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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by chocobuzz

  1. here's the HD version of the group photo and some slightly different solo photos~ damn aru looks good. //edit: they also posted a little video from the oneman live
  2. chocobuzz

    I should've believed the memes and gone to an actual university instead of this goddamn playschool also known as university of applied sciences. It's seriously just a waste of time... What am I even doing there. Certainly not learning anything, that's for sure.
  3. 「高潮トキシコーシス」album cover was published~ Also they will be distributing 「未練雪」 at their one-man live on 02/12.
  4. chocobuzz

    I got this signed Malisend t-shirt from Mercari. ^^
  5. chocobuzz

    Why can't someone already invent some kind of a teleporting device that would teleport the goods you've bought from an online shop straight to your home immediately. I'd really need that kinda thing.
  6. I'm totally into this!
  7. chocobuzz

    I think Mediena's Keito has a really cute smile ^w^
  8. chocobuzz

    And just as I thought this day couldn't get any worse I somehow managed to spill a huge cup of coffee all over my floor. And my socks. My favorite socks goddamnit ;~;
  9. I like to think that I am my own special someone so I'll probably buy a bunch of chocolates and ice cream for myself, eat them all at once and not feel bad about it at all.
  10. chocobuzz

    We got our project finished two days early which means we can have two whole days off now. Awesome. I think I'm just gonna sleep for two days straight.
  11. chocobuzz

    Nice! Sounds really good.
  12. chocobuzz

    I haven't really paid too much attention to these guys before but after listening to "ARBITER" I think I really gotta start following this band more closely! That single is awesome. I really like the direction they're going.
  13. chocobuzz

    Trying to learn how to use PhotoShop after only using GIMP for nearly 10 years is pretty frustrating. Why is this thing so unnecessarily complicated.
  14. chocobuzz

    Awesome! I've missed him <3
  15. chocobuzz

    What the hell. T~T
  16. chocobuzz

    I had a dream that this one visual kei band announced hiatus because their vocalist got pregnant even though he was a guy. Sadly I don't remember much else of that dream. I have a lot of questions lol
  17. chocobuzz

    Sounds pretty good I think! I like their look too.
  18. chocobuzz

    Let's go~ hopefully this will be a good year.
  19. chocobuzz

    I finished God Eater Resurrection a while ago and moved onto God Eater 2 Rage Burst. They have apparently changed some of the mechanics a bit and I don't really know if I like it or not. It'll probably take me a small while to get used to the changes. As for the characters, they all seem a bit boring at first. And I can't tolerate how goddamn annoying Ciel is. Hopefully she'll get less annoying as the story progresses. Nana is my favorite character so far though, she's so cute.
  20. chocobuzz

    Well damn. I really liked them a lot and was expecting a lot from them...
  21. I saw my friend after a really long time again and I got some really cool stuff from her. ^^ - After Eight chocolates and some fancy green tea - Candleholders and some candles (purple ones, of course. I'm a bit obsessed with the color purple haha)
  22. chocobuzz

    I like the song, it's nicely different from most of the bands nowadays~ I'm really looking foward to what all this band has to offer
  23. ヴァージュ (Virge) will release 2nd minialbum 「高潮トキシコーシス」 on 2018/03/14 (2,500yen) CD 1.toxicosis-SE- 2.共依存 3.ワイセツCandy 4.毒苺 5.深海 6.家族ごっこ 7.オルゴール DVD 1.毒苺 Music Video
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