica right during the first spin-through (since I've never tried kawaiidesuthingies earlier - c'mon! It was 2001! No signs of possible oshare waves seen here, folks! I was a stupid, non-informed kiddio as well back then) and as the amateur internet user, I managed somehow to dig through the unknown blogs and sites so I could see some diru-related news/download files (Tonberry didn't exist yet in my surrounding world until late 2003 a.k.a vk swansong era of mine - I dumped it all in favor of DP)...Kisou and six Ugly were golden, until Vulgar came and disappointed me (it has grown on me, so no probs with it now ) Years have passed by, and the jrock phenomenon shone in nordic countries in 2004-2007 or so - I've got myself into this new wave of teenage retardism as well, and nothing has changed since those times - dissing and hating on deg but still digging their huge discography with many gems etc. Kuroyume - Da-dan, along with LS, my first old school vk/non-vk findings - after getting bored with Uroboros hype etc. I decided to look for possible influences of DEG until some unknown names have caught my attention - and thanks to YT, my world has changed completely - I've got my 90s back! MY 90S ARE BACK FOLKS! *howls* - love at first sight, and hearing. For more fandom retardom - check my artist threads. That's all, I am tired. kthanxgudbai
  21. How the heck do you know that? Sources? I am merely confused right now + Lemme ask: is Lotus -album version- somehow different from it's single version?
  22. Pretsy

    fixed. bun in serious notes, i am not sure if there is any subliminal message. But you can maybe try anagram ^__^v Well, that ugly font seems to accentuate "MOO" in my opinion i dunno but anagram? Dio's prom supper? On-topic: i am pretty sure that album intro will be quite sa-bir-ish (with more squeals or so) since it means "the call of Kyokotsu" (="well ghost") But pardon my stupidity, what the heck is DREAMBOX?
  23. Pretsy

    It sounds quite SADS-ish, at least in my ears (well, Lycaon itself is "SADS jr.") Basically, the first song gets 8,5/10 from me, because of SADS/middle eastern vibes The rest (except Marigold 8,5/10 for kesshou hana-ness and ILUVSEXILUVDURUUGSILUVLOCKENLOLL 7,0/10 for lulz) belongs to my meeh-class a.k.a 5,5/10 section - it's that same, annoying, decent vk crap I've heard from thousands of thousands of companion vksters Try harder, Lycaon...oh wait, they are not taking their style directions seriously anymore, pffffft...
  24. Pretsy

    That weird-fonted album title is placed funnily Everytime, when I am taking a look at that album cover... I manage to read that whole thing only in vertical way (blame stupid font once again) Is it me, or is there really a subliminal message or some sort of it? To clear it up: _DUM (had to put some spaces in the beginning) SPIRO SPERO Do you see the same thing? I am pretty sure everybody has noticed this already but it's a new surprise for me (p.s. I found it myself , didn't use hints from deg-argument bloggers at all)
  25. Pretsy

    What the heck is that thing in the middle of cover? Digging bamboos though Also: VUROSSOMINKUU VEERUZEBABUUUU!...AMON. (Amon symphonic ver. -bonus track thingy makes me think of Rammstein's Roter Sand for some reason)
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