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Posts posted by Painkiller

  1. That documentary was pretty shit, too. People like Taiji and Jun got shafted in favor of Yoshiki's special snowflake story.


    X Japan is just a big nostalgia act, and acting like they're going to release another Blue Blood or even Jealousy would be barking up the wrong tree.


    What a joke. Is this even X Japan? I just see it as Yoshiki and pals. Probably always been the case.

  2. Terra Rosa is one of my all-time favorite Japanese bands. Are there any fans of them here? I love Kazue Akao's voice. She just may be my favorite female vocalist from Japan. The Endless Basis is such a near-perfect album. My favorite of the Mandrake Root Records catalog. Masashi Okagaki is a master at the keyboards.


  3. 14 hours ago, Dudemanguy said:

    Scamming 3 million yen from an old woman? Wow, what a scum bag.

    I know, right? Fortunately, he's not the original keyboardist from Concerto Moon, so he won't be missed. I respect Norifumi Shima for being professional about it.


    Concerto Moon is an incredible band. No, they're not visual kei, but if you're into bands like Galneyrus or maybe Versailles, then you'd probably be into their neoclassical/shred metal sound. I'd recommend their first three albums, with my personal choice being Fragments of the Moon. Their CDs are super easy to find, but beware that the aforementioned Concerto Moon album has had some really bad reissues. Get the Mandrake Root Records original that has the much prettier artwork.


  4. Well, I've been lurking Monochrome Heaven for some time, and I decided to open an account here. Really impressed by the high activity rate here. It's great to always find another music forum dedicated to Japan or even any other part of Asia, as that part of the world tends to go ignored by the masses.


    I'm really into a lot of the old school bands, such as Anthem, Terra Rosa, Sabbrabells, Concerto Moon, Sabbat, Bowwow, Sacrifice, Rosenfeld, Abigail, and so on. My tastes in metal are quite diverse, although I don't really listen to genres outside of metal.


    One of my friends on here helps run a forum dedicated to Japanese metal and the like. It's doing quite well. I hope a few of you guys would check it out and let us know what you think. I just really enjoy talking about Japanese metal with my friends.

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