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Everything posted by BrenGun

  1. BrenGun

    DEVILOOF, A band which get's more and more popular, finally they dropped their first album, let's take a listen en check out if the band did grow or that this release is also a waste of money and a pain in the ears. 1.Devil’s Proof It's an SE, just an nice intro, which actually gives a much amazing feeling than most of the songs on this album. 2.ESCAPE The thing I don't like at ESCAPE is the clean singing, also that part, if you listen to the drums, it's just smashing the drum on a pretty worse boring way. Also the high pitch voice in this song I think it's kinda not really need. But what I also don't really like is that BASS and DRUM doesn't really fit each other. a song which is 4:24 I also think it's a bit too long, for me it get a bit of boring after 2 minutes. and the short wtf solo after kinda 3minues. is somehow... yes WTF. But sounded nice tho. 3.Natural Born Killer high on screaming, I on't mean pig scream, just the high metal scream. It's nicely done also the more dark growling. It really fits it. But once again, somehow I do not really get into the drumming beat. Yet, the guitar part is nicely but the bass falls a bit in behind. 4.Return of the Curse This song is a pretty typical visual kei song actually. grunting is fine, the switch between more clean up singing and grunting is also good. However it's not a song which fits in my personal taste. But it's good. 5.DESTINATION This is more a rock than a real metal song. Also it's totally different from the above songs. Somehow this song also sounds a bit familiar, not sure where I did hear some parts of this song. (100% that WOW part, maybe loudness vibe?) this song is 4:35 and sometimes its a bit as you listen to 2 different songs in one. so a shorter version would have done it maybe better? 6.Lover Another long song 4:10 also a bit too long for this type of song. it has nice parts but the end simply sounds not that good anymore as the first minutes of this song. Also this song really let me think of "E.T". 7.InCipit-Instrumental- An instrumental song?! of 4:11! which only gives this album 9 full songs. while listen to this song, it also reminds me of some other songs, which I can't name out of my head. But guitar parts don't really are amazing and the drums well, could also be more amazing in a fully instrumental song? Wouldn't mind if they didn't put this one on the album. 8.EGOIST It's far not bad, but somehow it also sounds a bit as a mess, also the random fast guitar solo... the heavy beat which isn't that heavy. Don't know. It doesn't leave a memory after playing it. 9.M.F.JAP worse lyric, melody isn't that bad does fit the way of singing very good. but it sounds more hiphop metal while other songs sounded much different. If the lyric was more nice I would have rate it better. also after 1½ min I did skip the songs. 10.怠惰の罪 It's a nice one, but I still do miss the beat which let me headbang. but the more slow (clean) singing totally annoyed me, but beside that the melody is alright. 11.HERO=MURDER Last song, also their best song. crazy heavy headbang level is still low, but yet possible. It's a nice one! After all it's not an album which I would purchase for the original price, the album doesn't let me headbang or going crazy on their melody, I miss some real beat between the bass and drums. Yet Keisuke vocal is listenable it's not annoying. With this album they at least proof that they could create something which (many) people can enjoy. At least I can listen to it, without thinking that it is pure shit. It's long not perfect but I believe that DEVILOOF can grow at least I really hope that they can really let me headbang next time. After all whatever METAL it is, I should be able to headbang on it and not just stand and give only a little "yes". Also the songs on the album variate too much from each other. releasing them as 2~3 tracks each or just one by one. would have done it too. But yes DEVILOOF did do a good job, this time they didn't release a shame. keep going guys. However they didn't turn me into a fan. (not yet)
  2. BrenGun

    oh their announcement was 3 more live schedules which are hosted by them 2018/3/3 「Far East Butterfly Vol.2」 2018/4/21「Far East Butterfly Vol.3」 2018/5/26 「Far East Butterfly Vol.4」 All be in Ikebukuro Chop
  3. BrenGun

    It's nice to work for my favorite bandman. Also it's nice that my Japanese doesn't need to be perfect, because they accept that I suck in Japanese. (laugh) Glad he and his buddy loves what I create now for them. Can't wait until it's finished! still 1½-2 week(s) to go, then the final tuning can start. And hopefully on sale for fans early January. we will see.
  4. BrenGun

    That one. Laserbeam was the best of that evening, but Apologist was also fun to watch (^_^) However chop closed fast for "fans". (>_<) within about 10min... I still had some stuff for the "bassist". But Lucky I still could stop on of his female "friends" on the street. (I guess she was on the way to a restaurant or something) So I gave her the things, we had a small chat and became friends.
  5. BrenGun

    they write themself that they do restart [NEiN再始動、最初のライヴとなる本公演を是非ともお見逃しなく!] NEiN restart, don't miss our first show! Yes that's correct, Back then they also wrote [今後のNEiNの動向、活動スケジュールに関しましては決定次第あらためてお知らせ致します。] So, they took a break and return again with a restart! Also tomorrow a new announcement of the band! I'm looking forward to it, because I guess it would be a new CD release
  6. BrenGun

    NEiN will restart their activities at 2018/01/06 at takadanobaba Club PHASE. Also the band have a new look Also line-up is Vo:eisuke Gt:舜 (Shun) Gt:健太 (kenta) Dr:拓馬 (Takuma)
  7. BrenGun

