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qotka last won the day on June 30 2017

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About qotka

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    Kisaki's Errand Boy
  • Birthday July 27

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  1. I may have spent 3 hours today crying at the Budokan because MUCC decided to play their selection of MEGA EMO SHIT (from stuff they released from 1997 to 2006 + some stuff from the new album). I mean I was trying to write something cynical but they started the show with Kuchiki no Tou and ended it with Zuta Zuta so it was like a very delicious emo sandwich. I'll never refuse a good emo-sandwich. 

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    2. Hakoniwa


      wtf they played kuchiki no tou?????? IS THIS FOR REAL?? omg, i didn't think they'd actually play that!! aaah so envious! that's such a great setlist!!! can i still have hope that i can also find that sort of setlist when i finally go see them? i thought all hope was lost! that's wonderful, goddamn, there are no bad songs on this setlist, no bad songs! ç_ç

    3. qotka


      @Hakoniwait was a special early-day setlist, but they did a bunch of tsuuzetsu/homura/zekuu etc. era stuff when they toured earlier this year too. it seemed like they were kinda trying to cover up the fact that TEOTW ever happened (except ender ender lol).


      their next tour (this summer) is gonna be all about their really old stuff, plus they'll be playing super small venues (like rokumeikan in tokyo, which has a capacity of 250) to complete the oldskool atmosphere. so they're hitting that nostalgia-anniversary bandwagon hard and i'm not complaining for even one second.

    4. TrentReznor


      Dont think there was Isho...the song previous to 9gatsu3ka Im pretty sure it was Danzetsu , it was a very good show but I missed some old songs like Aka, Ayatori, Kyousoukyoku or even NO!?, hope there are some surprises today. If they release this show in DVD (which I guess will do) they will need to make some edition...like that extra note from Miya at the end of Zutazuta or the song where Tatsurou forgot the beginning of the second verse and cover the empty places...

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