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Everything posted by Rahzel

  1. Rahzel

    Eai, alguém quer alguma coisa da Mandarake (exceto o que vou comprar e não tem mais estoque)?
  2. Rahzel

    Not to be A Kpoppie but my favorite kpop boys just made a comeback and I've been listening to this for 3 hours straight lol
  3. Rahzel

    I agree wholeheartedly although I can't say I ain't the positive vibes only crowd lately, I think sometimes that also comes with like the tiredness of being the nth generation of systemic oppression and be like, ok, since this age of information makes everyone forget their wrongdoings so easily then I'll also give myself free pass to forget mine. No idea if realizing this makes me compassionate or it's just that I relate to these people on some degree, or both lol. But I guess this is what gives either way. Yes, some of the less compassionate people are also the ones talking the most about compassion. ______________________________________________ Ughhh I went to an anime con sunday (because I enjoy cosplaying and meeting artists and their works....... that's all I still enjoy in anime conventions tbh) and I'm pissed cuz nobody bothered to take a pic of my Macross cosplay ... sad story sis 😞 why is everyone so competitive when it comes to cosplay nowadays wtf it's just grown up people in cartoon costumes
  4. Rahzel

    I could not not laugh. i approve
  5. Rahzel

    Yeah, people were discussing this on a topic the other day. How these indie japanese bands seem to enjoy being indie and out of reach to people outside of their culture and I really get the appeal, I mean, coming from a genre that had a... frantic temporary boom, that has angura, culture-specific fanservice, crossdressing, X, Malice Mizer and Yohio ... I would like to stay the fuck away from other countries' business as well probably because it's just a headache lol anyway The sad thing about this is that perfectly talented bands that would like to venture overseas really need to take a step outside the box to do that
  6. Rahzel

    Thank you for this topic because I'm always out of the loop lol literally too many songs on replay to listen to new stuff. I've been only really following Gravity and Amai Bouryoku but I ocasionally try to catch up on releases of Acme, La’veil MizeriA, Leetspeak Monsters, Neverland, Vivarush, 0.1g no gosan etc
  7. Rahzel

    I'm not sure about that, I'd bet it depends on your currency. But really, all I'm saying is people are all pretend inclusive but at the end of the day are shitting "ways of being a stan" on others. Dude, I literally don't care, I don't think bands are going to benefit from me starving to see them esp not if I end up homeless because of that (isn't it better if I, erm, promote them? the shock!) and I'd rather not be a fan of anything at all if that means I'll have to abide by rules of how to spend my money in it lol
  8. Rahzel

    Honestly, the problem is that people literally go around talking about check ur privilege!11 but they seldom do actually check *their* privileges. Buying a vk album involves at the very least owning an international credit card (currently I don't own a credit card, much less an intl one lol), only if you're extremely lucky (enjoy popular bands, live in commercial center, etc) you can buy it from a local store. Back then when I was unemployed I'd do those Google Rewards thing to purchase like one album for myself every birthday, and yes surely I did that but I sureee wouldn't blame anyone who doesn't. Also, idk but maybe nowadays that also requires a credit card number? lol. Maybe I wouldn't
  9. Rahzel

    Yeah, that one. Lol, I think I've seen that one before. Oh boy, his sister is actually to blame for my not only being accepting of the fujoshi life but also starting to like BL manga way back then, so I liked her a lot way before Love Stage. It's really a "wow... what a wonderful world" moment for me whenever I think of it.
  10. Rahzel

    I didn't want to revive that sexuality matters within vk topic but y'know, sometimes I'm laying in bed and I think about how Daigo's sister a full fledged BL mangaka actually wrote a whole BL with a MC who, according to her, was heavily based on her brother. Ok, sure, Naitou siblings are not a force to be reckoned with but still my brain always goes there and I am like hm. Interesting... facts... maybe.
  11. Not to be a bad person but I've always hated Gianism. They could burn me for saying this but swap those 3 Gianism Shichi for Nazuki, Mind Ocean and Dasei Boogie pls (and Criminal Baby cuz it's criminal to not have Criminal Baby in any compi)
  12. Wow, how did I completely missed this gimmick 2D band until they were called flops? The music is not even bad, definitely kinda vrzel if vrzel was good.
  13. My friend who's also a fan and going to Japan said "what the fuck, I'm not going to any of these, if Yomi wants to be mute that's on him but I'm not funding that" and I like to believe fans like that are why they're just making cheap compilations lmaoo Also, glad we stan Hitsugi - I can only buy his without regrets however the complete lack of Criminal Baby let me down
  14. Rahzel