    @desertflower304 I'm sorry, didn't know you would be angry. I just don't want that you feel hurt in anyway if it won't be arrive at the person you want to give your present. But good luck!~
  8. BrenGun

    Because some Japanese publishers don't want that oversea people can buy their stuff easy anymore due to much illegal sharing of their music and videos around the world. So it's the Japanese publishers fight against the illegal dark world!
  9. BrenGun

    THE HIGH GRIP - STARDUST CHILDREN from ex-Calmando Qual Hibiki. now also in SARRMATH! Can be bought at CLOSET CHILD
  10. BrenGun

    ↑ not bad, someday I gonna get the CD to my collection when I am in Japan again. (*^^*) the price is too high to get it without customtaxes.
  11. BrenGun

    for such big band you need diehard fans or staff to display your flowers. but even a small bouquet is about 2000~5000yen. I live in a flower country and a 5000yen bouguet in japan is a 10~15euro bouquet in my country. XD the best methode is still to give it to a staff member. food is the best, since such things won't be throwed away. but, I personal only give stuff to small bands. bigger bands often receive so much or don't really care anymore. but food or something usefull is always good. but keep in mind, how bigger how more difficult it will be. and even for smaller bands if you give it to a staff member. it won't be always shared on their social media. so unless you have give it in person you don't always know if it was really received.
  12. BrenGun

    the best gift you can give is food and drinks. or stuff they can use. but never give expensive gifts. flowers often do reach bands as long they are not too big. most bands love flowers but they are very expensive in Japan. crazy price! the question is, to who you wanna give a gift? if a band has more than 300+ fans each live. then just forget about it.
  13. and the songs are amazing again the DEVIZE song is a little bit calm but still with a nice heavy beat. just a damn beautiful song! I hope that my friend is able to catch the free cd at a cd store when it's available! definitly worth to have a real copy too.
  14. BrenGun

    you can find those here: http://www.howls.jp/opinion/nagasawa14578/201711170772/
  15. and damn, the new single is absolute amazing again! Can't wait until December when I got the real copy in my hands 100% not waste of money!
  16. BrenGun

    Nope, I wanted to buy. But if I buy I need to pay customtaxes.. which I don't wanna pay for this CD at all.
  17. BrenGun

    Well, going to your country is far away for most european promotors and not that cheap. Yet if there was a local in your country they might would do it. After all, it's all about the money!
  18. band exist since 2008... Also Ex-Calmando Qual, Kenka was a part of this band until he left Calmando Qual in october(?) 2013. It's just normal rock, nothing visual and such. Yet I think it's good. But I never saw them live. (However, I saw them kinda just without a bass player and more acoustic in 2016) They play a lot in Ikebukuro Chop
  19. THE HIGH GRIP released their first mini album - STARDUST CHILDREN - at 2017/11/03 and is available to purchase at closed-child. Price is 1620yen (tax-in) THE HIGH GRIP is ex-Calmando Qual, SARRMATH vocalist ROCK'N'ROLL band. TRACKLIST 1.ロックスター (ROCK STAR) 2.バタフライ (Butterfly) 3.バイバイ! (Bye Bye!) 4.シリアルキラー (Serial Killer) 5.トゥナイト (Tonight) some songs can be heard here 2017: THE HIGH GRIP are~ Vocal: Hibiki (ex-arg:noël, ex-Calmando Qual, SARRMATH ) Guitar: ムーミン (Moomin) (ex-REDEL) Drums: 新造 (Shinzo)
  20. True that And yes, it's good to hear other points of view, even tho I would like to read it more in a longer story, than just a few words as " they are worse, etc". And if you see always the same person bashing a band, it gives more a feeling of "if you don't like them, stop following them, or just say nothing" As I also did read from someone that they don't like this PV, because it can cause the "want" to commit "suicide". Which i do agree too~ But yeah, it's all the taste Yet I hope people will give this band a chance, not that you need to turn in a fan, but simply that you can accept this band.
  21. You totally bash a good song. Merry Badend is a great band. They don't have annoying pig scream, or bad grunting or growling. It's a band to have fun with, a band you can enjoy. And they also play music which don't let your ears bleed. It's enjoying to listen to them on CD and also going to their concert to have much of fun. So yes, they are not bad, they are fun, they are good. Simply much better than most visual kei bands now days. Merry badend gives you, a good sound and an amazing evening. And that's also something I do expect from bands. Maybe they aren't the best band of the best, of course there are greater bands around, yet from the bands living now, they belong in the top. I've seen and heard many many many worse bands.... And I still hope, people will give this band a chance and try to get into them. They are good and it's an hardworking band. Also a band who didn't disband because they "lost" their drummer. While many other visual bands, disband. And I am glad, that at least Japanese visual kei fans falling in love more and more with this band.
  22. Lol, so many bands add a filter to a voice. Anyway he doesn't sing that bad and I'm sure if you would watch a full live that it is truly amazing and fun. Also their Japanese fan base is growing and growing, so they can't be that bad or being a mess at all. They are doing great. And if you dislike them so much, just don't follow them, don't listen to them, just ignore them. And oshare, well why not, it's fun after all Truly not bad and absolute fun to go to~
  23. of course they are. they are also listed on the SW website.
  24. BrenGun

    just, no... they started with a good sound. But, changed into not so good..... !Σ( ̄□ ̄;)
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