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Everything posted by Azaeroe

  1. I was homeschooled until the age of fourteen, at which point I passed an examination which allowed me to enter uni three years before some others, four years before most. I only achieved this because my father raised me alone, very strictly and pretty much educated me himself in many fields, he being an academic, himself. I suppose there is some level of cognition also necessary, but I won't boast about that. I just completed my first semester of Aegyptology and Classics and I have to say, the modern university is a joke. I plan on dropping out and visiting Sued-Tirol in order to make connections and become a poet.
  2. Azaeroe

    So there is this girl with glasses, who braids her hair in my Tutorium on Tuesday's and who will presumably be in some of them next semester, but I don't really know what to do next.
  3. Azaeroe

    lucky jim - kingsley
  4. Azaeroe

    canti d'annunzio
  5. Azaeroe

  6. Azaeroe

  7. Azaeroe

  8. Azaeroe

    nesbit bio
  9. Azaeroe

    speak mnemosyne then maybe chaucer, nesbit and coburn bios.
  10. Azaeroe

    Lady Gregory's Complete Irish Mythology
  11. Azaeroe

    d'annunzio bio
  12. Azaeroe

    book of the dead
  13. Azaeroe

  14. Azaeroe

    David Crystal, The Stories of English (London, 2004)
  15. Azaeroe

    T R A K L (bio) (in German)
  16. Azaeroe

    blake bio also have a lec on him in Jan
  17. Azaeroe

    Was re-stalling Eliot's Dante essay. Going to stall meme Figgis and swipe some verse crit.
  18. Azaeroe

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