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Everything posted by Seelentau

  1. Seelentau

    LUNATIC FEST. 2018 setlist: NINGEN WO KABURU Sustain the untruth THE FINAL (2013 ver.) audience KILLER LOOP Ranunculus KODOKU NI SHISU, YUENI KODOKU. VINUSHKA UTAFUMI
  2. Seelentau

    I... am not entirely sure who's doing what on the best of album, but if the new singer is singing the old songs, then... it doesn't fit at all. It sounds like the album was made by a cover band... the screams are so raspy, it's making my ears bleed xD They also absolutely butchered "FREEDOM"... oh man... anyway, here's the member list for each song: SAIKA - Vocals on tracks 1-10 and 12-15 RYU - Guitar on tracks 1-15 G.S.R - Guitar on tracks 1-15 Yakky - Bass on tracks 1-15 YASU - Drums on tracks 1-4, 8 and 15 Former members: AKI - Keyboard on tracks 1-15 RYO - Bass and/or Vocals on tracks 2 to 4, 7, 10, 11, 13 and 15 SADEW - Vocals on tracks 3-6, 9, 11 and 13-15 KiKi - Vocals on tracks 12 and 14 GAMI - Drums on tracks 5-7 and 14 Violator - Drums on tracks 9-13 So basically it's an entire fckfest and most of the songs sound shit. 13 & 14 are okay...ish.
  3. Seelentau

    Yup, just Ryu. Shame tbh, they were nice back in the day.
  4. Seelentau

    I have purchased Ningen o kaburu by DIR EN GREY.
  5. Seelentau

    I was literally able to press "Buy now", but it loaded endlessly two or three times, and after another refresh, the tickets were sold out.
  6. Seelentau

    G r e a t Because the 9live servers are shit, I wasn't able to checkout and thus can't attend the VIP for Cologne. Pains me to think that some random weeaboo-Kyosama-hisnameistotallyTooruNishimura-fangirl got the update instead... .___.
  7. Seelentau

    Dir en grey's Kisou band score Kyo's Gasou no Shi 1
  8. Seelentau

    The ride never ends
  9. Seelentau

    There's one particular person like that. But if you're unaware, it's better that way, trust me. I don't think I know anyone in the fandom who's fond of them...
  10. Seelentau

    like this, basically
  11. Seelentau

    ssh, don't say that out loud, else, "that person" might be triggered... ><
  12. Seelentau

    I mean on the drawn hand, of course It just says にしむら, which is a reading for the θ₯Ώζ‘ you can see on the second picture and on the blue picture in the quote. Not that it matters to the casual fan, but I'm 80% sure it's his real last name. As for the first name, well, I have yet to find anything. I imagine that Japanese newspapers published his name back in the day, when he had his first health problems (~2000), but other than that - and especially regarding the other members - I have no clue where the supposed names could've been published^^
  13. Seelentau

    Nishimura on his index finger (in hiragana) and in kanji: So three sources so far for that last name... allegedly, there is also a Nishimura bakery in Kyoto... No idea about the other's names, though...
  14. Heya, I figured I'd ask you here, rather than on chat, don't want to clutter it lol:
    Would you be able to send me scans (or even just photos) of that magazine you mentioned? I looked it up on the internet and wasn't able to find anything, probably because of the generic name lol

    Would be much appreciated :)

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      Sure, I don't have a scanner but I can send you a pic of the magazine when I get home!Β 

  15. Seelentau

    No clue, I don't use lighters, especially not zippos^^ In other news, I worked some more on the band history:
  16. Seelentau

    ah, one of the 30 zippo lighters from the VULGAR raffle is on sale for 22k JPN:
  17. Seelentau

    Ignoring chemistry behind the stage doesn't really help creating a whole picture, either. Fact is, nobody of us knows what exactly is going on with them right now. They're finishing their album and will go on tour this year. Will it be the last one? Who knows. Was there a big fallout during the making of the album? Who knows. Is kaoru_jzhz Kaoru's real instagram account? Who knows.
  18. Seelentau

    To be fair, this sounds like one of those intern joke texts that got added to a translation and then forgotten.
  19. Seelentau

    I almost laughed. For those interested what it actually means: https://yridenergyridenergy.tumblr.com/post/173683501894/translation-of-the-russian-in-dir-en-greys-ningen
  20. Seelentau

    Oh come on, don't believe those words like that. It's more than obvious that they're close-knit brothers. Else, it would be impossible for the band to survive that long. Besides, they've said in multiple interviews that the others are important to them. Kyo said right from the start that he wanted to do a band with those people again, aside of KISAKI, and that even he as an antisocial dude wanted to talk to Toshiya. If there was no internal fight that nobody of us knows of, they're definitely connected by more than just professionalism.
  21. Seelentau

    Yes If anyone is the outsider, it's Kaoru because of his blood-type. Kyo's best friend is probably Toshiya. About the symbolism in the PV: http://silentreggaerockerchick.tumblr.com/post/173691191364/part-1-also-more-about-pinecones-leading-on-from
  22. The short phrase on the back means "soul", btw.
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