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Everything posted by yuugure

  1. I'm looking for the kanji so I can translate the lyrics into English. Can't seem to find anywhere. Nevermind, found them. Posting translation soon.
  2. yuugure

    Both songs suck so much. Neither of them can sing and the music sounds like something teenagers would rave to. Can we just delete the thread? They're not worth anyone's time.
  3. yuugure

    Adding my unecessary two cents. AoT season 3 OP is just awful. As a song on its own it's meh at best. Yoshiki really needs to find something else to do that isn't music related, maybe working at the conbini. He's wasted so much time talking about this new album that's never coming. What an unproductive life.
  4. Super excited but it'll be sad if a track is wasted with Ningen wo Kaburu.
  5. yuugure

    Absolute garbage. And Koichi can't sing for shit, the autotune makes it sound even worse. Tsuzuku's voice was always bad so no changes there. What a disappointment.
  6. yuugure

    Cannot unsee 'meme'. Hopefully their music is better than their name and that awful logo.
  7. Here's the next translation in the 死因 (shiin) series. What's Batsu's cause of death this time? It's kurashi―day-to-day life, or more simply, 'living'. --- Kanji Romaji English
  8. Here's another Mamireta translation, this time for 死因:わからん (Shiin: Wakaran). I managed to get my hands on the kanji for 死因:暮らし and 死因:無視 too courtesy of ZERO so expect translations for those. The kanji for 食べたい (Tabetai) was on Jpopasia so I'll do that at some point as well since there was a request for it in the Ojamashimasu thread. As before, any suggestions or feedback welcome. And what did you think of this song? --- Kanji Romaji English And just for fun:
  9. yuugure

    No words.
  10. Generic idol sound laced with horrendous screams. They really need to stop, this is their 3rd incarnation. At least they dropped the long-ass name from before though.
  11. I like the sound of 人間を被る, I'm a bitch for Kyo's screams so I've got everything I need. First time I've heard of Ash, had to look it up. This new version sounds really good. Not even worth mentioning the live recording of Utafumi. I like that song but it should be a crime to put such an awful recording on a single and make people pay for it. Kyo sounds horrendous.
  12. If it's anything like Doku Mawaru then my body is ready.
  13. yuugure

    Excited to see what they're all about. Anything's better than Mejibray.
  14. yuugure

    They never make their names very searchable do they? Welp, let's wait and see what they're all about.
  15. yuugure

    Was hoping they wouldn't release a sequel to MASTURBATION. Guess they finally got laid. Catchy but forgettable.
  16. @Manji 卍 Here's a rough translation attempt at the first 24 seconds, because I can't make out a lot of the rest of it. I also can't hear what he says before 'koko' in the last line I translated. If anyone knows, I'd love to know! boku wa shindeshimaitai [I want to die] mamireta... shiin gurashi [mamireta... cause of death: living] moufu wo maite kubitsuri jisatsu [I'll tie up the blanket and kill myself by hanging] kusuri wo nonde yakubutsu jisatsu [I'll swallow this medicine and die from an overdose] kemuri wo taite rentan jisatsu [I'll light the fumes and smoke myself out] [...] koko kara tobiori jisatsu [I'll kill myself by jumping from up here]
  17. Finally! Been waiting to hear new material from them.
  18. yuugure

  19. yuugure

    This looks fun, I'm in. 2018 Ratings Waiting for release/listening to:
  20. Jeez, I can't believe it. He was so good at what he did - he always stood out to me the most during the times I saw them live. Really no words. RIP.
  21. Was not expecting that... their sound is so distinct and every track is so damn catchy. Really sad to hear this news.
  22. Went ahead and translated this addicting song by request from @platy. Although I work in translation I don't have much experience translating lyrics but I hope you guys enjoy. Just a couple of notes. For anyone that doesn't know, "ojamashimasu" doesn't really have a direct translation. It literally translates to "I'm going to be a nuisance/bother" and is usually used when entering someone's house in Japan to acknowledge that your host is allowing you to "intrude" (enter) their house. Although "ojamashimasu" is said multiple times throughout the song I tried to translate it in various ways that I personally believe conveys the meaning of their usage in the song better. The whole song is one big perverted metaphor for intruding on, or more specifically violating a girl. Note: "Chome" is one part of Japan's crazy address system and denotes districts of a town. The song basically travels through different districts (district 1, district 2 etc) which are also metaphorical. He's going to ojamashimasu every part of the girl. English translation is my own and I wrote up the romaji myself. Kanji taken from Batsu's official Twitter (https://twitter.com/BATSUmamire). Any feedback/suggestions welcome! --- Kanji Romaji English
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