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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by chocobuzz

  1. Awesome!! Also it makes me happy how much love Virge has been getting lately. Quite a lot of people seemed to dislike them when they started but now they seem to be getting much more positive attention. ^^
  2. chocobuzz

    If I could marry one fictional character, it would be Balthier from FFXII. I've had a crush on him longer than I've ever had a crush on a real person lol
  3. chocobuzz

    mediena, mediena, mediena... not really surprised haha.
  4. I'll never understand what's the point of keeping everything as a mystery, I just find it kinda dumb
  5. chocobuzz

    That's a cool look! Also this seems to be the first time ryo isn't covering half of his face with his hair, now he's just covering it with a mask or whatever that is I'm kinda wondering if there's a reason for it or something, I've never actually seen his full face lol
  6. There's nothing better than knitting while drinking tea and listening to Final Fantasy soundtracks. Makes me feel so cozy and relaxed.

  7. chocobuzz

    I've been playing Monster Hunter World for a few hours now and I really love it. I've never played a Monster Hunter game before but I've played some similar games so I kinda knew what to expect. It'll probably take me a good while to learn how to get good at it but it's fine, I like games where you actually have to know what you're doing.
  8. chocobuzz

    All kinds of racing/driving games. I own a bunch of different ones, like Dirt 3, Redout and Euro Truck Simulator 2, and I do love all of them though I'm quite terrible at them. I've never actually driven a real car or any vehicle and based on how terribly I drive in games maybe it's best I never will...
  9. chocobuzz

    vo. ryo (virge) ba. tooka (ex-mediena) gt. keito (ex-mediena) gt. rei (ex-mediena) dr. mizuki (ex-mediena) ;___;
  10. I'm studying IT with a bit of business management on the side. I'm mainly aiming to become some sort of a software developer but I'm quite widely interested in all kinds of IT-related things so I'll just see what happens. Who knows what I'll end up being.
  11. chocobuzz

    This was quite interesting
  12. dadaism#4 is so good.

  13. chocobuzz

    Played Darksiders 3 for 40 minutes and refunded it lol. I knew the game was a bit different from the previous Darksiders games but it ended up bugging me more than I had expected. I'll probably just watch a let's play of it on youtube at some point if I'm bored... Well, gonna just replay Darksiders 1 & 2 once again. I love them so much.
  14. chocobuzz

    Apparently someone of my neighbors got a dog. It keeps barking and whining every day all day and all evening... The noise doesn't really bother me, I just wonder if everything's ok with the dog. It sounds so sad and it makes me sad.
  15. The romaji lyrics can be found here- https://www.jpopasia.com/01gnogosan/lyrics/359004/yuugai-menhera-doll/yuugai-menhera-doll-有害メンヘラドール/
  16. even with a fairly weird look like that minpha still manages to look pretty good the guy with the short green hair though... umm no
  17. chocobuzz

    I've been playing Spyro Reignited Trilogy for a few hours now and I love it. I logically started playing the third game first because that's the one that has a special place in my heart and is the most meaningful one to me. I was a bit worried if the remastered version would still have the same kind of a feel as the original one did but I think they've managed to do it really well. Sheila's character design looks a bit funny to me though, I think it's mainly because of the funny hair haha. All in all, I'm enjoying the game a lot so far.
  18. chocobuzz

    A (few days early) birthday gift from me to me. DAMY hoodie and album 「自己中心的リミッター」
  19. I'm having a wisdom teeth removal surgery today and I'm slightly terrified. Not sure if I'm more scared of the surgery itself or the possible pain or other complications that may come afterwards. I can't handle pain at all...

    1. BrenGun


      the pain after is the worse

    2. colorful人生


      Yea, just make sure to follow all of the post-operative instructions. The worst thing to get is dry socket, which usu. shouldn't be an issue (there is like a 2% chance of getting it...which happened to me...) If you do feel intense regional pain and see whitish bone, use clove oil to relieve the pain.


      If you're hesitant about really strong pain relievers/opioids, you can use Ibuprofen(Motrin) in conjunction with Acetaminophen (Tylenol). They're both helpful in the case of tooth removal.


      It'll be fine. I've had to have my wisdom teeth and two back molars removed (due to internal resorption b/c long-term braces screwed w/ my dentin.) Smooth process for all of them.

    3. chocobuzz


      It's now been 7 hours since the surgery and luckily I've had no pains yet, the left side of my jaw is just a bit swollen. They removed both my lower wisdom teeth so the numbness on both sides was pretty terrible. The surgeon said the operation was a bit tricky since the roots of the right wisdom tooth were really close to some nerves in my jaw and if they hadn't gotten some part of the tooth easily out they would've just left it there because there would've been a high risk of permanently damaging my jaw... Luckily they got everything out and everything went smoothly. I got a bunch of painkillers and antibiotics with me too.

      I just googled that "dry socket" and it seems quite scary! I hope I'll be one of those 98% who won't get it haha.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  20. chocobuzz

    They're not bad. Not sure if I necessarily like those songs but they do have some good moments. Maybe with a few more listens I'd get more into them. Still curiously looking forward to the full album though.
  21. chocobuzz

    Damy dressed up as One Piece characters - Soushi as Sanji, Ryo as Luffy, Miharu as Zoro and Sora as Trafalgar Law
  22. chocobuzz

    I want back my 50 seconds that I wasted watching that video
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