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Everything posted by Azaeroe

  1. Azaeroe

    gawain 2ndary lit pound 2ndary lit
  2. Azaeroe

    D'A bio
  3. Azaeroe

    gawain & all that old shite
  4. Azaeroe

  5. Azaeroe

    eliot bio
  6. Azaeroe

    Das Nibelungenlied
  7. Azaeroe

    essays by eliot
  8. Azaeroe

    yeats bio
  9. Azaeroe

  10. Azaeroe

    want a bio of laforgue p bad
  11. Azaeroe

  12. Azaeroe

    charlie & the chocolate factory
  13. Azaeroe

    laforgue bio
  14. Azaeroe

    bazdulj budge bio
  15. Azaeroe

    insel - loy
  16. Azaeroe

    still reading gaudeamus but would like to read insel by loy next here are some quotes - The purpose of life is not happiness, but rather heroic accomplishment. Every soul encompasses potential heroism, I thought. But every soul flickers for a few adolescent years with heroic visions, before resigning itself to mediocre values, before submitting to the lives of others, shrivelling & finally perishing. Why should I not be a soul, which no matter what the sacrifice required, attained heroism? Who could know? Perhaps I would be victorious in my pursuit of heroism. But then the victory itself would no longer have any meaning, but only the tireless striving toward it. works & days, p60 ethics should crystallise as a result of lived experience niska, p76 One who struggles with all his might to make certain spiritual values that greatly transcend the common spirituality become tangible, flourish & spread. One who goes beyond the human. One who renouces the way others live, in order to live ascetically, like a saint, all because he has sworn to achieve those things he has set out to do. hermitage, p91 Why should I not […] master the asceticism of universal erudition? Of course, it is not possible to master everything; but it is possible to gather & assimilate the essence of human genius. I will require five, ten, fifty years. And then I will be able to say: I have recreated myself, through assiduous labour, toiling in obscurity; I have transcended my species, because in my soul & mind are gathered together all the fruits of human labour; from whose seeds will grow forests, fields of crops, gardens. mysteries, p117 no one finds salvation but the insane nemesis, p148
  17. Azaeroe

    planning on reading bazdulj meanwhile reading gaudeamus
  18. Azaeroe

    Some books I'll be reading in the coming week or two - Briefe an einen jungen Dichter - Herr Rainer Maria Rilke Some book on Jurisprudence Felix Krull - Herr Thomas Mann David Copperfield - Mister Charles Dickens Dictung & Wahrheit - Herr Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Der Nomos der Erde im Völkerrecht des Jus Publicum Europaeum - Herr Carl Schmitt Other authors I may read over the month - Sehic Bazdulj Parvulescu Sarotar Flisar Krecic Thales Thucydides Sappho Nonnos Rhodius
  19. Azaeroe

  20. Azaeroe

    want to read cendrars but it ain't here
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