    Whoop. I meant the girl wouldn't even have lived enough to sleep with 300 people though and I do not think high schoolers in general are sleeping around that much, unless she is like going out with someone older she met on Tinder every other day. Still... the dedication. ... But isn't that like when you open someone's myanimelist and they've watched 1000 anime in 5 years and ur like much wow ... how And yeah, I meant people who actually put themselves through the trouble of cheating compulsively while refusing to be in an open relationship should be treated. You know, people who have multiple partners in different places do exist.
  15. Rahzel

    Ardent sexual reformers? High body count? I honestly thought this was going down the path of serial murders, people who murder after raping or something going on with religious fanatics somewhere. I'm pretty asexual (as many people who know me online actually have no idea because I don't really rub that in anyone's faces, but my history is basically that of someone with no desire whatsoever and whenever sex comes as a passing thought in my brain it's like "I'm getting old and maybe this person will do" which changes as soon as I get busy with another project) so I know some (close, even) people like that and never asked for numbers, but after like the tenth in a year I'm like "hey, bro, u ok lol" because it's probably not cool to carry that big an emotional and social luggage not to mention stds records etc. Not to mention, u sure u ok down there lol? But hey, people like that make things easier for me I guess so it's ok. Then again, if you're a sexual person and don't manage to get a stable partner, your number can end up getting pretty high, which IMO isn't so weird or to be condomned in any way. But if you two/three/four... times your partner with other people, well then. You're probably, at least, a dysfunctional hypersexual. That's not a sin (wait, technically that is, but) nor will you get in jail for it probably, but yeah. As for the girl under the age of 20 who's been around, that's probably a lie lol. If she is actually doing business (ie. she is a whore) well, maybe she is just addicted to not being poor as hell. Or maybe she wants to buy her own stuff.
  16. Rahzel

    The sad part about being single is filling that void of "how was your day, hun?" and having fun together with idols because you feel betrayed and lonely as fuk if they retire, disband or get married Yes, I Am Looking At You Tatsuhisa Suzuki
  17. Rahzel

    Ppl be a fan of actual Visual kei where bandomen cosplay literally all the time but God forbid a fan cosplaying bandomen
  18. Rahzel

    On this matter I would like to congratulate Gravity for making a point of being acknowledged as グラビティ↗↗楽しさ♪FULLVOLTAAAGE. I think they took this very seriously and I appreciate the effort.
  19. Rahzel

    My heart and what little I have seen of his youtube channel tells me he's (FFXIII) Lightning kin
  20. Rahzel

    The Extended cateye reminds me of Hitsugi from Naito who does it to this day on occasion lol and, uh, big colorful lashes are my thing. Also, the ganguro one is more like rokku gyaru style. Actually, if we think about visual kei aas its roots, there's really no wrong way of doing it. It's about the eccentric looks so it's not really "wrong", but there's definitely a more "simple" look that looks better with anything. Thanks for the tutorial on that one!
  21. Rahzel

    Yea, it's pretty cool. I feel that the original series might be a little outdated especially if you're not, like, a teenage weeb girl at heart. But, hey, its gameplay is quite fun
  22. I wonder if Sai Yoshiko - Mangekyou is even citypop? I stumbled upon it while searching for citypop recommendations and it was aaamazing. But although it was the same era I think it is much experimental. Maybe not citypop. Loved anyway https://youtu.be/JdhhCCiIx40
  23. Rahzel

    I was gonna say something smartypants in this topic but I lost all my arguments at "sexuality in Japan is a taboo subject that can only be broken for the sake of fanservice bucks, horny fujoshi and temporary high school exploration storylines (hello shoujo ai)." quite frankly, I mean Saga was amazing at the exposure but my shit was far gone lol Regardless. Yeah, it's For The Art, man. And the horny fujoshi. As I see it from someone growing in the 90s and 2000s I think vk (not just vk but also ... Jpop culture generally I guess) being counterculture ends up being critical of certain aspects of culture and Japanese culture is pretty gendered so it's as I see. Some probably enjoy the aspect of being sexually/genderwise ambiguous more than others just like how some are in it for the pussy and others are more for the music etc that's for sure. Besides the anime and game aesthetics is influential esp in 2010s vk and well Traps Are Kawaii. I mean -cough- and it was also influential to so-called genderless kei which again is much about smashing gender boundaries not so much about sexuality which is somewhat in another axis. So yeah to add post 80s X Japan cultural references to what was exposed before these would be some. ( Having Said That, Glammed Rockers Are Charming. )
  24. Rahzel

    Hey, here's the trailer! Pretty fun game if you ask me, also much moaning. Not in the mood to play it right now although I'll probably go back to it in a while and main Godo Tsukasa but lol hey
  25. Rahzel

    Well so Tatsuhisa is now a married man and I feel kinda uncomfortable going to bed listening to some married oldie moaning That's it /end journey as a seiota fujoshi
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