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Everything posted by heresytrash

  1. heresytrash

    I didn't realize it didn't even have a full dex? But I'm a casual player too, not really into competitive battling or trying since I know my team is basic. (They get me through the game, but yeah not going anywhere with an Eevee I can't even evolve) The only character I seem to not like is Hop, but I never liked the friendly rival thing they started having. I liked Blue because he gave you a reason to dislike him, rather than "I'm your best friend! But I'm going to beat you!" and then get depressed when you beat them in turn. Otherwise characters are great in this game. I do like Raihan, maybe a little too much.
  2. heresytrash

    Haven't received it yet, but bought GOTCHAROCKA's new single Chirality.
  3. heresytrash

    I also think that most k-pop fans ride on the awards so much that when their group doesn't win something, they cry foul and attack the group that actually won. Blackpink won over BTS, which sent their fandom into a full blown tantrum and honestly I cringed so hard. Stuff like that just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
  4. heresytrash

    I honestly would smack him if I could, and doesn't seem like someone I'd be friends with irl smh. But I do like the game, I even like the newer pokemon. The only qualm I have is I got an Eevee for playing the game beforehand, but it won't let me evolve it :C I want a Vaporeon.
  5. heresytrash

    Pokemon Sword seems alright so far, but am I the only one who's extremely annoyed at their rivals now? I'd rather have someone like Blue (Gary) again.
  6. Oh my god I was supposed to do a Visual Kei panel for a convention three years ago, and I found my powerpoint. This did not age well. Though I'm wondering if I should try again, though would like someone to help me with some of the history as some of the stuff I got was just from Wiki lolol

  7. heresytrash

    I never noticed the other vk bands omg. I just remembered watching this show cause that's what my sister always put on and this popped up, I yelled at the TV and my sister gave me a look like I was insane. Sad they labled it Japanime. Would've been interesting to see if they could pull off a vkei photoshoot, but then again that would turn out cringy.
  8. heresytrash

    Does anyone remember the Gazette cosplayers who showed up in a clip on America's next top model?
  9. I can probably lose complete interest in the GazettE, and Aoi will still have my heart. 

  10. I'm going to be blunt and say that my oldest brother, the oldest out of us seven, is not a good human being and an abuser. Because of this, certain members of my family find it hard to get along with them, though it wasn't the lack of trying. The crimes he did were so heinous and had such a negative impact, with no real acknowledgment from him or apology that it was too hard to keep civil anymore even for my mom's sake. My mom states that she's the only one who has faith in him when he's never really done anything to redeem himself and gets mad when I dont acknowledgme anything he does. As of late he wasn't invited to my sisters wedding and he's not invited to my brothers wedding either at his fiance's request to protect her child. If I get married he won't be invited either, I barely consider him family anymore. However the way she talks about our trauma with him is odd, that if any regular Joe schmoe did this to us she'd want his head. She expects the victim to just realize he's "trying his best" despite he keeps playing victim. Like he hasn't caused any psychological damage to his victims at all and his wife says they're being over dramatic about it. How can I relay to my mom that even though he's her son, and our brother, his actions are just way too severe and we dont owe him any sympathy or forgiveness? If this topic is too heavy feel free to delete it, I just had to get it off my chest.
  11. I missed the Anime convention I attended every year for almost 10 years this year, and I'm kind of glad I did. I didn't miss the screaming, perhaps I'm getting too old for that crowd. Though I have fond memories, it is where I met my nerd of a boyfriend after all.

  12. heresytrash

    I never had an issue with Lazy ones as I think some people are just casual listeners to music anyways and like what they like. Hell I found a guy who didn't even listen to music at all, at least on his own accord. I think the one I had an issue with is the Vkei/jrock fans who are much like the kpop fans who refuse to acknowledge western music. Which is sad because most of the bands they like are inspired by bands from the west. Also I had a friend whose only complaint on one album of a Japanese band is that it sounded 'too western' and I honestly don't know what she meant by that or why it was a problem. I know she won't listen to coldrain because of that reason, like does Masato have to sing in Japanese for you to be interested? Must be boring to live like that.
  13. Hyde did great, but his bangyas are wild. 

    1. psychonnect_rozen


      What was up with the fans?

    2. heresytrash


      With Gazette it was the overseas bangya who crowded staff and the band, but when I left I watched the Japanese bangya basically rush staff. Granted there wasn't a whole bunch of them but I thought that was too much ha ha


      I just got a weird vibe from some of them though. Granted most of them kept to themselves but the way some of them looked at the headliners fans was odd.

  14. heresytrash

    If someone did that to me I stg I'd get into it. During one ok rock this tall girl fell back on me causing me to hit another girl behind me, and got mad when I pushed her off when she didnt move.
  15. heresytrash

    Coldrain had banned it for a while but allowed it, but only on one man shows as to not disrespect the other acts. Gazette playing vortex in 2016 was almost ruined for me cause the person in front whipped out the camera and I couldn't see, like please I'm short as it is. So I think doing this can ruin it for other attendees, if I wanted to watch through a screen I'd have stayed home lol
  16. Seeing HYDE tonight.

  17. heresytrash

    I suppose I worded it weirdly, I'm mainly thinking about someone I know who's actually caused harm and 'admits to doing it' but hasn't made any attempt to formally apologize to me or the victim who has had it much worse from them. Thinking that we owe him any sort of forgiveness for simply 'getting help' when I know he's not remorseful at all and continues to play the victim card on us.
  18. heresytrash

    Not sure if it really is an unpopular opinion, but I don't think there's any redemption for pedophiles/child molestors/child abusers. I don't care how many '12 step programs' there are, there's no redeeming that. (I only bring this up because I literally had to hold myself back from yelling at my own mom)
  19. I lowkey want to start a thread somewhere about this certain person, but it's such a heavy topic I don't know if this site is the place to discuss it.

  20. heresytrash

    Working graveyard is gonna be the death of me one day lol
  21. Someone who didnt draw a comic, changed one part of the dialog is now demanding people dont repost because they 'worked hard to make it on mematic' 😒😒


    Was it too much of me to call them out on it?

  22. heresytrash

    Depends on what I listen to honestly. I think mostly of the furi whenever I listen to GazettE, and try to do them in my head. With BTS and Blackpink I just think of the dances, nothing special.
  23. Whenever something trends on twitter, K-pop stans like to hi-jack with stupid fan cams. 

    Imagine if Vkei fans went that far......or probably they already do and I've not seen it yet. lmao 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. heresytrash


      I say hijacking kpop news with vkei tweets would be funny lol

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      be the change you want to see in the world

    4. psychonnect_rozen


      I wanna do that lol. I already have roasts with my friends about Kpop and VK

    5. Show next comments  9 more
  24. heresytrash

    I played 70 hours of breath of the wild so far. I need a life.
  25. Anyone else here ever been subjected to dave and ava? I dont get to listen to any of my music anymore, my life is full of nursery rhymes.

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