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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by chocobuzz

  1. chocobuzz

    Yay for new Jiluka stuff, cry cry for it being live limited...
  2. chocobuzz

    I made an account almost a year ago, then forgot about it and finally started actually using it a few months ago lol. Feel free to stalk my questionable music taste there~ https://www.last.fm/user/pernalastu
  3. chocobuzz

    ヴァージュ - 高潮トキシコーシス I was actually expecting this to arrive on next Monday but surprisingly I got it already today! Finally a pleasant surprise.
  4. chocobuzz

    Today it was "Huh, this isn't kuroyuri to kage" I was having a dream that kuroyuri to kage released a new album and I was listening to it. Then my alarm went off (I have mamireta's ojamashimasu as my alarm currently) and I woke up very confused. Took me a while to realize what was even happening lol
  5. chocobuzz

    I didn't notice that anyone would've mentioned Darksiders 3 here so I might as well mention it here now haha I'm a huge fan of the previous Darksiders games (I liked the first one maybe a bit more than the second one, but I hope this third one will be as good as the first one again~) and I've been waiting for the third game for a few years now. It'll finally be releasing some time this year and I'm really excited for it! I think they're doing a really good job in designing the main character, Fury. She looks badass.
  6. by going to a shitty university where you don't really have to do anything, I don't even remember when I would've last needed to do something university-related on my freetime yeah, uh, time management sounds like a good thing, I guess.
  7. chocobuzz

    Hello from the other side... ~ ♪ ♫ Seriously though, that's a pretty weird name for a band haha
  8. chocobuzz

    Nice! I hope it's gonna be as good as their previous single.
  9. chocobuzz

    Looks good!
  10. chocobuzz

    I've been pretty into the God Eater franchise lately so I got this fun idea that I want to draw Virge as god eaters. I think it turned out pretty cute. I got a bit lazy with the background though...
  11. Well this is quite confusing haha. They sound really good though!
  12. chocobuzz

    I have never been this confused about my sexuality in my entire life. Goddamn.
  13. chocobuzz

    Damn, once again someone's leaving this band... I'm relieved that they're still continuing though. They've been releasing some pretty good stuff lately. I'd be really sad if they'd disband completely.
  14. chocobuzz

    "Incredible" by Xiah Junsu Do you believe in aliens?
  15. I love this silly band.
  16. chocobuzz

    Wow that sounds awesome! I really really like it.
  17. chocobuzz

    Hnnnnghhh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghh. *confused screaming and other very confused weird noises*
  18. chocobuzz

    Wait, is that tattoo on Koichi's back actually real?
  19. I actually like this more than their first single lol
  20. chocobuzz

    Wait what do you mean Deacon isn't a romanceable character in Fallout 4? You can romance a damn ghoul and a robot in this game but not him? Seriously? I am so very upset right now. He's my favorite companion. I won't accept getting friendzoned like this. This is the worst game ever. I only have 184 hours in, could I still get a refund? I want a refund.
  21. chocobuzz

    ヴァージュ - 未練雪 ヴァージュ - 紅いドレス I paid wayyyyyyyyyy too much for these but I regret nothing.
  22. chocobuzz

    I wanted to play Fallout 4 again. Played it for 10 minutes until it suddenly just crashed. Spent an hour solving the crashing problem. Played for a while again, noticed the night sky graphics were weirdly bugged. Tried solving it for quite a while, didn't find a solution. Whatever, it's not game breaking, I can play like this. I played for a while again until I noticed my character's face textures were weirdly bugged too. Spent an hour solving that issue. Then the sky bug started bothering me again and I wanted it fixed, so I spent a good while solving that too. Finally, with no weird texture bugs anymore I happily got to play for ten minutes before the game suddenly just crashed to the desktop again. I give up.
  23. chocobuzz

    I've been playing Fallout New Vegas quite a lot lately (now that I got it at least somehow playable, now it only crashes approximately once every hour whereas before it would crash once every ten minutes... yay progress!). I've been enjoying the setting and environment a lot and the story is definitely better and more interesting than in Fallout 4 that I've also been playing quite a lot. I'll also need to get Fallout 3 at some point, I've heard a lot of good about it so I want to try it out as well.
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