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Everything posted by Azaeroe

  1. Azaeroe

  2. Azaeroe

    Been composing sonnets, not reading.
  3. Azaeroe

    I found the lawyer interesting and the part about how modern Japanese law was formed - out of an amalgamation of Vedic and Roman law. As for the asshat comment, did you mean the protagonist's pretending to have visited a geisha? Also, do you plan on reading the whole of the tetralogy? I did not.
  4. Azaeroe

    Structure and Qur'anic Interpretation Then, Greek history, Homer, a Roman architectural text, Roman history, Italian history, Herodotus, Thucydides, Plutarch, Petrarch biography, D'Annunzio biography, novels by D'Annunzio, Virgil's song of Aeneas, other Latin poets and non-Homeric Greek poets, such as Sappho and Nonnos.
  5. Azaeroe

    Neither are comprehensive biographies of the prophet, unfortunately.
  6. Azaeroe

    If it is in the bookstore. I read a pretty bad one by some SJW type who did not really know what she was writing about, so I hope to buy a new text.
  7. Azaeroe

    Words by Jean-Paul Sartre. After this, I would like to concern myself with a biography of Muhammad, secondary literature and the Quran. After that, Alice, Journey, Eliade's diary and Parzival.
  8. Azaeroe

    By the end of the semester I would like to have read historic texts pertaining to the Nineteenth Century US as well as the essays of Emerson, Leaves of Grass, a biography of Whitman, Dickinson and her biography as well.
  9. Azaeroe

    A piece of literary criticism by Mister Ezra Pound as well as a novel by Mister Percy Wyndham Lewis.
  10. Azaeroe

    The Sacred Wood - Thomas Stearns Eliot
  11. Azaeroe

    Collected Poems - Mister William Butler Yeats
  12. Azaeroe

    Young Eliot - Robert Crawford
  13. Azaeroe

    poesy by rainer maria rilke
  14. Azaeroe

    Der Wagner Clan - Jonathan Carr
  15. Azaeroe

    Didn't realise there was a thread like this here. Lately I've read Decameron, the Prose Edda, Presocratic philosophy, a Yeats biography, some criticism from Baudelaire, parts of Ulysses and parts of the bible. I am currently reading Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis, who wrote Narnia. It is an introduction to Christianity which was adapted from some radio talks he made during WWII. I thought it would just be for Anglicans, but he states it is for all Christians. After that I plan on reading The Outline of Sanity by Chesterton, which outlines the political philosophy known as Distributism. Other vague interests include the Mahabharata and a book on the influences of Greek culture on Wagner which I have ordered and should come in January. I should probably return to Homer, Virgil and Ovid. My initial plan was to develop an understanding of classical philosophy, which would lead to an understanding of Christian philosophy and ultimately later philosophers as well, but I might just stick with Plato, Aristotle, Augustine and Aquinas and start attending church, together with my reading of the bible and Lewis/Chesterton. My understanding of political philosophy could rest on Distributism. I see no need to concern myself with Marx or Burke. And last but not least I would like to read Tacitus and maybe some Irish history.
  16. Azaeroe

    Preferred the costumes, video and song in general from the first single, which I thought was brilliant and listen to almost daily.
  17. Azaeroe

    I like the drummer.
  18. Azaeroe

    The new title song is okay. I prefer their older songs.
  19. Azaeroe

    Gunbuster & Mononoke, maybe.
  20. Azaeroe

    Hello. I'm quite new to Visual Kei, but I've listened to J Pop and annie may openings etc. for several years. I hope to become a regular member here. Azaeroe
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