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Everything posted by BrenGun

  1. Yo folks, I'm wondering about your thought's why bands break up within 5 years. Now days bands sometimes disband before they start or even give up within year. Which reasons can be behind this, any thought's? A too big dream to get fast popular Fan jealousy (Aka, it get's leaked that a member has a girlfriend or woman he shares the bed with) Fan jealousy (Other kind of trouble) Fan hate (For whatever reason) Band jealousy (Yes, that also exists, sometimes other bands get Jealous and makes it almost impossible to continue) Not be able to pay their dept A member to be a dick to steal all money A member to be a dick to disappear out of nothing A member leaves the band Not supported by a live house anymore (Sometimes bands can play because they get support) Lost connections (If they are friends of bands, its more easy to play at venues, etc) Fired from a label (happens in secret too) Bad sales No real heart for music Started a band only for money Thinking looks brings in money Creating Trash music (Aka, can't really play their instruments) That's what I think of... If you look at rock and punk bands, they also are poor and have difficulties to gain money from fans and to gain fans isn't always that easy too. But they keep on going and work daily hard to pay for studio and band costs. And of course some longer living visual kei bands are also that way, only handful of fans, but yet going. Even if a member does leave the band, for whatever reason, bands keep on going. (often they only quit if a vocalist drops out the band) If a band does go on a break or will disband after a year of 5... I would say, okay you have tried. But anything lesser than that.... Also if a vocalist will leave a band, I agree of starting over under a new name. However it's not 100% necessary as we also saw bands going under the same name. So why are those young bands giving up this fast? Do they really need to quit? MH reasons; musical differences laziness Doing bands indefinetely is impossible. (decide to get a real job). Can't deal with popularity Member taken away to a different band
  2. BrenGun

    1 year and 8 months and then just giving up... I wonder how fast bands now days wanna be popular... If they look around good there are only less bands who really gain much popularity within 2~5 years... And beside that... if you cannot sing, if you cannot play your guitar, people won't support you fast too, since now days there are many ikemen guys who start a band, enough choice which dude you gonna support with your money
  3. BrenGun

    disbanding huh, well... happens. Didn't really saw anything thing of them around lately.
  4. BrenGun

    I wonder did anybody ever noticed his Dystonia? Should be worse if he need to quit because of it. Can't be unnoticed?! Well I hope it's not just a lie to get out of the band or music world. (We have seen musicians who say they are sick/in pain but join or start a new band... for example Yuga from Merry Badend.) Just saying, I'm not insulting anyone. I also guess DADAROMA will come back with a new drummer, if not they don't take music seriously.
  5. BrenGun

    you cannot with LINE
  6. BrenGun

    LebensEnde will disband at 11/01 at Nagoya next holiday. also the band will release a last single this autumn. details will be announed on a later date. 『淡雪』 収録曲 1.淡雪 (awayuki) 2.頭 (Atama) source, https://ameblo.jp/lebensende-zetu/entry-12393115709.html?timestamp=1532604298
  7. BrenGun

    True, but we basically kinda always only save up vkei data tho... But if there are enough people interested in also to know about non-vkei I could add those bands... but I already miss a bunch of those bands.. so if someone could help out with that? would be nice? @madygrain Thanks will add soon!
  8. BrenGun

    non-vkei 'll didn't add any of those bands. I will add, if people here wish them(non-vk) to be added too.
  9. BrenGun

    To keep the topic more clean.. and that we don't get 100 of pages of corrections... unless you are willing to delete those comments once corrected? For Gargoyle it's yet unknown if he really will continue solo as Gargoyle or if he will restart it with "new member". Didn't the vocal said, he will continue no matter what? We will see what the future will bring.
  10. BrenGun

    true, should be new band. but also for those corrections in the future please DM!~
  11. BrenGun

    Ah just did read the break as 無期限活動休止 So, it's an never ending break. aka disband. (T_T)
  12. BrenGun

