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Everything posted by TheZigzagoon

  1. TheZigzagoon

    Legit wouldn’t be surprised if the music in these member promos are just SE’s that are more fitting to a video like that, I don’t think there’s a need to worry that this is what DIMLIM are gonna sound like now
  2. TheZigzagoon

    Put in a preorder for Oni by Deviloof
  3. I’d leave too if I was in a band called ‘Rimcat’ 🐱🍩👅👅💦💦
  4. TheZigzagoon

    Another perspective to look at as well is that a lot of the time, people only like to hear what they’re hoping to hear, and when someone adds a bit of realism to a situation, it can lead to them feeling like their problem really is a big problem. So I wouldn’t blame yourself, and I’m also not saying it’s other people’s fault because I don’t know their situation, but I’m hoping this provides you with a bit of comfort on the matter! Please tell me that made sense btw. I’m super tired! XD
  5. I had a throwback to my childhood and bought a Gwen Stefani album and live DVD the other day and the nostalgia!! Is it wrong to go from enjoying music from the likes of DIMLIM to fucking Gwen Stefani? XD 

  6. TheZigzagoon

    Seeing an ex member of MIZTAVLA here instantly has me interested! I’ll be following!
  7. TheZigzagoon

    That was actually pretty decent!
  8. TheZigzagoon

    Nightmare NOT THE END 2DVD + CD Limited edition Nightmare - Scums Some nightmare off-shot DVD's from their Majestical Parade era Gwen Stefani - Love. Angel. Music. Baby. Gwen Stefani - Harajuku Lovers Tour DVD
  9. TheZigzagoon

    Interestingly enough, Coca Cola was one of the reasons I ended up with nodules on my vocal chords, the acidity caused it. So yeah, the health hazards of cola are vast xD
  10. Those vocals are disgustinggggg
  11. Just went on my first night out and woooow it was wild! XD 

  12. So it’s my birthday in just under a month, and people find it weird or sad that I don’t celebrate it?


    Can anyone else relate? Like, it’s just another day to me

    1. plastic_rainbow


      i buy myself a little present, treat myself to some dessert and proceed to my regular day lol

    2. Gesu


      I had my eighteenth last year, and this is how the average conversation regarding it went:


      Friend: Oh, you turned eighteen? What did you do for your birthday?

      Me: The college induction day. First time I've ever been in school or college for my birthday.

      Friend: ...You didn't do anything?

      Me: Well, I went out to dinner with my family the day before.

      Friend: ...Didn't you go out drinking?

      Me: I don't drink. Besides, that ain't how it works when you're an adult. If you wanna get drunk, you go out, buy the alcohol from a shop, then drink it in your underwear in front of a cartoon.


      Most of my friends are younger than me, so they'll know this soon enough. They'll get old like me one day, and then they'll realise.

  13. TheZigzagoon

    Kpop stans are wild, and not in a good way!
  14. TheZigzagoon

    I’m looking forward to never being able to afford a copy of this!
  15. TheZigzagoon

    What are we legit gonna do if we’ve been hyping all this time and then the song turns out to be legit awful? XD Hopefully, it’ll be good!
  16. Noah (ex-Avanchick) is now part of a non-visual band called NeoScience (I can’t remember where the capital letters are in their name). I believe he goes under a different name now too Yomi from Nightmare also seems to have gone non visual with his band TAKE NO BREAK, he also goes by his real name Jun Chiba
  17. TheZigzagoon

    What is up with the vocalists voice that sounds awful, very nasally
  18. TheZigzagoon

    I think the youtuber/musician Jared Dines giving them a listen on one of his videos helped a lot, and I’m so happy for them!
  19. TheZigzagoon

    Despite this being an obvious April Fools joke, I can totally see Gackt doing this
  20. Ordered most of the Jeffree Star ‘Blue Blood’ Collection on Friday for my fiancée and myself, it’s all been dispatched today! 

    1. God
    2. TheZigzagoon


      @God legit gonna be me 

  21. TheZigzagoon

  22. TheZigzagoon

    The entire DVD from Nightmare’s 2009 performance at Budokan had superb vocals, here are some of Yomis best from it! Melody Love Addict Wasurena kusa
  23. TheZigzagoon

    My degree is truly fucked. I got straight up 2(1)’s this entire year, then one lecturer has decided to give me two marks UNDER the pass mark. I’ve appealed it, I just can’t believe I’ve somehow jeopardised my entire degree with one piece of work. I was excited about graduating in July, now I’m just dreading the result
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