    ///Do you miss a band? Just drop it as a comment or as a DM. ///Please use "search" to gain more information about the band (status), and to discuss the happening. ///I didn't list the non-vk bands, but if someone can help me out I could also start adding those~ LAST update: 2018/12/21 I update once or twice a month. Please DM me if I missed a name. NEW BANDS / RESTART | currently 121 bands?! BANDS ON A BREAK (活動休止) (Real break, 90~100% coming back) DISBAND /indefinitely hiatus(解散/無期限活動休止) (94 bands)
  13. But I still wonder is he really gay? or just a person who loves to DRAG? since not all dragqueens are gay there are a bunch who are straight or bisexual. Somehow I just see KAYA as a person who tells the world that a dude can dress up as a "woman too, whenever he want". I mean in his casual life he looks as a normal guy.
  14. BrenGun

    Seems 17 yes and 3 no after a week. I guess that seems to be a YES, even if the poll would be open longer. So I guess it's a go? @Zeus
  15. BrenGun

    Now days, the free magazines you see around are more popular than the paid ones in the stores. but those also come and go. But for which bands are you looking to find information from?
  16. BrenGun

    they are too egoist(thinking they are a good designer themselves) or too poor to pay a designer.
  17. I guess rerecordings, but please ask mimi. maybe he answers that question.
  18. What's the difference between melancholic and melancholy? *edited, anyway next time, since you are mod, be free to edit my post with corrections.
  19. The Velvet "new" album re-release 「再上映禁止の水玉キネマ」(Saijouei kinshi no mizutama kinema) price: 3000 yen (3240 tax-in) release: 2018/9/9 (pre-release 8/31 at ikebukuro chop) Tracklist: 1.禁曜ロードショウ (Kinyobi Roadshow) 2.迷い猫のドォリス (Mayoi neko no Doris) 3.致死量メランコリィ (chishiryou Melancholy) 4.Candy Night Lover 5.ストリッパー (Stripper) 6.溺れる人魚 (Oboreru ningyo) 7.変態 (Hentai) 8.ダレカサンガ コロンダ (Dare kasan ga Colonda) 9.同じ月を見ている (Onaji tsuki wo miteiru) 10.感染するアンドロイド (Kansensuru Android) 11.君が見た夢 (Kimi ga Mita yume) 12.真夜中のサーカス (Mayonaka no Circus)
  20. BrenGun

    the last live will be 6000yen... If it was cheaper I would have checked it out.
  21. BrenGun

    thats a pity... but well less fans breaks up bands.
  22. Any official RIP announcement why VisualVice has been end?

    1. Zeus


      well there's always mh if you guys feel like concentrating any leftover effort here @Shaolan974

    2. Mamo


      Pretty sure he already is. Have you seen his contributions to the news section? lol

    3. Zeus


      i meant for the rest of the team as well. many of the names mentioned in that good bye post are also here. idk what roles they fulfilled there but there is always room at MH for people willing to contribute.

    4. Show next comments  87 more
  23. Hi, I already hold a kind of list where I do put all the names of bands who did disband and start this year. I also added bands who did go on a break(a break with a 100% coming back only). I wonder if people are interested in such list?? I didn't keep up with, WHEN a band disbanded (since for that you can use the search function), But I only saved the name. If so, I will also drop the list over here on MH. example
  24. The☆Pink'99 will release their first maxi-single at their upcoming live 07/21 at 早稲田ZONE-B.(Waseda ZONE-B). This single will be 500yen and only live venue sold. Tracklist: 錆びた歯車 デタラメな melody Goal 夢のカケラ you.can.free Recording digest youtube (please subscribe!!! -> even if you think it's pure shit, please do m(_ _)m) twitter Website Schedule (more to add soon?!) 07/21 早稲田ZONE-B.(Waseda ZONE-B). 08/12 早稲田ZONE-B.(Waseda ZONE-B) 09/01 池袋CHOP (Ikebukuro Chop) Youtube CD JACKET
  25. BrenGun

    I love the dislike of the gazette fans calling something really amazing TRASH. ❤ Totally did expect this all.
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